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Headquarters Earth, Solarian State
Leadership Board of Executives
Demographics No species majority
Administration Megacorporation
Majority Languages Galactic Common, Tizirian Draconic, Mothic
Official Religion Secular Organization

When it comes to the names of big business within the Galactic Federation, no name can even hope to come close to the megalith that is Nanotrasen. To call Nanotrasen a business does not even do it proper justice – it is a pervasive force that has swept aside many naysayers in the name of Profit and Progress – and it continues to do so in modern times.

Nanotrasen’s business profile is extremely diverse. Its primary business interests lie in pharmaceutics and the sciences, however the giant does not merely stop there. Resource extraction operations under NT’s auspices feed a vast industrial complex, churning out everything from basic machine parts to entire starships and orbital complexes.  Many of Nanotrasen’s facilities, thanks to breakthroughs in hydroponics, are self-sustaining or even net exporters of foodstuffs. Nanotrasen also has quite a stake in asset protection schemes. Yet, the most profitable venture Nanotrasen has undertaken has always been the exploration and exploitation of new systems and planets in the name of the Federation, especially when Plasma is involved.


Nanotrasen’s existence as a corporate entity stems back to the time before the Sol Government was integrated into the Federation. In those auspicious times, Nanotrasen was but one of many competitors in the scene of scientific research and High Tech Industries. The Company was a forerunner in the study of plasma, the space race and many other general fields. These ventures made Nanotrasen prominent, but it had yet to eclipse its rivals.

While Nanotrasen was still in the stages of struggling for its piece of the action, the Federation was in the process of unification. Even without the effects of the War with Tiziria in consideration, the fusion of Sol’s markets with that of the greater Federation precipitated a rough climate for business. Many companies would begin to fall off at this point, but not Nanotrasen. The Company adapted, spreading far and wide within the Federation’s markets, and spearheading development efforts wherever it could.

The truly big break for Nanotrasen, however, would be the discovery of the alternate dimension/phenomenon known as bluespace. The prospect of an unlimited space, unconstrained by the laws of Einsteinian and Newtonian reality, proved to be the scientific breakthrough that would bring in the funding and sales to elevate Nanotrasen above any and all competition – even its well-pedigreed East Asian rival, Cybersun Industries, was not quite able to keep up with Nanotrasen’s growth after the discovery of bluespace.

In the present time, Nanotrasen sits at the top of a mega corporate hegemony with seemingly no end to its reach. Yet, the giant has made many enemies through its means of expansion, and a shadow war abounds…

Corporate Culture

While Nanotrasen, as an organization, does not actively seek to impose any particular ethos upon its employees and residents, outside of nominal loyalty, a rich corporate culture has sprung up both from the top and the rankers. Perhaps more so than even other Human corporations, Nanotrasen has a distinct Terracentric vibe in the way that it operates, from holiday traditions on the surface, to the innate demand for progress and profit at the expense of other virtues. This is a notion, of course, made as a result of Nanotrasen’s continued headquartering on Earth.

Beyond this, however, the main cultural drive in Nanotrasen is making things better for everybody… and making significant money in the process, if at all possible. By encouraging its employees and residents to be voracious consumers to the core, Nanotrasen has created an environment in which the free market is not only supported, but venerated happily by the people. As long as it’s a good Nanotrasen day, nothing can trouble the average citizen. Or so they say.

Corporate Divisions

Central Command (CC)

Specializing in Administration. Below the Executive Board sits a corporate bureaucracy that easily competes with the Federation’s own size. The many adjuncts of Central Command are responsible for the day-to-day administration and management of countless souls working for, or alongside, Nanotrasen.

CentCom are the ones responsible for the portfolio at the end of the day, much to the chagrin of the company’s enemies. Those who last long enough in NT’s grind for progress to make it to serving CentCom directly are often as jaded as their green uniforms make them out to be – and this, in turn, makes them into one of the most feared armies of inspectors, auditors, bureaucrats and paper pushers in the entirety of the Federation.

Division of Asset Protection (DAP)

Specializing in Paramilitary Operations. Nanotrasen’s DAP is a two-faced entity. On the surface, it indeed handles cases where, for one reason or another, NT personnel or materials are misplaced into the hands of others, and legal means are used to extract these lost assets back into NT hands. Below the surface, however, DAP is a cover name for NT’s covert warriors fighting the Shadow War against the Syndicate and NT’s other nefarious enemies – a literal shield in terms of asset protection, in that case.

Nanotrasen Colonial Authority (NTCA)

Specializing in Frontier Management. Within the farthest reaches of space, and in undeveloped areas, where Central Command cannot efficiently carry out the will of the corporation, the NTCA is instead given power as the supreme commanding body. Their jurisdiction extends to all such colonial holdings where Nanotrasen, rather than a local government, is the principal owner. The main goal of the NTCA is to get undeveloped regions established. Essentially they run colonies through the early stages of terraforming, structural deployment and settlement of colonists, so they may then be handed off to the authority of Central Command as fully developed assets.

