Space Law

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What is Space Law?

Space Law is a collection of rules and regulations enacted by Nanotrasen which has oversight through CentCom and is enforced by the Security Officers on the Space Station. That is to say, these are in-character rules.

However, repeated, bad-faith violations of Space Law will likely result in job-bans.

Space Law applies to all ranks and positions on station, from the lowliest Assistant to the highest Captain, all are equal under the eyes of the Law and ultimately answer to her.

Space Law Quick Reference
0XX - Infraction 1XX - Minor 2XX - Moderate 3XX 4XX CXX SXX
01 Battery Assault Assault with a Deadly Weapon Assault of Command Murder Disrespecting Senior Officer Excessive Force
02 Public Nuisance Moderate B&E/Trespass Major B&E/Trespass Severe B&E/Trespass Mutiny Unlicensed Magic Use Privacy Violation
03 Defacing Negligence Gross Negligence Abuse of Authority Station Destruction Wrongthink False Arrest
04 Loitering Larceny Major Theft/Sabotage Grand Theft/Sabotage Escaping Permabrig Dereliction Favoritism
05 Rubbernecking Vandalism Animal Cruelty False Proceedings Enemy of the Corporation Embezzlement Improper Handling
06 Public Indecency Distribution Kidnapping Possession of Major Contraband Biological Terror Provoking CENTCOM Accepting a Bribe
07 Refusal to Identify Unauthorized Piloting Manslaughter Impersonation
08 Stalking Vigilantism Insubordination Unauthorized Channels
09 Harassment Silicon Tampering
10 Death Mongering Possession of Moderate Contraband
11 Possession of Stolen Goods

The rules and regulations herein are not absolutes, instead they exist to serve mainly as guidelines for the law and order of the dynamic situations that exist for stations on the frontiers of space, as such some leeway is permitted.


When sentencing for a crime, only pick the most severe offense committed by a criminal. Use the timer next to each brig cell to assign the appropriate time.

The arresting Security Officer (or Warden) can approve alternative punishments (such as Interrogation) as they see fit.

An arrested person's timer begins as soon as they enter the brig, the timer does not stop if the prisoner requires medical treatment.


Crimes do not stack, they are only the most egregious committed and do not increase for repeat offenses.

0XX - Infractions

Low issue crimes, typically related to behavior issues or comments.

Choose One:

Fine, no more than 250 cr

Community Service, no more than 5min

Referral to Counseling

Crime Number
01 Battery

To apply unwanted physical contact of any sort to another person.

Examples include:

  • Shoving
  • Leg Sweeping
  • Dragging
02 Public Nuisance

To be unnecessarily disruptive to the workplace, such as by yelling loudly in public areas.

03 Defacing

To disfigure, or otherwise damage or hinder the appearance of an object, floor, or wall without approval.

Examples include:

  • Spraying graffiti on walls
  • Placing random objects in the deep fryer
04 Loitering

To linger around a department or person for an extended period of time (typically greater than 5 minutes) without proper justification.

05 Rubbernecking

Assist in, or otherwise be a part of, a crowd that prevents regular crew passage through an area.

06 Public Indecency

Engage in sexual or erotically provocative activities in a public space.

  • Sorry, hunky wolf, you have to have your dick covered.
07 Refusal to Identify

Not properly displaying Identification for any reason.

  • Hello suspicious man wearing gas mask. Where is your ID?
08 Stalking

To contact, or attempt to contact, a person that has declared you are unwelcome.

  • Being obsessed isn't cheap, you know.

1XX - Minor Crimes

Crimes that can potentially cause issues for the station.

Choose One:

Jail, 5-10 minutes

Community service, no more than 10min

Referral to Counseling

Number Crime
01 Assault

To harm another crewmember with malicious intent.

Examples include:

  • Punching
  • Kicking
  • Goring (such as with horns)
02 Moderate B&E/Trespass

Breaking into, or existing within, a departmental area without valid reason.

Examples Include:

  • Cargo Bay
  • Engineering Lobby
  • Science Hallway
03 Negligence

Creating, causing, or allowing the presence of a hazard that may cause harm to crewmembers.

