Galactic Federation

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"Millions of stars, millions of planets, millions of species, but only one Federation." - Federation National Motto


Government Form Democratic Republic
Head of State Pres. Newt Lamber
Capital The Heart Stations, Khan Gas Giant
Demographics No Majority Species
Official Language Galactic Common
Official Religion Secular Government

The Galactic Federation is a massive nation that has existed for 355 years, though its roots go back much further than that. The Federation, in its official lifetime, has engaged in 20 wars, and has spread itself through a massive portion of the Known Galaxy, being the largest and most powerful nation among them, only contested recently by the Soatii Dominions, a recent arrival to the Known Galaxy.


The Federation's origins started among that make up the Federation Core. Many small planetary and multi-solar nations made up what is now the central state. These nations were the unfortunate prey of rabid piracy and larger nations hoping to consume the territory for themselves. To save themselves, a large alliance formed among these nations for protections. As the years went on, this alliance became larger and its influence in the member-states grew.

During this period, the Alliance engaged in a few defensive wars, however had a staunch rivalry with a large nation to the galactic west, the Solarian Federation. A few wars had erupted between this Alliance and SolFed over territory, trade, and nations under either's influence, each with mixed outcomes. In total, there were about 9 wars between Sol and the Alliance, 4 being Alliance victories, and 5 being Sol victories. These wars were, however, comparatively small and only small territory concessions, nations being brought under one's influence, or trade being changed were the results of these wars.

The last war between Sol and the Alliance occured at around 2140, and ended with an Alliance victory, effectively ending the rivalry between the two as it was the largest war either the Alliance or SolFed waged in their histories. The outcome dismantled SolFed's hegemony and put it under the influence of the Alliance, though not as an Alliance member. The preceeding years also paved the way for SolFed's place in the Federation, as the two ideologically alligned nations fought their next wars together.

Unification War

While the Galactic Federation wasn't officially a nation during this war, it is often considered to be a war that the Galactic Federation fought as each of the Alliance member-states and SolFed fought as one, under the Alliance's banner. The war had begun as the Tizirian Empire was moving to the Galactic North, and colonized a small sector of planets in the area now known as Kesa'Aresz. A connecting state to their colony was the Theasperri Kingdom, a nation of Elves, and was a prime target for the Tizirian War Machine.

During a particularly massive Ion Storm in 2198, Tizirian fleets moved masked from radars into Theasperri space, raiding planets and obliterating any spaceport in their path. The small Theasperri navy and army served only as cannon fodder for the government during the first few days. This was, until communications rejuvinated as the storm passed, and word got out that Theasperri was soon to be occupied by the Tizirian armed forces.

The Alliance quickly responded by guaranteeing that Theasperri would remain free from Tizirian rule, and counter-assaulted the Tizirian Army in the occupied zones and Kesa'Aresz, the base of operations for the entire war. The war was 11 total years, and was as grueling as it was long. Luckily for the Alliance, reinforcing their fronts was easier than it was for Tiziria, given the distance new soldiers and fleets had to travel from Central Tiziria to Kesa'Aresz.

The war of attrition would eventually be won when Kesa'Aresz was captured and Theasperri liberated in 2209, and facing a possible invasion of their home-planets in Central Tiziria, the Empire sued for peace. The peace terms ratified the formation of the Galactic Federation, as protectors of freedom in their eyes. Kesa'Aresz would be ceded to GalFed, and the preceeding years would see Theasperri and SolFed join under the Federation banner, as one nation.

Red Years

The Red Years were a period of 38 years after the Unification War plagued by political instability in the state of Kesa'Aresz. A vast majority of the population were Tizirian Lizards, and most never even spoke a lick of any familiar languages to the newly formed Federation. These years were the nation's first test for assimilating a conquered group of people, especially ones that were raised to be loyal only to their flag.

A series of reforms to develop the local government laid the foundations for a future of Kesa'Aresz, with the near-immediate opening of elections, extended budgets to the state for rebuilding and recovering after the war, and a strong education plan to raise a generation of Federation-loyal Areszians. The only issue was their biggest, and the most important component of this new territory, the people.

