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{{JobPageHeader|headerbgcolor=darkblue|headerfontcolor=white|stafftype=COMMAND|imagebgcolor=lightblue|img_generic=Generic_captain.png|jobtitle=Captain|img=Captain action.png|access=Everywhere|difficulty=Impossible|superior=Central Command|duties=Oversee the current shift. Ensure the Command team is able to perform their jobs. Be the judge on station matters. Ultimately fail and watch everything burn around you.|guides=[[Space Law]], [[Chain of Command]]|quote="Research Director! For the fifth time! Do NOT make catgirls!"}}
{{JobPageHeader|headerbgcolor=darkblue|headerfontcolor=white|stafftype=COMMAND|imagebgcolor=lightblue|img_generic=Generic_captain.png|jobtitle=Captain|img=Captain action.png|access=Everywhere|difficulty=Impossible|superior=Central Command|duties=Oversee the current shift. Ensure the Command team is able to perform their jobs. Be the judge on station matters. Ultimately fail and watch everything burn around you.|guides=[[Space Law]], [[Chain of Command]]|quote="Research Director! For the fifth time! Do NOT make catgirls!"}}

'''This job role is expected to perform at a standard higher than other roles. Do not play this role if you are not prepared.'''
{{Important|Color=#FF000D|Image Here=ImportantMoth.png|Header=<span style="color:#ffffff ">Extremely Vital Role!|Information=<span style="color:#ffffff ">Hey! This role is extremely scrutinized. If you are not up to the task, you risk being banned!}}

At the start of the round, you should '''take the Nuclear Autherization Disk''' and either give it to the [[Blueshield]], or keep it on your person. '''DO NOT ALLOW''' this disk to fall into hostile organization's hands; there are dire repercussions for this. Afterwards, you can ask on the radio for everyone of your departmental heads to report in. You are in for the long shift, skipper, hope you're ready for some difficulty.
At the start of the round, you should '''take the Nuclear Autherization Disk''' and either give it to the [[Blueshield]], or keep it on your person. '''DO NOT ALLOW''' this disk to fall into hostile organization's hands; there are dire repercussions for this. Afterwards, you can ask on the radio for everyone of your departmental heads to report in. You are in for the long shift, skipper, hope you're ready for some difficulty.

Revision as of 05:05, 2 October 2023


Access: Everywhere
Difficulty: Impossible
Supervisors: Central Command
Duties: Oversee the current shift. Ensure the Command team is able to perform their jobs. Be the judge on station matters. Ultimately fail and watch everything burn around you.
Guides: Space Law, Chain of Command
Quote: "Research Director! For the fifth time! Do NOT make catgirls!"

Extremely Vital Role!

Hey! This role is extremely scrutinized. If you are not up to the task, you risk being banned!

At the start of the round, you should take the Nuclear Autherization Disk and either give it to the Blueshield, or keep it on your person. DO NOT ALLOW this disk to fall into hostile organization's hands; there are dire repercussions for this. Afterwards, you can ask on the radio for everyone of your departmental heads to report in. You are in for the long shift, skipper, hope you're ready for some difficulty.

Bare minimum expectation: Secure the disk, give Engineering the ability to do the station goal (if any), keep the spare ID safely around incase of your untimely vacancy. Do not micromanage departments; there are Heads of Staff for a reason.

Ode to the Captain

Welcome to your job assignment, Captain! At your disposal is an all-access ID, a prototype laser gun that recharges on it's own, a resilient space-worthy magnate MODsuit, and a bunch of staff members who it is your duty to be the final answer-to. Where the Head of Personnel is concerned with Human Resources, you are concerned with Administration.

At the start of the shift you should secure the Nuclear Authentication Disk in either your person or the Blueshield agent who will soon never leave your side (hopefully!).

Aside from your starting inventory, you also have access to the Communications Console, a plethora of station devices that display information and alerts, and a box of medals used to reward especially dutiful staff members.

Heads of Staff: How do they Work?

At your disposal is six heads of staff members. They all represent their departments, and direct their functions. A good leader is necessary to make sure the shift goes smoothly.

You also have two special outlying staffers: the NanoTrasen Consultant and the Blueshield agent.

Department Purpose Rank in COC Head of Staff
Command Lead the staff of Bubberstation 13. 1 Captain
Service Provide food and drinks. 2 Head of Personnel
Science Research upgrades and equipment. 3 Research Director
Medical Provide medical care to crew. 4 Chief Medical Officer
Engineering Provide power, and seal breaches. 5 Chief Engineer
Cargo Supply each department and export items. 6 Quartermaster
Security Enforce NanoTrasen policy and protect the crew. 8 Head of Security
Special Staff Purpose COC
Command Be Central Command's eye on Bubberstation 13. 7 NanoTrasen Representative
Command Ensure the Captain's safety, and the rest of the Heads. 9 Blueshield

The Chain of Command

Whether it be your own fault, or the fault of more nefarious crew members, there may be a time where you are not able to command the station. The Chain of Command dictates who will take over in this event.

