
From Bubberstation Wiki

Welcome to the lore page!

If you're here, you want to know about the world that surrounds Space Station 13. See below for a guide to contributing and all the lore you need to know!

Guide to Contributing Lore

Please note that Lore is a collaborative effort by the community's writers to create a more engaging world outside the metal husk we call a space station. The purpose of lore is not to reinforce or otherwise encourage hatred or exclusion between players, or groups of players. Please note that all lore contained herein are not OOC rules and are expected to be the framework on top of which you make your character, and tell your story. At the end of the day, we want you to be able to create a character you enjoy-- lore should not get in the way of that.

Lore Primer

The year is 2563. As a first, you're a Citizen of The Galactic Federation, which you call your home for the time being (and most likely for the rest of your life). You work for Nanotrasen aboard a Plasma-Researching Space Station / Colony after you were pressured to sign a predatory contract for the company, practically eliminating any opportunity from escaping the Corporation's grasp. Despite this, there is hope in the protections The Federation offers to you as a working employee, allowing you to have some freedoms, but really, don't count on it to get out any time soon.

Another thing you're briefed on routinely is the threat of the Syndicate in the sector you work in. The station you work in is a high-value target for Syndicate agents working to sabotage or steal high-value info on future Nanotrasen plans. Most Syndicate Agents masquerade as crew members, and you're always taught to remain vigilant to Syndicate behaviours.

When it comes to The Federation, the little you remember from your history classes (unless you've done more extensive research), is that The Federation was founded in The Core and the capital is called The Heart, a massive space station housing the grand Senate building, with almost a hundred colony stations orbiting around it. The nation is home to thousands of planets, with seats in the senate distributed by population, most planets getting 1 or 2 seats, with the most populous planets getting even more. Elections run every 5 years.

The Federation is rivaled by a few nations, The Empire of Soato, The Tizirian Empire, and the NRI (New Russian Imperium). Both Tiziria and Soato are usually quiet diplomatically, and some lizards from Tiziria are sometimes imported on work visas to do some of the less desirable jobs. On the other hand, The NRI, however, frequently conducts bandit-like raids on The Federation, especially in the Sol State, which has caused NRI ships to often be conflated with that of Pirates due to their marauder-like nature of raiding stations for their wealth.

Needless to say, good luck on the job.


There are a large collection of nations and factions, from massive empires to coporations to small planetary organizations that fend off the larger players in the universe for independence, there are a monumental amount of collectives that exist in the Known Universe. Below is a list of them and their relevant lore.


Galactic Federation

Soato Holy Dominions

Major Nations

Tizirian Empire

New Russian Imperium (NRI)

Free Lizard's Socialist Republic (FLSR)

Minor Nations

Mothic Nomad Fleets



Syndicate Conglomerate


In such a massive universe, many different species, hybrids, and genemodders coexist. See below for a list of species with their relevant lore.



A sector of space is a large area typically containing a star and several exoplanets, but can include things like nebulae and black hole systems. Space Station 13 is located in the Spinward Sector, in Galactic Federation space. See below for a list of all known sectors.

The Spinward Sector