The first few years after the Unification War were rather tame when it cames to acts of terrorism, as most militias, groups, and pro-Tizirian clans organized before making active strikes against the Federation, however there was no shortage of inhospility to any non-Tizirians. It came to protests, riots, and outright refusal to recognize the Federation as their rulers, to the point that the state didn't have much of a Federation presence on the planets, only making sure the Tizirian Empire doesn't try to retake the state.

By 2214 various acts of terrorism would be taken against Federation attempts at rallying a loyal government. Bombings, assassinations, and mass shootings would all happen repeatedly against the Federation's local government, and as tensions mounted in 2217, events would pour out of the state as strikes against the Federation government at its home. The bombing of the Heart Stations, temporarily disabling a few government wings in the Heart Stations would mark the start of the Federation's second conflict.

All stability would break down as masses of Tizirian Nationalists organized and stormed government fortifications, trying to cede from the Federation and rejoin the Tizirian Empire. GalFed fleets ensured Tizirian warships would remain in their Empire, however most of the planets would soon fall to the vast masses of restless Areszians organized by Terrorist organizations.

Areszian Revolt

At the kickoff of the Areszian Revolt, many planetary administrations were dismantled and overrun by masses of Tizirian guerilla forces. What would draw out for the next 4 years would be a hard-fought resistance war against the GalFed occupational forces. There existed a few planets that GalFed were able to maintain under their control, those these planets were low in population, and often-times surrounded by fallen planets that were starting to organize some semblence of a navy.

Planetary cannons that remained after the Unification War would be utilized once again against the GalFed navy, making it hard to remain in planetary space. This also invited many Pirate groups to infest Kesa'Aresz for the time of the revolt, alligning themselves with the Tizirian Nationalists and raiding merchants, supply lines, and even facing off against weak detachments of the GalFed navy. For the first year of the revolt, it would be a disordered massacre as the Federation's occupational forces scrambled to organize.

Around the second year, Federation naval fleets and occupational forces were able to rally and organize on their few alligned planets, beginning the counteroffensive to re-capture their lost planets. During this time, Sol was being assimilated into the Federation, which brought a lot more manpower, but most importantly, brought a lot of strong corporations into the fold of the GalFed market. Cybersun took a particular interest in the revolt, beginning developments on the GalFed controlled planets, as well as utilizing their corporate security and naval forces to secure trade routes, protect stations, and tackle the pirate threat with an entourage of bounty hunters.

Planets would begin to be occupied by the Federation forces, forcing many of the Tizirian freedom-fighters underground to wage guerilla war on the occupational forces. No better time for Cybersun to begin funding repairs and developments of these planets, employing Areszians and building a favorable reputation of them in the Areszian culture. These developments also paved the way for the acceptance of Federal control over Kesa'Aresz.

Most planets would be subjugated by 2221, which marked the official end of the revolt, however most guerilla fighters remained stronger than ever, and would mark a shift in the Red Years as they got more and more desperate the further they were closed in on.


The government of The Federation aims to be as decentralized as possible while still maintaining control over all of its territory. Federal decisions are usually handled in The Federal Senate, located at The Heart's center is The Senate is mainly used for larger diplomatic decisions and federal laws otherwise issues are usually handled on a state-by-state basis, where a state (composed of many planets) will convene in its own House of Representatives to decide on local law changes. Despite the autonomy of each state/province, most are similar in laws with slight deviations.

Many have likened the autonomy of each state to that of enlightened feudalism, each state having a small navy and army that they use for internal defense and dealing with internal issues like pirates and the inevitable corporate armed dispute. Another point that has added to the idea of The Federation being somewhat Feudal would be the fact that Corporations have massive freedoms, with even the biggest Corporations (Like Nanotrasen and Cybersun) being able to field large navies, though never larger than The Federation itself.

Speaking on the topic of Markets, The Federation, economically, is extremely Market-oriented. Life on planets is very balanced between government and public spending vs. Corporate control. All planetary inhabitants are given Public Education and have affordable healthcare. That isn’t the luxury of many spacers, however. Those living in remote colonies and space stations, which are almost solely owned by corporations, are given as much as the Corporation has to give. Though Federation Representatives are always there to ensure that the corporation isn’t breaking Federal Laws and is treating their employees correctly, who’s to say that a little money won’t make them turn the other cheek?

