Galactic Federation: Difference between revisions

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(Added the Galactic Federation lore, except for the State lore. That is to be finished.)
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Revision as of 07:06, 27 October 2023

Initial History

Government Form Democratic Republic
Head of State Pres. Newt Lamber
Capital The Heart Stations
Demographics No Majority Species
Official Language Galactic Common
Official Religion Secular Government

Initially, the area that made up the Federation Core was home to many different nations on hundreds of different planets. The nations quickly formed a council and entered into close pacts and agreements with each other, sharing technology and allowing open borders and free trade. However, one of the biggest things they offered to one another was protection; space was deadly, pirates were beginning to become a problem, as well as raids from smaller nations on the outskirts of this council, they formed the basis of what would be known as The Federation to this day.

Soon enough, this council would pass a resolution to unite all of their nations under one banner, which passed unanimously. An argument arose over which planet would house their Capital, which ended with the preposition of constructing a massive Orbital Station, which would become The Heart System, a fairly barren solar system now populated by countless orbital structures serving as colonies for The Beating Heart of the whole Federation.

The Federation existed alongside a few other nations during this time, some of which comprise parts of the Federation today. In particular, the Solarian Federation, ruled predominantly by Humans, was a rival to the growth of The Federation for a large portion of The Federation’s youth. Despite this rivalry, the two nations had a lot of similarities, growing closer as more opposing nations started to threaten the sovereignty of both nations. During the War with Moghes, an Empire of Lizards, both nations fought alongside each other and built the groundwork for a future of Sol as one with The Federation.

The Solarian Federation passed a referendum voting to join The Federation as an autonomous state after the war, leading with 79% for joining The Federation. Both nations would come together and the governance of Sol would lay the groundwork for governance in all other sectors of The Federation. Sol provided The Federation with many benefits of their strong markets while The Federation applied many more freedoms to The Humans, but most importantly to the minority species of Sol. Together, The Federation became the state it’s known as today, The Galactic Federation (or GalFed / Fed. For short.)

Since the formation of The Galactic Federation, many new colonies have been founded during the period of massive expansion in The Federation, mostly owed to The Empire of Moghes having a long fall from its height and no longer contesting The Federation’s territorial advances. However, this was short-lived, with the New Russian Imperium becoming a larger member of The Galactic Community from when it was a simple breakaway and rival to Sol, as well as the introduction of Soato into this area of space, threatening The Federation’s supremacy.


The government of The Federation aims to be as decentralized as possible while still maintaining control over all of its territory. Federal decisions are usually handled in The Federal Senate, located at The Heart's center is The Senate is mainly used for larger diplomatic decisions and federal laws otherwise issues are usually handled on a state-by-state basis, where a state (composed of many planets) will convene in its own House of Representatives to decide on local law changes. Despite the autonomy of each state/province, most are similar in laws with slight deviations.

Many have likened the autonomy of each state to that of enlightened feudalism, each state having a small navy and army that they use for internal defense and dealing with internal issues like pirates and the inevitable corporate armed dispute. Another point that has added to the idea of The Federation being somewhat Feudal would be the fact that Corporations have massive freedoms, with even the biggest Corporations (Like Nanotrasen and Cybersun) being able to field large navies, though never larger than The Federation itself.

Speaking on the topic of Markets, The Federation, economically, is extremely Market-oriented. Life on planets is very balanced between government and public spending vs. Corporate control. All planetary inhabitants are given Public Education and have affordable healthcare. That isn’t the luxury of many spacers, however. Those living in remote colonies and space stations, which are almost solely owned by corporations, are given as much as the Corporation has to give. Though Federation Representatives are always there to ensure that the corporation isn’t breaking Federal Laws and is treating their employees correctly, who’s to say that a little money won’t make them turn the other cheek?

The Government invests a lot into the infrastructure of the nation, populating their territory (and even areas outside of their territory) with waystations and small space-communities. These infrastructure improvements have also benefited the transit of the nation greatly, allowing for Military Vessels and Merchant Ships to move from point A to point B with ease. Personal Space-Ship ownership has recently also skyrocketed, though these spaceships are almost never large or luxurious (aside from space trains), about half of all Federation Citizens own some sort of personal space transportation vessel.

The Military of The Galactic Federation is definitely nothing to gawk at. Its influence has rippled through the known galaxy for having an uncontested fleet and elite ground force. The sheer scale of The Federation’s military is massive, however, it is often split among many different threats in the meantime, combatting NRI raids and holding a strong defense as a deterrent to both Moghes and the new threat to The GalFed, The Soatii. It is estimated that The GalFed navy comprises 471 Dreadnoughts, at least 4,000 Battleships, 3,800 Spacecraft carriers, and over 110,000 Cruisers. It is currently unknown how many Destroyers, Dogfighters, and other vessels there are.


