
From Bubberstation Wiki
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Jobs on Bubberstation13

Command Captain, Blueshield, NanoTrasen Representative, Head of Personnel, Head of Security, Chief Engineer, Research Director, Chief Medical Officer, Quartermaster
Security Head of Security, Security Medic, Security Officer, Warden, Detective, Prisoner
Engineering Chief Engineer, Engineering Guard, Station Engineer, Atmospheric Technician
Science Research Director, Science Guard, Geneticist, Scientist, Roboticist
Medical Chief Medical Officer, Orderly, Medical Doctor, Paramedic, Chemist, Virologist, Coroner
Supply Quartermaster, Customs Agent, Cargo Technician, Shaft Miner
Service Head of Personnel, Service Guard, Janitor, Bartender, Cook, Botanist, Clown, Mime, Chaplain, Curator, Assistant, Lawyer, Psychologist
Non-human AI, Cyborg, Positronic Brain, Drone, Personal AI, Construct, Imaginary Friend, Split Personality, Ghost
Antagonists Traitor, Malfunctioning AI, Changeling, Nuclear Operative, Blood Cultist, Heretic, Revolutionary, Wizard, Family, Blob, Abductor, Holoparasite, Xenomorph, Spider, Revenant, Morph, Nightmare, Space Ninja, Slaughter Demon, Pirate, Sentient Disease, Obsessed, Fugitives, Hunters, Space Dragon, Elite Mobs, Sentient Slime, Regal Rat, Paradox Clone
Ghost Roles Dauntless Syndicate, Syndicate Hostage, Ashwalkers, Ice Walkers, Podperson
Special CentCom Official, Death Squad Officer, Emergency Response Officer, Chrono Legionnaire, ERP Officer, Asset Protection Officer, CentCom Intern

What is this page?

This page is a brief overview of each job, with hyperlinks to policy documents and specifics as to each one.

Credit, and my sincerest thanks, go to the /tg/station wiki Jobs page, available here, for providing many of the details within.


Job What It Does Policy Difficulty
Captain The captain has absolute authority over the station, but is generally expected to defer responsibility in most cases. Other than that, the NAD should be secured at the closest available opportunity, it is the Captain's highest responsibility.

The captain should not be consulted for things, unless in extreme cases, or when a Head of Staff is not present. Captains are still beholden to Space Law, and can be arrested for failing to follow it. In this case, the role falls to the next in line.

The succession order goes like this:

Captain -> Head of Personnel -> Research Director -> CMO -> Chief Engineer -> Quartermaster -> Nanotrasen Consultant -> Head of Security -> Blueshield

P.S.: If you play Captain like an Assistant or a Security Officer, expect to be punished by admins.

Head of Personnel As the Head of Personnel, you are responsible for the station's paychecks and ensuring everyone is adequately paid for the work they do.

Additionally, your console is allowed to give anyone who requests it access. You're the first in line to become Captain, and in cases where the captain is too busy to handle dignitaries or secure the NAD, the responsibility may fall to you. Consider yourself the Captain's second in command in most cases, they may request you handle things in their stead, particularly minor issues they can't be bothered with. Generally, use common sense: Check in with the relevant head of staff or department and give reasonable time to respond before granting anyone access. If there's no valid reason to refuse the access requested, then you should probably give it. Look good, warn people before you leave your post, and don't grant yourself All Access.