The Government invests a lot into the infrastructure of the nation, populating their territory (and even areas outside of their territory) with waystations and small space-communities. These infrastructure improvements have also benefited the transit of the nation greatly, allowing for Military Vessels and Merchant Ships to move from point A to point B with ease. Personal Space-Ship ownership has recently also skyrocketed, though these spaceships are almost never large or luxurious (aside from space trains), about half of all Federation Citizens own some sort of personal space transportation vessel.

"Areja!" - War-cry of the Federal Soldiers

The Military of The Galactic Federation is definitely nothing to gawk at. Its influence has rippled through the known galaxy for having an uncontested fleet and elite ground force. The sheer scale of The Federation’s military is massive, however, it is often split among many different threats in the meantime, combatting NRI raids and holding a strong defense as a deterrent to both Tiziria and the new threat to The GalFed, The Soatii. It is estimated that The GalFed navy comprises 471 Dreadnoughts, at least 4,000 Battleships, 3,800 Spacecraft carriers, and over 110,000 Cruisers. It is currently unknown how many Destroyers, Dogfighters, and other vessels there are.


The Federation is well known in the Known Galaxy for having a very vibrant culture in which citizens of a myriad of species coexist among one another with little to no problems. Other nations in the Known Galaxy like The Tizirian Empire and the NRI have a static, singular cultural system that they put extensive effort into assimilating minorities into, and even in some cases putting emphasis on species that they view as the ruling class, like Lizards and Lizardkin in Tiziria being first-class citizens with other species being second-class and generally seen as lesser in their societies.

Some areas in The Federation do have a majority of species and cultural spread, like SolGov, for example. The Sol State has a slight Human Majority and Earth-centered cultures are the most prevalent in the province. Despite this, though, that doesn’t mean that Humans have more power than other species in Sol. Thanks to The Federation law, all species are equal, even in Sol. Similarities like these persist in nearly every part of The Federation, though despite the cultural diversity, The Federation has a distinguishable culture compared to that of other nations with many cultures morphing together and sharing traditions and ideals with each other in the massive melting pot that is The Federation.

While the general fabric of Federation society is quite open and welcoming to all, there do exist certain strands of Federation society who, consciously or unconsciously, seek to impose more elements of their specific way of life than other groups. Such cultural influences are typically the work of the large Corporations, or groups which strive hard to live free of corporate influences.


Out of any group or company within Federation space, no singular entity has quite as dramatic a push upon the culture of the Federation as Nanotrasen, and its long list of subsidiary entities operating all throughout the Federation. Perhaps more so than even other Human corporations, Nanotrasen has a distinct Terracentric vibe in the way that it operates, from holiday traditions on the surface, to the innate demand for progress and profit at the expense of other virtues. Indeed, it is the subsurface influences of Nanotrasen that reflect back into Federal culture. The monolithic corporate structure of Nanotrasen is the Federation taken to one of its potential, logical, non-radical conclusions. The Nanotrasen flavor of the Federal culture is one where all are incorporated, all work hard, for the profit of the organization, taking joy of being a small part of something much, much greater.

The Syndicate Corporations

The Syndicate are, in many ways material and immaterial, the Federation’s problem children forced into their corners by stronger forces, and it shows in the Syndicate’s contribution to Federal culture. Their alternate corporate culture is in many ways antithesis to Nanotrasen’s take. Independence, in a style like the decentralized state structure of the Federation, is the dominant meme in the feedback loop here. Instead of focusing solely on the organization, the Syndicate preaches personal gain of the individual, free association, and never allowing one to gain too much over one’s peers, for fear of a deadly descent into autocratic thinking. Instead of indulging in the rampant consumerism the greater Federation possesses, the Syndicate’s adherents make due with their resources and collaborate based on the strongest motivator of all: necessity.


Free Spacer subcultures have independently evolved within practically all of the Federation’s member states, and since homogenized into a significant subset of the population, with needs and motives often separate from planetbound society. Under the auspices of associations like the FTU (Free Trade Union), and taking inspiration from Mothic nomadism, the spacer culture is truly unique, and in a way unable to reintegrate properly with the rest of Federation culture, though free spacers tend to be very tolerant of other ideas and cultures. There are exceptions, as crews range from very loose to very strict in terms of discipline, and when one’s thought pool has been isolated and pure, it can be hard to let even a drop of new folk in. If there is one uniting meme among spacers, it is the drive to keep going further, beyond the frontiers set and established by the Federation, or any other governing body.