Examples Include:

  • Floor pills
  • Slippery spills
  • Flammable liquids
04 Larceny

To steal items, or equipment of any kind.

05 Vandalism

Causing destruction to station property without intent to fix, or making renovations to a departmental area without permission.

06 Distribution

Through any means, providing dangerous drugs to another crewmember without approval from the Medical department.

07 Unauthorized Piloting

To use a combat-grade mech in non-departmental spaces without approval, outside of a crisis.

  • Mechs should generally be kept in the Robotics bay until needed. An announcement should be made over comms if they need to be moved, such as for export.
08 Vigilantism

To perform the responsibilities and/or duties of a Security member without approval or due cause to act.

  • Essentially, no validhunting.
09 Harassment

Unwanted behavior that demeans, humiliates, or intimidates a person. Must be declared as unwanted.

Sexual harassment also falls under this law.

10 Death Mongering

To make comments intended to bring harm to a crewmember, or to allude to the death of any crew members, as well as spreading false information.

  • No yelling AI rogue over comms unless you're sure the AI is, in fact, rogue.
11 Possession of Stolen Goods

To carry, and fail to return, an item that has been previously stolen.

2XX - Moderate Crimes

Crimes that will or have already caused issues for the station.

Choose One:

Jail, 10-15 minutes

Number Crime
01 Assault with a Deadly Weapon

Assault committed with a weapon that can cause serious harm.

Examples include:

  • Stabbing
  • Shooting
  • Toolboxing
02 Major B&E/Trespass

Breaking into, or existing within, a secure departmental area without valid reason.

Examples Include:

  • Brig
  • Xenobiology/Toxins
  • Atmospherics
03 Gross Negligence

Creating, causing, or allowing the presence of a hazard that is very likely to, or already has caused harm to crewmembers.

Examples Include:

  • Engine in the main hallway
  • Cannons
  • Burning chemical fires
04 Major Theft/Sabotage

To steal, damage, or relocate items or equipment in a secure area without permission.

Examples include:

  • Head of Staff Lockers
  • Fireaxes
  • Pretty much any minor antag objective, really.
05 Animal Cruelty

To abuse, inflict injury upon, or end the life of a pet or sentient animal of any sort.

06 Kidnapping

To take a crewmember anywhere against their will without proper justification.

  • NT Employees are not free, you cannot just take them.
07 Manslaughter

To indirectly cause the death of any Crew through your actions, typically as a result of Negligence.

08 Insubordination

To willfully disobey, or refuse to follow, a reasonable and lawful order from your Department Head. This includes Security.

09 Silicon Tampering

To modify, illegally or otherwise, a Silicon without approval.

  • Generally applies to emags, but also applies to your favorite rogue CE changing the AI's laws.
10 Possession of Moderate Contraband

To be in possession of any of the items listed in the Moderate Contraband list.

3XX - Major Crimes

Crimes that severely disrupt station function.

Choose One:

Jail, 20-25 minutes

01 Assault of Command

Assault, but against Command officials, such as the Captain or Chief Engineer.

The Blueshield and Nanotrasen Representative do not count as Command for the purpose of this law.

02 Severe B&E/Trespass

Breaking into, or existing within, a critical area without valid reason.

Examples Include:

  • Vault
  • Teleporter
  • Armory
  • Engine Room
03 Abuse of Authority

To, as a member of Command, provide unlawful orders, and/or orders that directly harm the station and/or its crew.

Contact Central Command at such occurrences.

04 Grand Theft/Sabotage

To steal/damage/relocate critical items to the Station or the Company.

Examples include:

  • Gravity generator
  • Nuclear Authentication Disk
  • Telecomms
05 False Proceedings

To lead, or take part in, unlawful assembly to determine guilt without oversight.

  • Basically, no lynchmobs.
06 Possession of Major Contraband

To be in possession of any of the items listed in the Major Contraband list.

4XX - Capital Crimes

Crimes that destroy, or have destroyed the station and/or its crew.

Choose One:


Exile via Gateway

Trial (for Execution)

Number Crime
01 Murder

To intentionally cause the death of, or put into critical condition, a Crewmember, regardless of Revival status.