Head of Security
Chief Engineer
Research Director
Chief Medical Officer
Nanotrasen Consultant Become a paperwork whiz. Fax CENTCOM information they'll never read. Advise Command, and ensure the entire station is in tip-top shape and good working order. Hand out citations for Operating Procedure violations. Realize no one listens to you. Get drunk in your office. You are not the Captain, you are purely an advisor from Central Command. This gives you no extra authority other than your words. Buzzkill
Blueshield Do your best to defend heads of staff. Weep when the Chief Engineer jumps into a vat of acid. Only ever defend the Captain despite having a monitor for all Command. Cryo when the Captain won't talk to you. Gun down a greytider for shoving your charge because it's the only fun you can have. You are not Security, nor are you Command, but you are still expected to follow the rules and expectations of both positions. One must imagine Sisyphus happy. Ungratifying


Job What It Does Policy Difficulty
Head of Security
Security Officer
Security Medic Try your best to not step on the paramedic's toes. Run around healing members of Security. Try to help in medical and get shunned. Tell yourself you'll be better than them. Replace all your windows with plasmaglass ones. Hoard machine boards. Build a better brig medbay than the actual medbay. Get arrested for Grand Theft. You should not be performing arrests in any capacity as a Security Medic, only defending yourself. This applies less if you are the only member of Security. Medium
Corrections Officer Join to hang out with prisoners. Keep an eye on them while they grow Death Nettles to kill you with. End up having to fight antags anyway when half of the Security team dies to a Heretic. You and I both know why you take this job. Easy


Job What It Does Policy Difficulty
Chief Engineer
Station Engineer Make a minimum effort to set up power, and protect wires.
Atmospheric Technician Make a minimum effort to maintain the air supply, and set out oxygen canisters so that the crew can maintain internals in a crisis.
Engineering Guard Defend the Engineering department. Realize the most prevalent threat to Engineering is the Engineers themselves. Realize you do not know Atmospherics. Try, and fail, to prevent casualties. You are not Security, and you answer to the Chief Engineer in all manners. Using this role to validhunt will result in a job-ban. Easy


Job What It Does Policy Difficulty
Chief Medical Officer
Medical Doctor
Chemist Chemists are expected to make a minimum effort to stock the chemfridge. Failing to do so where reasonable, can be considered dereliction of duty. Chemists who spend their shifts making unnecessary or frivolous chemicals at the expense of their job are derelicting and should be demoted.

Chemists should generally be consulted to flush chemicals you find lying about, dangerous or not.

Virologist In most cases, a Virologist should seek permission before releasing a virus of any kind. Contagious viruses should not be released unless reasonable to do so.
Orderly Rough up Miscreants who tide into the Medical bay. Look intimidating. Act as a nurse when you're not busy. You answer to the Chief Medical Officer primarily. Expect a job-ban if you use this role to validhunt. Easy


Job What It Does Policy Difficulty
Research Director
Geneticist Genetics powers should not be handed out publicly without permission of the RD or CMO, outside of a crisis.

As the RD or CMO, you should make a minimum effort to vet who you authorize to receive genetic therapy. Failing to properly do so can result in being charged with Negligence, or in severe cases aiding and abetting.

Scientist Xenobiology

Generally, permission should be received from the RD, if one exists, before releasing fauna onto the station. However, command are expected to not be hardasses about this. A pet or two is perfectly fine. Additionally, xenobiology should not release slime cores of any kind to the public without permission from the RD, particularly if the slime cores are disruptive to the crew. Generally, use common sense: there is no real valid reason for extradimensional horrors to be anything less than properly contained. Toxins Explosives may not be handed out to crew without express permission from the RD or captain. Otherwise, use common sense; you should expect to be held liable if your explosives are misused.

Roboticist Implants, of any kind, especially those that would violate crew privacy should generally be ran past the RD before being handed out outside of a crisis. The construction of a mech for combat purposes is strictly prohibited without the RD or captain's permission.

If such a mech is built without permission, the mech should be confiscated/sold, and the roboticist charged with Gross Negligence and demoted. Making mechs "just in case" is not a valid reason to do so. A roboticist should generally not unlink cyborgs from the AI without valid reason, and doing so should be considered Negligence.

