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{{JobPageHeader|headerbgcolor=#644117|headerfontcolor=white|stafftype=SUPPLY|img_generic=QM_generic.png|imagebgcolor=#644117|jobtitle=Quartermaster|img=QM_action.png|access=Cargo, Mining, Vault|difficulty=Easiest of the command jobs|superior=Captain|duties=Manage the cargo department, ship orders, make sure miners don't die.|guides=[[Chain of Command]], [[Policy for Command]]|quote="Sign here, here, here, here and here... don't forget to stamp on page three."}}
{{JobPageHeader|headerbgcolor=black|headerfontcolor=red|stafftype=SYNDICATE|img_generic=Traitor_generic.png|imagebgcolor=#BB0000|jobtitle=Traitor|img=Traitor_action.png|access=Wherever your job has access to|difficulty=Medium|superior=Usually the [[Syndicate Conglomerate]], sometimes your traitor flavor text will make you NTIA, independent, or anti-syndicate.|duties=Accomplish your objectives and further the cause of the Syndicate (or NTIA, or yourself)|guides=[[Syndicate Items]]|quote="Whiskey. Echo. Whiskey. Lima. Alpha. Delta."}}

Whether you had an unpaid debt, have scores to settle, or were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, the malicious forces of the universe have deemed it necessary for you to infiltrate Bubberstation 13. Your goal is to succeed in enacting whatever nefarious plans your benefactor (or yourself) have laid out against the station. Time to put on your big boy pants, read up on your objectives and do whatever it takes. You're probably going in all alone, and the entire Universe is out to get you -- but if you succeed, a lavish retirement surely awaits...

== TREASON 101 ==
Treason is defined loosely as "the betrayal of allegiance toward one's own country, especially by committing hostile acts against it or aiding its enemies in committing such acts", which in this case, you are betraying your employment contract with Nanotrasen, committing hostile acts against the Company for your personal benefit (or for the benefit of Nanotrasen's enemies in the syndicate).

Regardless of your true allegiance, you spawn normally as whatever job you would have been given otherwise, with an uplink that contains your objectives and is used to teleport in mission-critical equipment and to purchase Syndicate items to help you in your work. By default, your uplink is your PDA; using the messenger app, change your ringtone to the given code to open the store and objective selection, but remember to lock it when you're done. You can also select your headset to be your uplink, by which you will need to whisper a code phrase in order to access. There is also the option of having a pen be your uplink, turn it the required degrees to activate the uplink. Lastly, you can go for maximum stealth and start out with an uplink implant, though this comes at a 4 TC installation fee.
Assuming you don't go for the uplink implant, you will always start out with 25 TC.
== WHO ARE YOU? ==
As soon as you roll traitor, you will be greeted by the Traitor Information Panel. There is a lot of information here, and while you are not strictly required to follow the traitor flavor text, it is advised you do so, as it especially helps you in deciding which of your fellow traitors you might be comfortable collaborating with.
The top section of the information panel states boldly which organization you actually belong to, and below that is your objectives. Off to the side is the traitor flavor text associated with the organization you belong to. The section detailing your allegiances tells you which other types of traitors you may "reliably" collaborate with and who you should avoid (or even betray). The section detailing your employer's thoughts lets you know roughly how loud your operation should be. Some organizations are fine with you trashing the place, others demand you maintain stealth.
Below this is your uplink details, and the code you need to access the uplink. You are also provided with instructions on how to use a Syndicate Uplink Beacon in the event you lose your uplink.
Lastly, there are the Code phrases. These secret code words are best mixed into normal conversational speak to disguise them. As a traitor, you are trained to recognize the code phrases and responses, so if someone is whining about tunnel snakes for no reason, you can confirm they are some sort of traitor, and a potential ally. Agents are not obligated to respond to your kindness, though, so stay alert.
As previously stated, the Syndicate (or your other black market connections) have issued you an uplink with 25 telecrystals to spend as you desire. There are truly far too many items to go over outside of a separate article, so check out [[Syndicate Items]] for the down-low on all the tools of the nefarious trade.
Outside of what your uplink can provide you, don't forget the items issued to you as part of your legitimate job, and the things you can potentially craft within either your existing job or in areas you infiltrate. It is cheaper to, say, hack your way into Engineering (1TC for the syndicate toolbox and combat gloves) and snag a jaws of life than it is to buy one off your uplink (4 TC). Or, why spend 11 TC on a whole Syndicate Bomb when you can just make your own maxcap in Ordnance?
Ultimately, when it comes to gear as a traitor, your own real-life brain is worth the most. Get creative, and everything is a breeze.{{Jobs}}

Latest revision as of 02:35, 6 June 2024

File:Traitor generic.png File:Traitor action.png
Access: Wherever your job has access to
Difficulty: Medium
Supervisors: Usually the Syndicate Conglomerate, sometimes your traitor flavor text will make you NTIA, independent, or anti-syndicate.
Duties: Accomplish your objectives and further the cause of the Syndicate (or NTIA, or yourself)
Guides: Syndicate Items
Quote: "Whiskey. Echo. Whiskey. Lima. Alpha. Delta."