Foreign Relations

The Federation remains, currently, as the most dominant power in the region. The nation stands without any true allies, however they do have a significant influence over many of the planetary nations that take up the majority of the space outside of the borders of the Federation and any other major nation. Currently, the Federation is rivaled by 3 other large nations in the constant competition for more power in the known galaxy, these nations being the Tizirian Empire, the New Russian Imperium, and the newly arrived Empire of Soato.

Tizirian Empire

The Tizirian Empire and The Galactic Federation go back. Their relations initially started in an aggressive state, their first contact being a skirmish between Tiziria scouting ships and Sol survey ships. At this point in history, the relations between the Initial Federation and SolFed had started to open up to the possibility of friendship between to the two nations. The skirmish ended with Tiziria destroying the survey ships and beginning to build a larger military presence in the region close to Sol and The Federation.

Tiziria founded the Kesaresz as a forward colony between the Solar-Federal alliance and the Empire. It was designated as a military province in their Empire and was used for garrisoning a navy and military for any potential attacks by the Alliance. When war erupted between The Federation, Sol, and Tiziria over a lizard invasion of the Theasperri home planet, The Alliance denounced their actions and mobilized for war against the Empire.

The war between the Empire and the Alliance was overly drawn-out and all could see that it was intentionally used to weaken The Empire to a state of possible integration. Thankfully for the Lizards, they proved to be too resilient to be annexed and their home territory was barely scathed by war, forcing the Alliance to take what they had and not be greedy, but that isn’t to say that they didn’t end with a sour taste in their maws.

After the war, however, when The Federation united into the Galactic Federation with SolFed, relations began to lighten between the two nations, especially with the Empire falling into despair with Tizirian revolutionaries and NRI raiders, they couldn’t afford to continue rivalling The Federation. The Empire has since stopped calling for the return of their lost colony and are focusing on building a more friendly relationship with The Federation.

That isn’t to say things aren’t still tense between the two nations, however there is an unspoken mutual agreement between Tiziria and GalFed that the NRI and Soato are definitely larger threats to their existence than each other are. This has allowed for mutually benefitting trade deals to be set in stone, particularly including Federation materials and science developments being traded for cheap Tiziria manpower and labor, as well as a newly created immigration system between Tiziria and GalFed.

New Russian Imperium (NRI)

The NRI started as a breakaway state from SolFed during its existence. This happened largely due to neglect for Russian and other slavic nations on Earth and their respective colonies. The main cultural demographics of those leaving Sol were Russian, Serbian, Belarussian, and some minorities of other Slavic Nations. The intention of the NRI was to create a nation representing the Slavic interests first and foremost.

In its inception, many colony ships were boarded by pan-slavic refugees in a mass exodus. They traveled out to a more desolate region of space and began colonising as much as they could. They started very small and rapidly inflated thanks to the neglect of their expansion by Sol. Eventually, Sol was caught up with war in Tiziria and this allowed for even less care for the NRI by them, allowing for long-distance colonies to be established and by the end of the war, a new problem was sitting on The Federation’s table, a new Ivan.

Due to The Federation’s friendship with SolFed, the NRI had a negative disposition with GalFed out the gate. At the end of the war between GalFed and Tiziria, the NRI began making moves on both nations, butting heads with Tiziria over nebula colonies and raiding Federation stations and ships under the guise of pirates. Diplomatically, things seemed neutral, maybe a little suspicion on The Federation’s side, however under the table was a shadow-war to the likes of NT VS. The Syndicate with raids and skirmishes prevalent in the area between both nations.

This has, to the NRI’s dismay, pushed Tiziria and GalFed closer, but the way they have handled this situation could almost be described as graceful, dodging accountability for the almost war-like actions taken against both nations and benefiting greatly off of Federation and Lizard gold. Future escalations are often speculated whether there will be war between The Federation and the NRI, but it’s clear that the NRI knows its limits and can push them to perfect degrees without triggering larger responses from The Federation.

It is unknown really if The Federation would go to war with The NRI, and the biggest question regarding a war would be if the NRI could survive. Navy figures have been inflated, exaggerated, downplayed, and everything in-between to suit the NRI at the time, like an elaborate paper tiger that could have a very real tiger behind it, waiting for The Federation or Tiziria to get too cocky and jump right into its maw. Most tend to err on the side of caution and assume with how many fronts the NRI has, they must have a large and experienced navy at their command.