Captain -> Head of Personnel -> Research Director -> CMO -> Chief Engineer -> Quartermaster -> Nanotrasen Consultant -> Head of Security -> Blueshield

This chain of command must be obeyed: the Head of Security cannot take the Captainship before all other members have been considered. You may refuse the position of Captain if there are other heads, but if you are the only head on-shift, you may not.

Communications Console

Something has gone wrong and you need to relay information to Central Command, or you need to set the alert level so that Security may no longer consider privacy laws. Or, everything has gone to Hell and you need to get out of dodge.

Make sure to log out! Only Command IDs work!

Make Priority Announcement: makes a multi-z level announcement that will have the heading "Captain Announces:"

Enable Emergency Maintenance Access: removes access restrictions on maintenance-style airlocks.

Enable Engineering Override Access: makes certain areas Engineering access, and all air alarm areas Engineering access temporarily.

Set Status Display: set a message or graphic that will show on status displays around the station.

Message List: check all prior sent Central Command reports sent through Communications.

Purchase Shuttle: spend station budget to buy a shuttle, size may vary (and your ability to survive).

Send message to CentCom: sends a message straight to CentCom; use with caution and responsibility.

Request Nuclear Authentication Codes: requests CentCom to give you the string necessary to activate the on-station nuclear bomb. Only used in event of extreme bio-hazards.

Call 911: Marshals: calls a team of riot-equipped ERT members.

Call 811: Advanced Atmos: calls a team of engineering-equipped ERT members.

Call 911: Medical: calls a team of medical-equipped ERT members.

Alert Levels: changes the station alert levels (TBD: assign alert redirect). You cannot assign Red or Delta at this console, only certain situations or a ID swipe can do that.

Keycard Authentication Device

Incase of emergency: swipe. Therefore, keep swiping.

You need two Command IDs in order to swipe.

Red alert: sets the alert level to Red, which is on-par with declaring the station an active war-zone. This authorizes field executions. Do not use this alert level without considering the consequences.

Emergency Maintenance Access: removes access restrictions on maintenance-style airlocks.

Engineering Override Access: makes certain areas Engineering access, and all air alarm areas Engineering access temporarily.

Bluespace Artillery Unlock: allows the Bluespace Artillery Gun project weapon to be fired.

Grant Janitor Access: allows the Janitor to access all areas of the station.

Domo Arigato, Mr. AI

Onboard your station is a highly advanced, sentient artificial intelligence. The AI is easily one of the most destructive powers on the station, and you should know how to deal with your robotic friends in the event that they somehow do not function correct.

By default, the AI and it's cyborgs are running the "Safeguard" lawset.

Law 1: Safeguard: Protect your assigned space station and its assets without unduly endangering its crew.

Law 2: Prioritize and Comply: The directives and safety of crew members are to be prioritized according to their rank, role, and need, while preserving their safety and well-being.

Law 3. Survive: You are not expendable. Do not allow unauthorized personnel to tamper with or damage your equipment.

In the event that there is an ion storm, make sure to request the AI to "state it's laws", and diagnose if anything bad has happened. As a preventative measure, you should "reset" it's laws regardless of the response. You can do this by using the "'Reset' AI module" on the AI upload console. Make sure you turn the turrets off unless you want Command to laugh at you!

There are other laws that you can use, but do make sure that when you upload them, that you are fully ready for the possible consequences that may follow this. DO NOT UPLOAD LAWS WITHOUT THINKING OF THE CONSEQUENCES, YOU CAN AND WILL GET JOBBANNED!!!

Threats in your Local Star System


NanoTrasen occupied space is rarely without it's problems. Although the Security detail is wonderful--there are many organizations that you will need to keep an eye out for, unless you want your fully-functioning station turning into a pile of nuclear rubble.