The Federation is well known in the Known Galaxy for having a very vibrant culture in which citizens of a myriad of species coexist among one another with little to no problems. Other nations in the Known Galaxy like The Empire of Moghes and the NRI have a static, singular cultural system that they put extensive effort into assimilating minorities into, and even in some cases putting emphasis on species that they view as the ruling class, like Lizards and Lizardkin in Moghes being first-class citizens with other species being second-class and generally seen as lesser in their societies.

Some areas in The Federation do have a majority of species and cultural spread, like SolGov, for example. The Sol State has a slight Human Majority and Earth-centered cultures are the most prevalent in the province. Despite this, though, that doesn’t mean that Humans have more power than other species in Sol. Thanks to The Federation law, all species are equal, even in Sol. Similarities like these persist in nearly every part of The Federation, though despite the cultural diversity, The Federation has a distinguishable culture compared to that of other nations with many cultures morphing together and sharing traditions and ideals with each other in the massive melting pot that is The Federation.

While the general fabric of Federation society is quite open and welcoming to all, there do exist certain strands of Federation society who, consciously or unconsciously, seek to impose more elements of their specific way of life than other groups. Such cultural influences are typically the work of the large Corporations, or groups which strive hard to live free of corporate influences.


Out of any group or company within Federation space, no singular entity has quite as dramatic a push upon the culture of the Federation as Nanotrasen, and its long list of subsidiary entities operating all throughout the Federation. Perhaps more so than even other Human corporations, Nanotrasen has a distinct Terracentric vibe in the way that it operates, from holiday traditions on the surface, to the innate demand for progress and profit at the expense of other virtues. Indeed, it is the subsurface influences of Nanotrasen that reflect back into Federal culture. The monolithic corporate structure of Nanotrasen is the Federation taken to one of its potential, logical, non-radical conclusions. The Nanotrasen flavor of the Federal culture is one where all are incorporated, all work hard, for the profit of the organization, taking joy of being a small part of something much, much greater.

The Syndicate Corporations

The Syndicate are, in many ways material and immaterial, the Federation’s problem children forced into their corners by stronger forces, and it shows in the Syndicate’s contribution to Federal culture. Their alternate corporate culture is in many ways antithesis to Nanotrasen’s take. Independence, in a style like the decentralized state structure of the Federation, is the dominant meme in the feedback loop here. Instead of focusing solely on the organization, the Syndicate preaches personal gain of the individual, free association, and never allowing one to gain too much over one’s peers, for fear of a deadly descent into autocratic thinking. Instead of indulging in the rampant consumerism the greater Federation possesses, the Syndicate’s adherents make due with their resources and collaborate based on the strongest motivator of all: necessity.


Free Spacer subcultures have independently evolved within practically all of the Federation’s member states, and since homogenized into a significant subset of the population, with needs and motives often separate from planetbound society. Under the auspices of associations like the FTU (Free Trade Union), and taking inspiration from Mothic nomadism, the spacer culture is truly unique, and in a way unable to reintegrate properly with the rest of Federation culture, though free spacers tend to be very tolerant of other ideas and cultures. There are exceptions, as crews range from very loose to very strict in terms of discipline, and when one’s thought pool has been isolated and pure, it can be hard to let even a drop of new folk in. If there is one uniting meme among spacers, it is the drive to keep going further, beyond the frontiers set and established by the Federation, or any other governing body.

Foreign Relations

The Federation remains, currently, as the most dominant power in the region. The nation stands without any true allies, however they do have a significant influence over many of the planetary nations that take up the majority of the space outside of the borders of the Federation and any other major nation. Currently, the Federation is rivaled by 3 other large nations in the constant competition for more power in the known galaxy, these nations being the Empire of Moghes, the New Russian Imperium, and the newly arrived Empire of Soato.

Empire of Moghes

The Empire of Moghes and The Galactic Federation go back. Their relations initially started in an aggressive state, their first contact being a skirmish between Moghes scouting ships and Sol survey ships. At this point in history, the relations between the Initial Federation and SolFed had started to open up to the possibility of friendship between to the two nations. The skirmish ended with Moghes destroying the survey ships and beginning to build a larger military presence in the region close to Sol and The Federation.

Moghes founded the Kesaresz as a forward colony between the Solar-Federal alliance and the Empire. It was designated as a military province in their Empire and was used for garrisoning a navy and military for any potential attacks by the Alliance. When war erupted between The Federation, Sol, and Moghes over a lizard invasion of the Theasperri home planet, The Alliance denounced their actions and mobilized for war against the Empire.