Soato Holy Dominions

The Holy Empire of Soato is a new player in the Known Galaxy, having arrived recently and established multiple disconnected colonies from each other. The form of Soato that exists in this space is a Dominion of a much larger nation, most likely far from this sector of the Galaxy. However, that doesn’t mean they don’t exercise a massive influence on diplomatic relations between each of the major and minor powers in the area.

In particular, The Soato Dominions stand directly in the way of Federation domination over the entirety of the Known Galaxy. Both nations are constantly rivalling each other and trying to sway other nations in-between them to side with one or the other. The most prominent of these two is the NRI, which sits right in-between Soato and The Federation, however neither are able to sway the NRI into helping one and hurting the other.

Currently, there haven’t been many skirmishes or conflicts between The Federation and the Soato Dominions due to fears of a Total War breaking out between The Federation and Soato, especially with many smaller nations aligned with The Federation simply out of principle that just The Federation is a far more preferable outcome than just the Holy Empire of Soato.

The single biggest issue would be a recent influx of Soatii refugee ships containing many Soatii criminals and outcasts that are fleeing the Soatii regime. Most are given asylum in the Federation to the response of Soatii insults and deals for returning their prisoners, though most of these deals fall apart and the prisoner will be transferred to a planet in The Federation for questioning, or in the worst (and rarest) case, a skirmish will break out.

States of The Federation

*2570 to 2560 because my dumbass did a typo*

The Federation is a massive space-nation with a mosaic of differtent cultures and states, making every inch of GalFed unique. The Federation has been divided into a myriad of different States, each with a different way of life from their neighbours thanks to the autonomy each state has from The Federal Government refusing to meddle with state-by-state issues unless it is extremely necessary.

Federation Core

The Federation Core is the historical birthsite of The Federation, comrpising of all of the founding nations of The Federal Council. It is by far the most populous and most developed states in The Federation for obvious reason, containing many deep-space highways and hundreds of densely populated habitated planets. Spacer life is also rich in The Federation Core with near endless opportunities for work and a rich spacer culture across every inch of The Core.

The Core is also home to the Capital, The Heart Stations. The choice to crown the Capital of The Federation in The Heart came from the idea that GalFed is not housed on one nation, no nation, planet, or species are the Federation, GalFed is a truely independent nation with no one founder. All of those that can call themselves Federation Citizens are founders of The Federation.

The Core Police and Defense force are the largest compared to all other States, only rivaled by the Famous SolGov Marshals. Near constant patrols are prevalent within the Core hunting down pirate and marauder activity to extinction. Highwaymen are constantly warned to stay from preying in the Core, lest they wish to end up as a bunch scrap drifting lifelessly, only to be collected by scrappers.

State flag of SolGov
Solarian State (SolGov)

SolGov is easily the second largest and most prominent state aside from the Core, being the birthplace of humanity, one of the most influential species in The Federation. Sol joined The Federation at the end of the Unification War (which is where it gets its name) when the Alliance of The Federal Council, SolFed, and Theasperri defeated the Tiziria invaders and seized Kesa'aresz. After a referendum passed with a 79% pro-Federation vote, SolFed officially joined The Federation during the war, which was seen as the unifying cause to bring The Federal Council and SolFed together to form GalFed.

Sol brought quite a lot to The Federation, as did The Federation did with Sol. Many of the benefits of Sol's massive economy were shared throughout the entire Federation, as was the Core's administrative policies and civil rights precedents brought many of the minority species in Sol out of political poverty. The joining of both nations brought a new era of development for every inch of the New Federation, which saw some of the largest Solarian corporations, like NT and Cybersun, take over large swathes of the Federation market, bringing in monumental profits to both the Government and the corporations involved.

In the modern day, SolGov has a fine hand in managing the state, the local government has invested a lot into upgrading their industrial output, expanding their mining operations, and even funding the colonial ventures of The Federation, allowing them to establish extra-state mining operations and rake in even more profits while providing the colonies with extra funding, jobs, and assistance in industrial development. It is also known that Sol has invested a lot into their local defense military in response to the threat of the NRI, having a very efficient and powerful patrol navy for a state.