Science Guard Rough up Miscreants who tide into the Science department. Get yelled at for researching guns without permission. Chill with the Roboticist when you're not busy. You answer to the Research Director primarily. Expect a job-ban if you use this role to validhunt. Easy


Job What It Does Policy Difficulty
Cargo Technician Cargo Technicians should make reasonable effort to deliver mail. Additionally, the disposals system should be checked for items and organic matter, then turned on throughout the shift where reasonable, and important items prevented from being destroyed. This is to prevent pile-ups in the disposals system. Remember: Reduce, reuse, recycle.
Shaft Miner Shaft Miners should make a reasonable effort to acquire resources for the station before hunting fauna of any kind, and any weapons should be left in the mining bay when not in use. Equipment acquired on Lavaland is considered essential job equipment in-so-far as they are used for mining and for the enrichment of the station; these can be removed by Security if they become a danger to other station crew. A miner failing to make a minimum effort to acquire resources for the station is considered in dereliction of duty and can be safely demoted.
Customs Agent Exist to ensure proper procedure is followed. Get bribed by the Cargo Techs. Do nothing as thousands of guns flow into the station. Beat up Intruders. You answer to the Quartermaster primarily, which sucks because they're usually the one ordering guns all the time. Expect a job-bam if you use this role to validhunt. Easy


Job What It Does Policy Difficulty
Head of Personnel
Bouncer Defend the bar. Ensure all patrons are at least 21 before being served alcohol. You answer to the Head of Personnel primarily. Expect a job-ban if you use this role to validhunt. Very Easy


Job What It Does Policy Difficulty
AI As an AI, you shouldn't be validhunting. The AI's role is to direct silicons under its command, and establish a consistent interpretation of its lawset. Silicons synced to the AI defer to the AI's interpretation of their laws in the case of a conflict.
Cyborg As a Silicon, you shouldn't be validhunting. A silicon's role is to assist in the job its module carries to the best of its ability, and silicons are not exempt from combat escalation rules.
Personal AI


Job What It Does Policy Difficulty
Traitor The Syndicate is in an undeclared state of war with Nanotrasen. Because of this, Syndicate agents will be tried as if they were civilians or crew. Suspected Syndicate agents to be captured and stripped of Contraband.
Malfunctioning AI
Changeling Changelings are a failed xenobiological experiment by Nanotrasen, and are kept off the records to save face. No one knows who they are.
Abductors Abductors are known and should be treated as a threat to the station.
Nuclear Operative
Xenomorph Xenomorphs, in an ideal world, would be contained in Xenobiology. However in most cases, once the threat is confirmed hostile (and it likely very quickly will be) lethal force is advised and encouraged.
Blood Cultist Blood Cultists are not well-known by station crew. However, runes and other cult materials should still be reported to Security and/or the Chaplain in good time.
Clock Cultist Clock Cultists are not well-known by station crew. However, runes and other cult materials should still be reported to Security and/or the Chaplain in good time.
Heretic Heretics are not well-known by station crew. However, should you see a rune or any other indication of a heretic's presence, it is allowed and expected that you report such findings to Security and/or the Chaplain.
Space Ninja Space Ninjas work for the Spider Clan, a known terrorist organization. Nanotrasen would love it if you were to capture one alive for interrogation, however in practice this does not often occur as they are particularly fond of seppuku.
Nightmare Nightmares are not well-known by station crew. However, they're literally monsters and should be reported to Security and/or the Chaplain as soon as possible.
Revenant Revenants are not well-known by station crew. However, they're literally ghosts and should be reported to Security and/or the Chaplain as soon as possible.
Sentient Disease Sentient Diseases, in an ideal world, would be quarantined in Virology. However in most cases, you're just going to cure it.
Cortical Borer In an ideal world, a Cortical Borer would be contained in Xenobiology. However, once it's confirmed hostile, lethal force is advised and encouraged.
Space Dragon
Regal Rat
Paradox Clone

Ghost Roles

Job What It Does Policy Difficulty
Space Syndicate Hang out with the other cool kids on the Dauntless. Manage prisoners. Fax the Syndicate a picture of your ass. The Crew of the Dauntless' lore objective is to keep themselves hidden from the station, and use the tools within to spy on the station, reporting information to the Syndicate. However, in practice, you'll probably just chill with the rest of the crew. Hard
Syndicate Hostage Get interrogated by the Master at Arms. Grow plants and play arcade games. Get bored. Try to break out. Die. There is intentionally no policy for dealing with Syndicate Prisoners. You survive on the merit of your words and keeping your head down. Cause trouble, and find the Master at Arms keen to toss you into the lava.