02 Mutiny

To knowingly lead at least two individuals with intent to unseat the current chain of command.

  • This is for you, revolutionaries.
03 Station Destruction

To attempt to destroy the station or critical portions of it.

Examples of critical portions include:

  • Brig
  • Vault
  • Engine Room
04 Escaping Permabrig

To break out of the Permabrig after having been placed there.

  • It's not technically legal, but if this happens multiple times, just kill them.
05 Enemy of the Corporation

To be a member of any of the following organizations:

  • Hostile boarding parties
  • Wizard Federation
  • Hiveminds
  • Cults

Syndicate agents should be prosecuted under Wrongthink.

Deconversion/Reconditioning is always preferable to execution, IF possible.

06 Biological Terror

To knowingly release, cause, or otherwise cause the station to be affected by a biological agent, or to yourself be a biological agent.

Examples Include:

  • Space vines/Kudzu
  • Any virology disease
  • Xenomorphs (non-hybrid)

CXX - Corporate

Actions that actively support agendas that do not agree with the station, or NanoTrasen as a company. These laws apply only to Crew on the Manifest, not to non-crew.

Choose One:

Immediate Demotion

5-10 minutes in brig

Number Crime
01 Disrespecting A Senior Officer

Statements or comments against your departmental head in public. Complaints about Heads of Staff should be delivered to the Captain, Nanotrasen Representative, or of course, Central Command.

02 Unlicensed Use of Magic

To use arcane or bluespace gifts without approval. This also applies to the Chaplain.

  • Essentially, being a heretic.
03 Wrongthink

To think or act in such a way that has the possibility to cause harm to the workplace and/or Nanotrasen.

  • Essentially, no unions, no traitors, et cetera.
04 Dereliction of Duty

To abandon, or fail to arrive when called by your department head on Red Alert or higher, or to leave the station as a member of Command for a non-emergency.

05 Embezzlement

To misappropriate, steal, or otherwise use corporate funds (such as the ones in department budgets) to self-serving or non-corporate ends.

  • Stop buying yourself guns, Quartermaster.
06 Provoking CentCom

To antagonize, heckle, or otherwise disrupt the functions of a CentCom official, or Response Team.

  • For those of the crew who want to try slipping the Admiral on soap.
07 Impersonation

To pretend to be someone you aren't. Carries a heavier sentence than Refusal to Identify, as Refusal to Identify can be someone just forgetting their ID.

08 Unauthorized Channels

To edit the number of Security slots, outside of Red Alert.

SXX - Security Crimes

Crimes that can be charged to members of the Security department, department guards, or Heads of Staff  that deal with the Security department. This includes Blueshields and deputized crew, though to a lesser extent.

In the case that these laws are violated, the victim is to be compensated a fine of 1000 credits, and released without punishment. Funds are expected to be paid from the offending officer, then the Head of Security's account, then the defense budget, in that order.

Choose One:

10-15 minute brig time,

Immediate demotion

Number Crime
01 Excessive Force

To use improper force when detaining or handling a suspect. Generally applies to the practice of "harmbatoning," although firing or carrying lethal weapons on green or blue alert also applies. Does not necessarily require the offending officer to hit their shot.

02 Privacy Violation

To use unauthorized sensory aids (such as thermals, x-rays, or cybernetic ears), or to perform an unlawful search in a non-crisis situation.

Ergo: No thermal eyes for sec, no random implant checks either. Unless you have reason to believe they have one.

03 False Arrest

To make an arrest with a reason not specified, or made up later in the brig. A reason for an arrest must be stated by the arresting officer before making an arrest.

04 Favoritism

To willfully ignore, or apply a lesser crime to, a favored individual.

05 Improper Handling

To fail to deliver or return dangerous and/or enemy equipment to the Contraband Locker in good time outside of Red Alert,

To carry lethal equipment outside of Amber or Red Alert, or to excessively abuse prisoners.

06 Accepting a Bribe

To willfully accept enrichment of any sort in exchange for assistance or preference from the security team, generally goes in tandem with other security crimes.

Legal Representation