Xenomorph Hybrids

From Bubberstation Wiki
Xenomorph Hybrid
Genus: Xeno
Central Authority: Hybrid Hives scattered throughout the galaxy.
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Xenomorph Hybrids
Basic Information
Homeworld: The original xenos evolved on G-435. Hybrids have since descended from Brunan, Wrocht, and Alkan.
Language: Xenomorphic, Galactic Common
System: Unknown specific origin.
Average Height: X
Lifespan: X
Breathes: Oxygen

Basic Description

Xenomorph “Hybrids” are the cumulation of the race’s instinct to survive, exposure to the galactic community, and several attempts to exterminate (or genemod) the race. Evolved from the dreaded “pure” Xenomorph, these hybrids lack parasitic nature and instinctual aggression. Clad in a chitinous exo-skeleton, Hybrids' form and color vary greatly from the traditional black, purple, and red of their ancestors. Their compatibility with most species in the galaxy, coupled with their stable gene structure, results in a wide range of possible bodies. Commonly they share their ancestor’s head crest, segmented tail, and digitigrade legs.

The first Xenos evolved on G-435, a planet far off outside of the Known Galaxy, past the Luni Super-Nebula. They developed as a hive-species that was very predatorial, consuming most life on their home before being encountered by an advanced alien species which began to conduct tests and studies on the Xenomorph life-forms. Sometime during this period, Xenomorph hives would continuously hitch-hike on the advanced alien’s shuttles, spreading their roots and hiding away as they built their hives. Too little to combat the spread of these hitch-hikers was done, and far too late and many planets had became hosting-grounds for Xenomorph hives. It is speculated that sometime in 140 AD that a ship of this alien species crossed the Luni Nebula into the Known Galaxy, spreading the Xeno hives over in our region of the galaxy. Evidence of this alien species is gone, and all that remains are the Xeno hives, which have continued spreading to every corner of the Known Galaxy.

Xenomorphs have been in the public’s conscious for a long time, known as vicious killers and biological terrors. Xeno hybrids have had immense difficulty shaking off the predatory trappings of their ancestors.