Business Subsidiaries of Nanotrasen

Nanotrasen Scientific Computing: Specializing in High Technology Systems. The first of Nanotrasen’s business ventures was in the field of high-tech computing, particularly for academic use. NTSC has long since been overshadowed by other components of Nanotrasen’s portfolio, but the use of in-house development for Nanotrasen’s computers has allowed them to bolster their research capabilities and provide a reliable technical base for other elements of the company to utilize.

Nanotrasen Heavy Industry: Specializing in Mining and Refining Operations. Nanotrasen’s second major business venture was the acquisition and merger of a number of Earth’s faltering extraction concerns. The subsequent discovery of plasma and its related industrial uses became the foundation for the consolidated NTHI. By combining the value of plasma, the standard mineral wealth of space, and their technical experience from before, Nanotrasen has developed for itself a very robust and sustainable industrial base. This industrial base, in turn, produces virtually every kind of light and heavy machinery that the corporation could require, or export.

Nanotrasen Nutrients and Agriscience: Specializing in Agriculture and Foodstuffs. A later development formed from the necessity of Nanotrasen-backed colonies on the frontier, and one that has been finding more favor with the Executive Board as the deals between Nanotrasen and the Syndicate-aligned Donk Corporation grow ever more sour. NTNAS is the answer to both of these problems, pioneering advances in modern farming techniques and food synthesis, while keeping the food economy both cheap and tightly entwined with the Nanotrasen brand.

Nanotrasen Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals (NTPC)

Specializing in Chemistry. Another of Nanotrasen’s early acquisitions was a set of companies producing a wide range of beneficial (and harmful) substances for the betterment of Humanity, and later other citizens of the Federation. NTPC leverages the Company’s continuous flow of resources to produce the chemicals which life simply cannot live without in the era of technology.

Nanotrasen Futures and Securities

It has not been sufficient for Nanotrasen to simply dominate the market. It must become the market itself, through and through. Such a mantra is the reasoning and logic behind the operation of the Company’s in-house stock brokerage. Acting for the benefit of both employees and the Company as a whole, NTFS provides highly-valued financial services and oversight, and is licensed by the Federal authorities to handle securities transactions for clients throughout Nanotrasen’s corporate space.

Influence in The Federation

Blue - Nanotrasen, Red - Syndicate

Federation Core

Having tied itself in well with the Federal establishment, Nanotrasen enjoys a very strong presence within the Core. The rule of law has lent itself well to the stable, structured form of business that Nanotrasen purveys, and the spacer culture present in the core has likewise been favorable for Nanotrasen’s spread of market influence.

Solarian State

From its corporate headquarters in the North American continent, Nanotrasen has very solid roots and foundation from which to exploit the Known Galaxy. Nanotrasen has since maintained a good working relationship with its home government and the two have been involved in a long laundry list of collaborations. It would seem that as long as the light of Sol shines, Nanotrasen will be conducting business guided by that light.


Kesa'aresz had a rocky road integrating into The Federation after the war. The general populace's disdain for both The Federation and Sol bloomed after war when integration attempts had only further destabilized the region, NT simply being lumped into the common Kesa'areszii Lizard's boogeyman that wants to strip them of their Tizirian heritage. Some of the more tame and moderate areas have started to open its arms to Nanotrasen, however most of the state was easily swooned by The Syndicate Conglomerate's appeal to their misfortune and has since been a stronghold of Syndicate support.


Nanotrasen has entrenched itself well within the interior of Theasperri, owing to the state’s history alongside the Federation’s other founders. Nanotrasen provides the Elven curiosities markets with a means to flow unimpeded throughout the rest of the Federation; agricultural and light industrial products are also considered. Nanotrasen is hoping to expand serious NTHI efforts into the state, but has long been stymied by local government environmental regulations and Elven self-determination on the matter.


The colonial nature of the state of Acrisiny has made it fertile ground for corporate ventures, and Nanotrasen’s ventures are no exception to the trend. The Company readily lays claim to the ‘better half’ of the state, and much of the industrialization takes its cues from Nanotrasen rather than the Federal authorities. The profits which Nanotrasen makes are reinvested, at least partially, into the local tech industry, but the truth is that most of it is exported to the rest of the Company’s portfolio.


The Commonwealth State has always had a slant towards its own ideals and interests, but their integration into the greater Federation has done wonders for the corporate interest. Nanotrasen has taken its fair stake in the state’s resourcing and production capacity. The dual government of Federal interests and a Monarchy concerned mostly with its own people has so far kept the more ravenous urges of Nanotrasen out of Deka’ekare, but NT continues to push for its own growth.


Largely seen as a money sink compared to the more prosperous states, the recovery of the Plumbusian economy has nonetheless been seen as a sign by Nanotrasen to invest heavily. The military-industrial complex that has cropped up in the region is of particular note to the Company, and serves as a useful training ground for Nanotrasen elite (and otherwise) security forces.


The Blue-Space Navy

Being one of the largest spacefaring corporations in the Known Galaxy, NT has a naval arm of significant size, consisting of civilian and military craft fitted to perform a vast array of duties. The Blue-Space Navy is a bit of a play on words, combining the technologies of Bluespace with their voidcraft travel, but most signficantly, a Navy so vast they paint space their corporate color, blue.