Theasperri was a small nation before they were brought into The Federation, with a predominantly Elven species ruling in a Constitutional Monarchy. When the unification wars erupted with the invasion from Tiziria, The Alliance took action and guaranteed Theasperrian independence, unifying the nation into The Galactic Federation by the end. The state wasn't absorbed into any of the larger states thanks to its Elven majority and very distinct culture.

This has left the Theasperrians with a little less to work with than many of the other Federal States, having larger populations, more planets and more resources to work with, though that didn't stop them from investing in limited mining operations and focusing on preserving planetary habitats, containing the most conservation planets in the entire Federation. This has brought the Theasperrians a good handful of government grants while also appeasing traditional Elven cultures of conservation and consecration.

On these Conservation planets, many species are monitored and given extensive care to preserve population numbers, as well as occasionally importing endangered animal species for controlled repopulation. These planets are often monitored by orbital stations while very limited contact with the surface is made. Sometimes there are operations for stripping the planet of non-essential resources directly by the Theasperrian Government, like many underground minerals via deep tunneling and underground settlements being created so the surface is largely unscathed. Lumber is also gathered and replanted with heavy controls.

State flag of Kesa'aresz

Kesa'aresz, often simply called Ares, was originally a colony of Tiziria that was founded as a defense against any Sol - Federation moves against the Empire, as well as a jump-off point for the invasion of Theasperri. The Empire's initial developments of Kesa'aresz weren't very extensive, setting up some colonies and preparing some military-industrial developments, but mostly due to the short time Tiziria held the state, more advanced living accomodations and planetary developments were left very mininmal.

The state would be rendered a battleground when Tiziria attempted to invade the Theasperrians for their rich planets. The invasion didn't go much as planned as Sol and the Federal Council allied and counter-invaded Kesa'aresz in the defense of Theasperri. The war was long and gruelling, and lead to many of the planets in the state being turned to blazing warzones. Much of the previously established populations tried to emigrate further into Tiziria or even escape to Sol and the Federation outright. The carnage raging across the state and her planets would leave scars, some that haven't healed to this day.

When the war ended, the state was absorbed into The Galactic Federation when it was formed. Kesa'areszians would eventually become divided over their thoughts on the current rulership. The Federation did put a lot of effort into rebuilding and rejuvinating the local economies, but they could only do so much. Many of the lizards supported Tiziria returning, while many other lizards supported the freedom The Federation offered. To this day, the state is somewhat well-off since when the war ended, they have average infrastructure for a Federal State and a stimulated economy, thanks to Corporate influence.


Rumbuso was a very small nation republic that bordered Sol in its early ages. The nation was made up originally of a few planets with many different and diverse species, similar to The Federation. They largely fell under the radar of Sol by posing as poor and too much of a waste to try and invade and integrate. This allowed them to build themselves up slowly throughout the years, under the protective eye of Sol while prospering internally for most of its lifetime.

When The Galactic Federation formed, Rumbuso was proposed to join The Federation, declining at first. The nation would experience a massive vaccum of nearly everything economically, business was comparitively far better in The Federation than Rumbuso, and there was a significant brain drain from Rumbusan planets to The Federation, not through much fault of The Federation. Rumbuso suffered greatly just being in the proximity of The Federation, and reapproached The Federation, asking to join.

Rumbuso rettained its autonomy, and is even the only other state other than Sol and Deka'ekare to have its own independent military and navy. They are now in a very similar prosperous position as they were during Sol's existence. Rumbuso is the home of many investments in space infrastructure and planetary development, another lucrative business venture the Rumbusan local government has taken to is leasing out use of their military to some private corporations and investers, often being pit against pirates and NRI marauders.


Deka'ekare is a state in The Federation with a long history centering around the primary planet, Dekagor. The planet was the royal capital to what was The Kingdom of Dekagor during their independence. Their historic borders were smaller than the state's borders in the current day, but that isn't to say their influence in the past and present isn't monumental within The Galactic Federation, providing an important backbone in resource allocation and a massive market outlet, Deka'ekare is one of the most well-known states in The Federation.

Deka'ekare's history spans further than even the original Federal Council's, becoming a space-faring nation before the formation of The Federal Council. They had began an aggressive expansionist policy leading up to the formation of The Federal Council, teetering very close to erupting into war with many of the Federal Council members when the council did form, seeing it as an alliance directly against Dekagoran interests.