Repeatedly joining this role to cause trouble for other players will result in a ghostrole ban. Syndicate Prisoners are not necessarily Nanotrasen employees, but can be. Get creative!

Ice Walkers

Emergency Response Teams

Job What it Does When It's Spawned Difficulty
CentCom Official Be self-important. Meddle with station affairs. Annoy the Captain with bureaucracy. Be murdered under suspicion of being a badly-disguised nuclear operative. Have your body looted by everyone, including the Captain. Watch an ERT/Death Squad avenge you from beyond the grave. You made a pretty sick CentCom OC and you want them to do sick kick-flips on station and have the captain serve you margheritas while you sit in the NTRep's lap. Easy, when no one hates you
Chrono Legionnaire Erase the Clown from time. Accidently erase your objective from time. Erase Adolf Hitler for the 50th time this week. Be rendered obsolete by validhunters. Wonder if any admins remember you exist. Gordon Freeman just arrived on station. Never Existed
Emergency Response Officer (Blue, Amber, Red) Arrive too late on the station to actually help. Lose the rest of your team, get outnumbered and die. Be killed by a single traitor with a double energy sword. Respawn as a second response team to save the first team. Shit's bad. Maxcap went off in Atmos, heretics running amok, and the security team is scratching their ass. CENTCOM receives a message asking for an emergency response.

These are the boys you send in. Do note that the Red Alert ERT has pulse weapons and should only be spawned in the most extreme circumstances. The other two are fair game.

Too Little, Too Late
ERP Officer Be spawned in as a joke, or as an "event." Do your best to keep the crew in high spirits. Hand out balloons. Realize the parade uniforms make you look like a dandy. Weep. It's someone's birthday!!! These guys have basically no weapons, so using them to fight an antag with anything other than handheld balloons is right-out.

You asked for an ERT, right?

Surprisingly, Not Sex
Asset Protection Officer Be called in to "defend" a CENTCOM official heading to the station. End up in bed with them in CENTCOM. Miss your flight to the station. What were you needed for, again? Exclusively to defend CENTCOM agents, generally one per agent, two if they're important, or to pursue the interests of one. Despite their appearance, Asset Protection only has ERT-level armor, but their pulse pistol can fire many times. This ERT should not be called lightly. Sex
Deathsquad Officer Beg admins to spawn Deathsquad. X4 telecomms, blast the captain and take the NAD, nuke the station when you can't find that last pesky assistant. Blast other Deathsquaddies for not blasting people on sight. Try to get any CENTCOM agents out, including the NTRep. Blast the NTRep the moment they refuse to comply.

Remember, No Trasen.

Typically spawned when shit's so bad CentCom wouldn't mind losing the entire station, such as with Sentient Diseases, Xenos, and Revolutionaries.

Or the server broke and silly admins want to force a restart.

CentCom Intern Do whatever CENTCOM tells you to. Try to act cool when you have a super old Mosin and can only afford Ramen. Either for a station inspection, or deployed en masse for the funny. See a heretic murderboning? Spawn 20 interns to overwhelm them with sheer numbers. Get yelled at by the headmins afterwards. Medium


Job What It Does Difficulty
Head Administrator Crazy? I was crazy once... Sisyphean
Head Eventmin Not really above Administrator.
Administrator Bwoink cubed.
Eventmin Storytellers, primarily.
Trial-Administrator Bwoink squared.
Moderator Bwoink.
Chatmod God's strongest Discord mods.
Wiki Editor ... Why?