Though there is a dispraportionate ratio of Civilian to Military spacecraft (partly due to Galactic Federal Law, partly due to logistics), the Nanotrasen Navy sits on a near-unlimited source of civilian spacecraft, producing them by the thousands continuously, only quickening in the growing Federation. Nanotrasen shipping vessels and Orbital Stations are constantly being manufactured to feed into the space-industrialization machine that is Nanotrasen.

When it comes to Military spacecraft, more particularily the larger vessels of Nanotrasen's Navy, there aren't a massive amount (not including very small patrol, scout, and strike crafts). This isn't to say that Nanotrasen's military-focused navy isn't big, because it is, it's not big when compared navies such as The Federation, however Nanotrasen is one of the few corporations to have a navy consisting of both small and large spacecraft, something most corporations aren't able to achieve (usually only having small spacecraft and a small handful of larger spacecraft at most).

Large Spacecraft

Here is a list of large spacecraft in the Nanotrasen Navy

Lancaster-Class Frigate: A capable ship of the line, designed as a backbone assault ship. Equipped with missiles, anti-ship turbolazers, and ballistic cannons. Equipped with a hangar bay for strike craft, as well as additional space for supernumaries such as Marines.

Complement of 160. No. Built - 5

Sokol-Class Torpedo Ship: A small vessel designed as an anti-ship patrol vessel. It is designed to have a low signature to avoid detection.

Complement of 40 (6 officers, 34 Enlisted). No. Built - 14

Endurance-Class Patrol Cutter: A patrol ship equipped with a turbolazer. Typically assigned to remote NT Stations as a guard vessel.

Complement of 30. No. Built - 20

Solaris-Class Battlecruiser: The capital ships of the NT Navy, equipped with bluespace artillery.

Complement of 400. No. Built - 2

Naval Hierarchy


RATINGS Ratings for all departments are trained for 12 weeks aboard the NTSS Kojak. Upon succesfully passing out of Kojak, ratings will attend further trade-specific training for 8 weeks before being deployed on their respective ships.
Trainee Rank held by new intake ratings at the NTSS Kojak
Able Spaceman The entry level rank for all ratings who pass out of Kojak Training Station.
Leading Hand Ratings with at least two years of spacefaring experience. In charge of a small team.
Petty Officer NCO. Typically the rank held by ratings with a department-specific qualification.
Chief Petty A senior NCO. This rank is typically held by the Bosun, Quartermaster, etc
Warrant Officer Seniormost NCO. Typically held by ratings with at least 15-20 years of experience.
OFFICERS All officer candidates must pass a series of interviews and a fitness test. Successful candidates will then spend 6 months at the NanoTrasen Naval Academy, as Cadets.
Cadet Training rank held during attendance at the Nanotrasen Naval Academies
Ensign The first rank held by officers fresh out of NanoTrasen Naval Academy. He or She will be an Officer of the Watch.
Lieutenant On larger ships, a senior OOW. On smaller ships, he or she will be the Executive Officer or a Department Head.
Lieutenant-Commander On smaller vessels, the ship's Commanding Officer. On larger vessels, a department head.
Commander This rank is typically held by the vessel's Commanding Officer. On capital ships, it is held by the XO and CE.
Captain Captain - The commander of a squadron of ships, or the Commanding Officer of a Capital Ship. It is also a rank held by commanders at CENTCOM for regional facilities or CENTCOM officers on-ship.
Commodore Responsible for command of either a Fleet of vessels or an entire division. A senior CENTCOM position.
Admiral Held by the Admiral of The Blue-Space Navy, currently Admiral Francis Roberts


WARFARE DEPT - Concerned with ship-to-ship combat operations and combat readiness. Comprises the gunnery teams, bridge crew.

TECHNICAL DEPARTMENT - Comprises the Engineering Teams and other Technical Specialists such as Communications and IT.

LOGISTICS - Handles procurement and supply.

MARINES - NT Navy Marine Corps. The Emergency Response Teams are made up of Marines Corps Staff. Responsible for shipboard security and act as an assault force if needed.

NT Merchant Navy

For transportation and cargo operations, the ships and crews of the NT Merchant Navy are classed as civilians. Crews are expected to hold the relevant certificates of competency for their roles.

Deck Dept. - Ordinary Spacefarer

- Able-Bodied Spacefarer

- Fitter

- Bosun

Engine Dept. - Oiler

- Motorman

Catering Dept. - Messman

- Steward

- Cook

Deck Dept. - 3rd Officer

- 2nd Officer

- 1st Officer

- Captain

Engine Dept. - 4th Engineer

- 3rd Engineer

- 2nd Engineer

- Chief Engineer


Most of the Nanotrasen lore was written by Halas with very slight adjustments from Mef.

The entirety of the Nanotrasen fleet section was written by Rick Harlowe (Ranger#6376) with very slight adjustments from Mef (Mostly formatting)