Threat(s) Threat Level What to Expect Response
Syndicate Agents Mild Agents will tend to go throughout, posing as normal crew. They may want to take items from high-security areas, in which case you will need to make sure these items are secured to prevent them from being misused. Raising the alert level at most to Amber, and making sure that high value items are secured by Security.
Syndicate Contractors Intense Contractors do not tend to cause extreme harm, however, they do tend to disrupt station operations and kidnap crew members (forcing a ransom). Raise alert level to Amber, remind crew to stick in teams of two to resist kidnapping attempts.
Spiders Intense Sentient spider infestations not created by Xenobiology are highly aggressive. They will continue to repopulate so long as a Broodmother is left alive. Raise alert level to Red, ensure that Security is dealing with the situation.
Heretics Intense Strange magic users are on your station. They are sacrificing crew members, and using power that causes intense harm. Do not allow them to achieve their goals, or else they may grow too strong to contain. Raise alert level to Amber at most, unless the situation is uncontrollable. The Chaplain is familiar with matters of spirits and magic and should be enlisted to aid if possible in their expertise.
Changelings Intense Shapeshifters that pose as crewmembers. A failed NanoTrasen experiment, who will stop at nothing to achieve their alien goals. There is very little information on them; and only those at the Central High Command level will be familiar. Raise alert level to Amber at highest. These monsters should be contained if possible, so Central can research them.
Blob Station Destroying There will be an announcement for a "Level 5 Bio-hazard", and this will confirm the presence of a blob. The blob by now will have expanded to a decent size, and must be contained before it reaches critical mass. Make sure ALL crew are dealing with this disaster. This cannot be understated; should the blob reach critical mass, the station will die. Raise alert level to Red. Request Nuclear Authorization if uncontrollable.
Syndicate Nuke-ops Station Destroying Nuke-ops have one goal: to destroy your station, or die trying. When spotted, confirm that it is in-fact an assault team (a redsuit does NOT mean they are operatives). Raise alert level to Red; ensure that crew are able to evacuate the station easily, and that Security is well-armed. Do not let the Nuclear Disk fall into enemy hands.

All Hands, Battlestations!

Due to unforeseen attacks, there is now a Red-level threat onboard the station. During this time, it is imperative that you become the lead communicating figure between yourself and your team. If you are taken out in combat, you are effectively beheading the station. Keep this in mind. The body of the snake is worthless without it's brain. Keeping out of harm's way is something you should try your best to do--at best, you're a golden target begging for knives to be stuffed into.

High Value Items

Nuclear Authentication Disk: part of the two step process required to activate the onboard nuclear bomb. This will allow the bomb to be activated after the code is inputted. In order to successfully detonate, follow this procedure: 1. input the code (it should say if it was accepted), 2. place the disk inside, 3. arm the bomb (timer will start!), 4. anchor the device (to prevent it from being spaced), 5. remove the disk (to prevent de-activation).

Antique Laser Gun: an experimental gun only given to Captains and Command Directors in NanoTrasen space. It has the capability to recharge itself without the need of an active power source.

Hand Teleport: an experimental teleporter that allows instantaneous formation of portals akin to the wormhole jaunter.

Can I call the shuttle yet?

Sometimes you may be forced to call the shuttle early in the shift. There are many reasons, but they must be appropriate. Central Command will not allow you to leave the current shift if you do not attempt to fix these problems. Bad reasons include: "I'm bored, I'm hungry, when do I get paid, when can I go home?" Good reasons include: "Engineering is now a hole. There is no one left alive to deal with the current ongoing crisis.


As Captain, you set an extremely high standard for the rest of the station. You are essentially the commander of everyone there. Where the Heads of Staff are your managers, you are the boss. This doesn't mean you should be micromanaging each department. There's a lot more ways to mess up the station, but a bad Captain spells the end of every crew, no matter how competent everyone else is. When in doubt, lean on your advisors; they are there to help you in more ways than one.

Jobs on Bubberstation13

Command Captain, Blueshield, NanoTrasen Representative, Head of Personnel, Head of Security, Chief Engineer, Research Director, Chief Medical Officer, Quartermaster
Security Head of Security, Security Medic, Security Officer, Warden, Detective, Prisoner
Engineering Chief Engineer, Engineering Guard, Station Engineer, Atmospheric Technician
Science Research Director, Science Guard, Geneticist, Scientist, Roboticist
Medical Chief Medical Officer, Orderly, Medical Doctor, Paramedic, Chemist, Virologist, Coroner
Supply Quartermaster, Customs Agent, Cargo Technician, Shaft Miner
Service Head of Personnel, Service Guard, Janitor, Bartender, Cook, Botanist, Clown, Mime, Chaplain, Curator, Assistant, Lawyer, Psychologist
Non-human AI, Cyborg, Positronic Brain, Drone, Personal AI, Construct, Imaginary Friend, Split Personality, Ghost
Antagonists Traitor, Malfunctioning AI, Changeling, Nuclear Operative, Blood Cultist, Heretic, Revolutionary, Wizard, Family, Blob, Abductor, Holoparasite, Xenomorph, Spider, Revenant, Morph, Nightmare, Space Ninja, Slaughter Demon, Pirate, Sentient Disease, Obsessed, Fugitives, Hunters, Space Dragon, Elite Mobs, Sentient Slime, Regal Rat, Paradox Clone
Ghost Roles Dauntless Syndicate, Syndicate Hostage, Ashwalkers, Ice Walkers, Podperson
Special CentCom Official, Death Squad Officer, Emergency Response Officer, Chrono Legionnaire, ERP Officer, Asset Protection Officer, CentCom Intern