Chief Engineer

From Bubberstation Wiki

Chief Engineer
Access: Brig, Command
Difficulty: Hard
Supervisors: Captain
Duties: Manage the onboard Engineering team: engineers, atmos techs
Guides: Chain of Command, Rules, Guide to the Supermatter
Quote: "Five breaches and ten alarms is just another day in hell."

Nanotrasen stations have a team of qualified engineering staff to get the power flowing, fix any damage that crops up against the station and keep everyone breathing well. This team needs a boss to operate at optimum efficiency, and that boss is the Chief Engineer.

Bare minimum expectations: Make sure that enough electricity comes through in the first twenty minutes of the round so the station doesn't just go dark and die. Know the entirety of Engineering, Telecomms and Atmospherics. Communicate with your staff and teach inexperienced team members.

Bonus Skills: Advanced optimization of station power sources and Atmospherics. Synthesis of Gases, Fusion and upgrading the Turbine.


Welcome to the shift floor, Foreman. You've ground your way up from the ranks of the working class (one part of the working class anyway) and found yourself with a private space and a bunch of white, rather than yellow, safety gear. Your tour of duty in the mechanical fields is far from done, however, and now comes with a bunch of authority issues to boot. Not to fear, however. The Company has invested heavily in ensuring your primary talents are not wasted. The relevant kit on your person, and in your locker, is as follows:

  1. White toolbelt, loaded with experimental power tools for your priority use. Most of these tools perform the job of two tools, have extra capabilities, and use less fuel when utilized. These tools are the Hand Drill (wrench and screwdriver combo), jaws of life (wirecutter and crowbar combo, can pry open doors) experimental welder (with regenerating fuel), a standard multitool, spare cable, compact fire extinguisher and experimental gas analyzer (can scan from range).
  2. Extended capacity survival box. Identical to the survival box issued to non-engineers, but since you're an engineer you get an extended capacity oxygen tank that lasts more than five minutes.
  3. Telescopic baton. Use this to knock down and beat dissenters.
  4. Flashbulb device, use this to stun unprotected dissenters and deal with problem borgs.
  5. Professional RCD, a white colored rapid construction device which is faster and harder to disrupt than other RCDs. It still lacks the full build suite engineers expect from the black colored IRCD, so you may want to just stash this.
  6. Bluespace RPD. A rapid pipe dispenser that can build through walls if you remember to turn remote piping on with alt-click. The possibilities of such a tool are limited only by your knowledge of Atmospherics.
  7. The Station Blueprints. These greasy papers let you create or modify station areas (necessary for powernets), view all wire combinations for doors and devices (which change from round to round) and view the structural layout (making repairs faster). They're a high risk item sometimes coveted by traitors, so make sure to pocket these.
  8. Advanced Fire Extinguisher. One of these spawns in your locker, so if the ones in atmos run out you have a spare. Very good at killing fires and slimes alike.
  9. Gas Miner Delivery Beacons. Use these to call in the Gas Miners to provide additional gas supply for your station's needs. Atmos techs will beg for these.
  10. Engineer job skillchips. Slam these into new recruits using the skillsoft station in the library so they can see the wiring layout of things.
  11. Engineering plumbing constructor. You probably won't do much liquid plumbing, but you have the option in case you are doing chem shit for some reason.
  12. ATMOS holofan projector. Use it to deploy up to 6 gas stopping barriers in the location of your choice. Useful for breach work as well as clever atmos jobs.

Don't forget the items within your personal Suit Storage Locker. The breath mask is not mandatory as you have a lot of gas masks lying around, but if you want something easier to push out of your face, you got it.

  1. The advanced MODSuit itself. Comes with a 20MJ battery, space capability including jetpack, flashlight, storage and magboot function. Usually a good idea to replace your backpack with this immediately.
  2. The advanced magboots. They are less of a burden to wear than regular magboots and should replace your basic footwear immediately. Traitors covet these, so it is important to secure them.


Being the boss of engineering (un)fortunately means that the staff of the engineering department fall under your purview as your subordinates.

Station Engineers:

Atmospherics Technicians:

Engineering Guards:

Jobs on Bubberstation13

Command Captain, Blueshield, NanoTrasen Representative, Head of Personnel, Head of Security, Chief Engineer, Research Director, Chief Medical Officer, Quartermaster
Security Head of Security, Security Medic, Security Officer, Warden, Detective, Prisoner
Engineering Chief Engineer, Engineering Guard, Station Engineer, Atmospheric Technician
Science Research Director, Science Guard, Geneticist, Scientist, Roboticist
Medical Chief Medical Officer, Orderly, Medical Doctor, Paramedic, Chemist, Virologist, Coroner
Supply Quartermaster, Customs Agent, Cargo Technician, Shaft Miner
Service Head of Personnel, Service Guard, Janitor, Bartender, Cook, Botanist, Clown, Mime, Chaplain, Curator, Assistant, Lawyer, Psychologist
Non-human AI, Cyborg, Positronic Brain, Drone, Personal AI, Construct, Imaginary Friend, Split Personality, Ghost
Antagonists Traitor, Malfunctioning AI, Changeling, Nuclear Operative, Blood Cultist, Heretic, Revolutionary, Wizard, Family, Blob, Abductor, Holoparasite, Xenomorph, Spider, Revenant, Morph, Nightmare, Space Ninja, Slaughter Demon, Pirate, Sentient Disease, Obsessed, Fugitives, Hunters, Space Dragon, Elite Mobs, Sentient Slime, Regal Rat, Paradox Clone
Ghost Roles Dauntless Syndicate, Syndicate Hostage, Ashwalkers, Ice Walkers, Podperson
Special CentCom Official, Death Squad Officer, Emergency Response Officer, Chrono Legionnaire, ERP Officer, Asset Protection Officer, CentCom Intern