The war between the Empire and the Alliance was overly drawn-out and all could see that it was intentionally used to weaken The Empire to a state of possible integration. Thankfully for the Lizards, they proved to be too resilient to be annexed and their home territory was barely scathed by war, forcing the Alliance to take what they had and not be greedy, but that isn’t to say that they didn’t end with a sour taste in their maws.

After the war, however, when The Federation united into the Galactic Federation with SolFed, relations began to lighten between the two nations, especially with the Empire falling into despair with Tizirian revolutionaries and NRI raiders, they couldn’t afford to continue rivalling The Federation. The Empire has since stopped calling for the return of their lost colony and are focusing on building a more friendly relationship with The Federation.

That isn’t to say things aren’t still tense between the two nations, however there is an unspoken mutual agreement between Moghes and GalFed that the NRI and Soato are definitely larger threats to their existence than each other are. This has allowed for mutually benefitting trade deals to be set in stone, particularly including Federation materials and science developments being traded for cheap Moghes manpower and labor, as well as a newly created immigration system between Moghes and GalFed.

New Russian Imperium (NRI)

The NRI started as a breakaway state from SolFed during its existence. This happened largely due to neglect for Russian and other slavic nations on Earth and their respective colonies. The main cultural demographics of those leaving Sol were Russian, Serbian, Belarussian, and some minorities of other Slavic Nations. The intention of the NRI was to create a nation representing the Slavic interests first and foremost.

In its inception, many colony ships were boarded by pan-slavic refugees in a mass exodus. They traveled out to a more desolate region of space and began colonising as much as they could. They started very small and rapidly inflated thanks to the neglect of their expansion by Sol. Eventually, Sol was caught up with war in Moghes and this allowed for even less care for the NRI by them, allowing for long-distance colonies to be established and by the end of the war, a new problem was sitting on The Federation’s table, a new Ivan.

Due to The Federation’s friendship with SolFed, the NRI had a negative disposition with GalFed out the gate. At the end of the war between GalFed and Moghes, the NRI began making moves on both nations, butting heads with Moghes over nebula colonies and raiding Federation stations and ships under the guise of pirates. Diplomatically, things seemed neutral, maybe a little suspicion on The Federation’s side, however under the table was a shadow-war to the likes of NT VS. The Syndicate with raids and skirmishes prevalent in the area between both nations.

This has, to the NRI’s dismay, pushed Moghes and GalFed closer, but the way they have handled this situation could almost be described as graceful, dodging accountability for the almost war-like actions taken against both nations and benefiting greatly off of Federation and Lizard gold. Future escalations are often speculated whether there will be war between The Federation and the NRI, but it’s clear that the NRI knows its limits and can push them to perfect degrees without triggering larger responses from The Federation.

It is unknown really if The Federation would go to war with The NRI, and the biggest question regarding a war would be if the NRI could survive. Navy figures have been inflated, exaggerated, downplayed, and everything in-between to suit the NRI at the time, like an elaborate paper tiger that could have a very real tiger behind it, waiting for The Federation or Moghes to get too cocky and jump right into its maw. Most tend to err on the side of caution and assume with how many fronts the NRI has, they must have a large and experienced navy at their command.

Soato Holy Dominions

The Holy Empire of Soato is a new player in the Known Galaxy, having arrived recently and established multiple disconnected colonies from each other. The form of Soato that exists in this space is a Dominion of a much larger nation, most likely far from this sector of the Galaxy. However, that doesn’t mean they don’t exercise a massive influence on diplomatic relations between each of the major and minor powers in the area.

In particular, The Soato Dominions stand directly in the way of Federation domination over the entirety of the Known Galaxy. Both nations are constantly rivalling each other and trying to sway other nations in-between them to side with one or the other. The most prominent of these two is the NRI, which sits right in-between Soato and The Federation, however neither are able to sway the NRI into helping one and hurting the other.

Currently, there haven’t been many skirmishes or conflicts between The Federation and the Soato Dominions due to fears of a Total War breaking out between The Federation and Soato, especially with many smaller nations aligned with The Federation simply out of principle that just The Federation is a far more preferable outcome than just the Holy Empire of Soato.

The single biggest issue would be a recent influx of Soatii refugee ships containing many Soatii criminals and outcasts that are fleeing the Soatii regime. Most are given asylum in the Federation to the response of Soatii insults and deals for returning their prisoners, though most of these deals fall apart and the prisoner will be transferred to a planet in The Federation for questioning, or in the worst (and rarest) case, a skirmish will break out.

States of The Federation

The Federation is a massive space-nation with a mosaic of differtent cultures and states, making every inch of GalFed unique. The Federation has been divided into a myriad of different States, each with a different way of life from their neighbours thanks to the autonomy each state has from The Federal Government refusing to meddle with state-by-state issues unless it is extremely necessary.

To be finished