Whether you had an unpaid debt, have scores to settle, or were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, the malicious forces of the universe have deemed it necessary for you to infiltrate Bubberstation 13. Your goal is to succeed in enacting whatever nefarious plans your benefactor (or yourself) have laid out against the station. Time to put on your big boy pants, read up on your objectives and do whatever it takes. You're probably going in all alone, and the entire Universe is out to get you -- but if you succeed, a lavish retirement surely awaits...


Treason is defined loosely as "the betrayal of allegiance toward one's own country, especially by committing hostile acts against it or aiding its enemies in committing such acts", which in this case, you are betraying your employment contract with Nanotrasen, committing hostile acts against the Company for your personal benefit (or for the benefit of Nanotrasen's enemies in the syndicate).

Regardless of your true allegiance, you spawn normally as whatever job you would have been given otherwise, with an uplink that contains your objectives and is used to teleport in mission-critical equipment and to purchase Syndicate items to help you in your work. By default, your uplink is your PDA; using the messenger app, change your ringtone to the given code to open the store and objective selection, but remember to lock it when you're done. You can also select your headset to be your uplink, by which you will need to whisper a code phrase in order to access. There is also the option of having a pen be your uplink, turn it the required degrees to activate the uplink. Lastly, you can go for maximum stealth and start out with an uplink implant, though this comes at a 4 TC installation fee.

Assuming you don't go for the uplink implant, you will always start out with 25 TC.


As soon as you roll traitor, you will be greeted by the Traitor Information Panel. There is a lot of information here, and while you are not strictly required to follow the traitor flavor text, it is advised you do so, as it especially helps you in deciding which of your fellow traitors you might be comfortable collaborating with.

The top section of the information panel states boldly which organization you actually belong to, and below that is your objectives. Off to the side is the traitor flavor text associated with the organization you belong to. The section detailing your allegiances tells you which other types of traitors you may "reliably" collaborate with and who you should avoid (or even betray). The section detailing your employer's thoughts lets you know roughly how loud your operation should be. Some organizations are fine with you trashing the place, others demand you maintain stealth.

Below this is your uplink details, and the code you need to access the uplink. You are also provided with instructions on how to use a Syndicate Uplink Beacon in the event you lose your uplink.

Lastly, there are the Code phrases. These secret code words are best mixed into normal conversational speak to disguise them. As a traitor, you are trained to recognize the code phrases and responses, so if someone is whining about tunnel snakes for no reason, you can confirm they are some sort of traitor, and a potential ally. Agents are not obligated to respond to your kindness, though, so stay alert.


As previously stated, the Syndicate (or your other black market connections) have issued you an uplink with 25 telecrystals to spend as you desire. There are truly far too many items to go over outside of a separate article, so check out Syndicate Items for the down-low on all the tools of the nefarious trade.

Outside of what your uplink can provide you, don't forget the items issued to you as part of your legitimate job, and the things you can potentially craft within either your existing job or in areas you infiltrate. It is cheaper to, say, hack your way into Engineering (1TC for the syndicate toolbox and combat gloves) and snag a jaws of life than it is to buy one off your uplink (4 TC). Or, why spend 11 TC on a whole Syndicate Bomb when you can just make your own maxcap in Ordnance?

Ultimately, when it comes to gear as a traitor, your own real-life brain is worth the most. Get creative, and everything is a breeze.

Jobs on Bubberstation13

Command Captain, Blueshield, NanoTrasen Representative, Head of Personnel, Head of Security, Chief Engineer, Research Director, Chief Medical Officer, Quartermaster
Security Head of Security, Security Medic, Security Officer, Warden, Detective, Prisoner
Engineering Chief Engineer, Engineering Guard, Station Engineer, Atmospheric Technician
Science Research Director, Science Guard, Geneticist, Scientist, Roboticist
Medical Chief Medical Officer, Orderly, Medical Doctor, Paramedic, Chemist, Virologist, Coroner
Supply Quartermaster, Customs Agent, Cargo Technician, Shaft Miner
Service Head of Personnel, Service Guard, Janitor, Bartender, Cook, Botanist, Clown, Mime, Chaplain, Curator, Assistant, Lawyer, Psychologist
Non-human AI, Cyborg, Positronic Brain, Drone, Personal AI, Construct, Imaginary Friend, Split Personality, Ghost
Antagonists Traitor, Malfunctioning AI, Changeling, Nuclear Operative, Blood Cultist, Heretic, Revolutionary, Wizard, Family, Blob, Abductor, Holoparasite, Xenomorph, Spider, Revenant, Morph, Nightmare, Space Ninja, Slaughter Demon, Pirate, Sentient Disease, Obsessed, Fugitives, Hunters, Space Dragon, Elite Mobs, Sentient Slime, Regal Rat, Paradox Clone
Ghost Roles Dauntless Syndicate, Syndicate Hostage, Ashwalkers, Ice Walkers, Podperson
Special CentCom Official, Death Squad Officer, Emergency Response Officer, Chrono Legionnaire, ERP Officer, Asset Protection Officer, CentCom Intern