Not much came of the suspicions of war between The Federal Council and Dekagor, as they mostly turned their attention away into expanding and developing areas away from The Federation. As time went on, relations eased and by the time the unification war broke out, Dekagor denounced Tiziria's invasion of Theasperii and offered material support for The Federation - Sol alliance. Come the end of the war, The Galactic Federation formed, and Dekagor was already preparing for some form of alliance.

When Dekagor was offered to join The Federation, they initially were hesitant to relieve their power, however many negotations took place to change how Dekagor would function in The Federation, and eventually they would agree. The Kingdom of Dekagor was renamed to Deka'ekare, in respect of Dekagoran culture but also to recognize the many cultures existing in Dekagor space (Deka'ekare roughly translating into "Deka'Commonwealth". The state is one of the few states in The Federation to be a full Constitutional Monarchy, with the Dekagoran monarchy being a strong influence in local politics.


The state of Acrisiny was brought into The Federation by a Colonization campaign shortly after Deka'ekare joined with The Federation government. There existed between Deka'ekare and Theasperri a long stretch of largely uncharted space, what was known to be there were a few small space-faring civilisations, but mostly empty space that hadn't been investigated. The campaign was suprisingly quick and large funding was invested into developing the new areas that made up Acrisiny, leading to a very large and successful state in the modern era.

The few nations that were there in the area of Acrisiny were small and developing nations, and when The Federation jumped into their systems and established contact, negotations were rather quick. Some planets were hesitant to lend themselves to The Federation, though the sheer mass of the nation and the promises of development were very appealing. In the end, The Federation did keep to their promises, and these planets are the capitals of Acrisinian development.

The state is well renowned for one very important thing, their tech development, which has made them a very appetizing target for predatory corporations, especially corporations like Nanotrasen and the more well-known members of The Syndicate Corporations. The state has seen a constant tug-of-war mainly between these two factions over control of the tech-production and research industry, which is Acrisiny's claim to fame in the modern era.

Murmurk Rim

The Murmurk Rim is a largely remote region of The Federation, created as a route into the supermassive Wasp Nebula. This isn't to say that the Rim is a desolate and empty region in Federation space, there are several large population centers, however they are often divided by long stretches of low-population space. On the very edge of the Rim, there exists a lot of industry surrounding Nebula gas-mining and transportation through the Nebula to the outer Wasp Nebula Colony.

Historically, The Murmurk Rim was a region of space first investigated by Rumbusan colonists scouting for areas to expand into. It was settled that the region was too sparse and lacked a lot of valuable minerals for mining and Murmurk was left for a large length of time before The Federation took interest in the Nebula as they were receiving communications from a Slug Kingdom deep into the Nebula looking for trade partners. The easiest route to their trade-friends was through this rim as the density of the Nebula seemingly dissipated along the line of the Rim.

Sadly, only the bare minimum has been given to the Murmurk Rim to industrialize themselves to the level of other Federation States, however they have found great success setting up gas-mining operations and transportation missions through the Nebula. Many Spacers also inhabit the region making money off of escort missions through the state and through the nebula, but also for the solitary nature of the open space and small homely solar systems populating the untouched frontier.

Wasp Nebula Colony (Huogmon Kingdom)

The Wasp Nebula Colony is the first outer colony established by The Federation. The Colony became an idea as an approximate location of a Kingdom of Slug-people deep in the Nebula called The Huogmon. It was never really disclosed how the Slugs discovered The Federation, however their small Kingdom now serves as the center of trade between them and The Federation.

Due to the overwhelming majority of the Huogmon Slugs in the Wasp Nebula State, The Federation Government has granted them administrative privilleges, leading to a split administration between the elected of the state and the Huogmon's royal court. One of the biggest issues the state encounters in recent times is the Culture Shock between Huogmon traditions and many of The Federation frontiersmen coming to colonize and join Huogmon society.

Despite these issues with the integration of Huogmon society into The Federation, the Huogmon slugs are very amicable to their new neighbours, profiting greatly off of Nebula refinery exports and trade with the Core of The Federation. There have also been word that Huogmon engineers are also developing new spacecrafts to be used in The Federation navy designed after Huogmon vessels.

Nova Solara

Nova Solara was the second extra-territorial colony established by The Galactic Federation, most notably a Solarian funded effort. The colony was founded as an in-between point between the rest of The Far Colonies and The Federation core, after word of a large concentration of habitable planets being discovered, along with plentiful natural resources like asteroid fields and mineral-rich planets.

Nova Solara, however, is a small colony, as well as a small state. It has the lowest population of all Federation states and definitely has many economical issues (such as the almost complete lack of any real infrastructure set up aside from a few major trade routes). Especially when it was being founded, the state had a very soft landing in the political stage of The Federation, just seen as a pass-through state to Lileylin States.

All hope isn't lost, however, due to recent plans for large expansions in the state's industry by the Federal government, however most speculate that these revisions aren't for the good of Nova Solarans but rather just military fortifications and industry preparing for an impending Soatii or Russian invasion, but in either case, the Nova Solarans hold out hope for getting enough funding to start building themselves up.

Lileylin Major

Lileylin Major was originally going to be a mining sector, being rich in natural mineral resources like ore-rich planets, moons, and asteroids. Many mining corporations, especially Nanotrasen and Syndicate alligned corporations quickly purchased swatches of uncolonized territory, laying the groundwork for the Lileylin Major frontier. Many of the original plans for the Lileylin states, with Major as the industrial zone and minor as the beurocratic zone were scrapped as Major quickly superceeded their sister.

When colonists began looking outwards from Nova Solara for further colonization efforts, a massive cluster of star systems stood out for having massive untouched ore reserves as well as a few already inhabited planets ruled over by local governments. When colonists finished translation efforts with these local planets, the discovered many hadn't left their star systems due to detections of space fauna surrounding them. What these were discovered to be were colonies of microbacteria sitting in asteroids consuming radiation from their local suns and defecating minerals useful in construction.

This has all largely lead to Lileylin Major funding its own developments, quickly outpacing its sister state and becoming a sprawl of different planets, habitats, and colonies. The state has also seen a lot of conflict between Nanotrasen and The Syndicate Corporations over asteroid belts, population centers, and trade routes. The state government has made quite a profit from allowing the Syndicate and Nanotrasen to skirmish in the state from corporate bribes and trade taxes.

Lileylin Minor

Lileylin Minor was originally meant to be the beaurocratic center of the Lileylin state before the split, though as it came, Lileylin Major had became far more populated whereas its sister was left with barren and open space, mostly as a pass-through to the larger sister. The early times of Lileylin Minor were filled with economic instability, and mostly receiving funding from tolls and taxes on fuel purchases.

However, things wouldn't be bad forever, when many plasma-rich planets were discovered in the sector, Nanotrasen moved in and began building orbital stations and colonies to mine these plasma deposits, exporting them out to other stations for use in plasma research. These developments provided the state with a lot of funding to began expanding shipyards, benefiting the Federation's navy as naval movements had began shifting over towards the Far Colonies in fear of Soato action.

These naval foundries have gotten Lileylin Minor a lot of Federal funding to continue developing the state. Even With Nanotrasen's investments and the Federal funding, the state hasn't surpassed their sister state, which is far larger and has a lot more developed colonies than Lileylin Minor, but in recent times, Lileylin Minor has been able to stand on their own, marking the end of the dark age for the sister-state.

Maveeso Colonies

The Maveeso Colonies exist in a strange state in the Federation. It's currently the only state that is not easily accessible to the general populace, partly for its original founding purpose, being a massive conglomerate of fortifications and military activity. The state has one of the highest counts of military vessels patrolling the space out of all other states in the Federation, and the lowest amount of permanent colonies.

The bulk of actual residents in the Maveeso Colonies are of Soatii descent, being refugees and those fleeing the Soatii government to the Federation. This has resulted in the rare occurance of skirmishes taking place in Maveeso space. It's widely considered that the Maveeso Colonies are simply a buffer-zone between the greater Federation and the Soato invaders, as the only activity is military activity and most of the state residents aren't Federal Citizens, though in the process of becoming them.


Galactic Federation lore written by Mef with great assistance from Halas (primarily in the culture section).

Other credit comes from the rest of the Lore Team for discussing ideas and offering assistance in indirect ways when they could. Please thank those of the Lore Team for their assistance with the making of this project.