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== Initial History ==
<blockquote>"Aola burns warm with love for her Emperor, and we burn warm with the love of our Empire."
-Tizirian National Motto</blockquote>
== Description ==
[[File:Tizirian Empire Flag.png|thumb|
[[File:Tizirian Empire Flag.png|thumb|
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
!Government Form
!Government Form
!Absolute Monarchy
!Absolute Monarchy
!Head of State
!Head of State
!Regency Council over Emperor Tzeonoch II
!Emperor Tzeonoch II
!Lizard and Kobold Majority, small minorities of other species
!'''Lizard and Kobold Majority'''
!Official Language
!'''Official Language'''
!Sun Tongue, Draconic
!'''Sun Tongue, Draconic'''
!Official Religion
!'''Official Religion'''
!Sietyro Church
!Kajiili Church
|299x299px]]The Tizirian Empire is one of the few Great Powers populating the Known Galaxy, finding itself in frequent contest with its neighbours and rivals. The Empire is a greatly traditional, religious, and militaristic society, valueing war and the fight for one's own nation.
The Tizirian Empire started from their homeland, the dunes of Moghes. The planet was perfect for reptillian life, dotted with oases and savannahs for plant life to thrive in. Towards the northern and southern hemispheres existed more temperate forests, however these greenlands weren't suitable for long-term survival by the Early Tizirians due to their cold-blooded nature.
The Tizirians used to be a far more agressive society, forming a hegemony of smaller unconquered nations, though this was dissolved after its great loss in the Unification War, a war between the Federal Council and Sol against the Tizirians, a war that they did not win.
Since their humiliating loss, they have been regaining the control they once held in the past, and strengthing their armies and navies for the impending war that looms constantly in the future. Tizirians are guided by their love of war, their Empire, and their Goddess to their glory, and their deaths.
== Initial History ==
The Tizirian Empire started from their homeland, the dunes of Draeon'Eikajil. The planet was perfect for reptillian life, dotted with oases and savannahs for plant life to thrive in. Towards the northern and southern hemispheres existed more temperate forests, however these greenlands weren't suitable for long-term survival by the Early Tizirians due to their cold-blooded nature.
The planet orbited fairly close to its red sun, which was named "Aola". The sun would come to affect many of the lizards' religions thanks to its affect on their cold-blooded bodies. Eventually, however, a mutation would occur in a geneline of the Lizard allowing for their bodies to produce warm blood. This new mutation would quickly spread among many lizard populations that moved north and south respectively, and at the time many of these lizards would be considered blessed by Aola, or "Sun-Kissed".
Many eons would pass on the Tizirian sands and the planet would find itself united under the Imperial Tizirian Dynasty. The Monarchs would be those that were Sun-Kissed and descendants of the founding Emperors and Emperesses. Following this unity, the Tizirians would experience rapid leaps in technology and as soon as they had raised the United Tizirian Banner, they were landing on their moons.
The Tizirian Empire rapidly expanded, finding many uninhabited planets in their reach and planting the Green, Gold and Red banner in their new colonies. It was only until the Tizirians had grown to a comparitvely large size to their neighbours did they discover that they weren't alone in the Universe. The new contact kickstarted an effort to industrialize their military industry as they prepared to test the mettle of Tizirian tech on their new acquaintances. The resulting war of subjugation displayed the indomitable might of the Tizirian Empire.
== War and Revolution ==
The Tizirian Empire had bounced from solar system to solar system, colonizing to manifest their destiny in the Known Galaxy. They had grown to a considerable size when they encountered the nations of Theasperri, SolFed, and The Federation. As one, The Tizirian easily outsized the three nations, though together they sized up the Empire, but the Tizirians didn't expect them to fight as one.
The state of Kesa'aresz was established as a base of operations for the Tizirians against Sol, Theasperri and The Federation. Industrial efforts had begun in Kesa'aresz to prepare the state for the invasion of Theasperri, the first of the 3 targets, and as an ion cloud had passed through Theasperri borders from Kesa'aresz, so did Tizirian warships. The invasion, initially, was very successful, Theasperri fleets were routed from multiple key systems (thanks to communication outages from multiple ionic cloud movements), though they would soon be halted when they encountered 2 new holo-banners waving in the far distance.
The Empire was now on the back-heel as a combined force of The Federation, Sol, and Theasperri launched a massive counterattack, liberating the Theasperri planets and holding a continuous front against the Tizirians. The war was now one of attrition, with the alliance having a strong upperhand thanks to its close distance to the warzone. The Empire had the disadvantage of needing to prepare fleets in its home-territory then navigate to Kesa'aresz as much of its industrial infrastructure had been damaged from raids.
The line would eventually be broken and many Tizirian fleets would retreat to other vantage points, leaving Kesa'aresz to fall into enemy hands. Alliance ships entered into Kesa'aresz and started launching land-invasions, soon occupying the entire state with little to no pushback from the Tizirians. Many alliance strategists theorized that they'd never get further into Tiziria, and many Tizirian generals were now stumped trying to figure a way to crack the developing allied defenses.
The war would soon to come to an end as the Tizirian, Federation, Solarian, and Theasperri governments would come together and discuss peace terms. The Tizirians would cede the territory of Kesa'aresz permanently to the newly formed Galactic Federation, to the displeasure of many Tizirians and Areszians patriotic to their motherland. The period after the war was one of strife riddled with instability and economic depression for the Empire, which would only come to an end after the Reds rose up and kicked the nation's economy back into the gear.
For a long time leading up to the war many have speculated that an internal struggle of some sort was on the horizon, many Tizirians supporting a reformation of the government had started organizing protests and riots across the nation's planets. The instability of the nation's political hemisphere was one of the many reasons why the Tizirians fell so hard during the war, and they were about to fall even harder. Late into the night in the Capital on Draeon'Eikajil, firebombs would rain upon government buildings.
The revolution had begun, but luckily for the Imperial forces, they could end it swiftly. The revolution was very short and resulted in a lot of under-guarded and under-developed territories ceding from the Empire. The revolutionaries knew they couldn't take over the entirety of the Empire, it was impossible, especially with a veteran military they were now up against, but they could end it swiftly with a single hard blow to the Empire's heart, the Emperor, and during the Shining Sun's parade, they had their chance.
Revolutionaries all equipped with IEDs blended into the massive crowds gazing upon the Emperor's float as it moved along the street, and at the perfect moment, hundreds of explosives would be thrown at the float, bringing it down as the crowd dispersed with screams of terror, and a firefight ensued. The revolutionaries were quickly gunned down by Imperial protection agents, however the Emperor was already confirmed dead, and his heir would have to take the throne.
The Tizirian Empire abandoned much of its un-used territory and organized a formal ceasefire virtually, ceding the territory to the newly formed Republic which had its own issues to deal with. The Empire was left in a state of disrepair, as well as a new and inexperienced Emperess on the throne. Everything truely seemed like the end of the Empire's supremacy in Galactic Politics.
== Modern History ==
After the revolution, however, things really started to improve for the Tizirians. The wartime economy had kept chugging and allowed for the nation to continue developments in infrastructure and resource extraction, and the 2 massive losses brought many Tizirians together to support the rebuilding of their nation, not only that, what was left of the Tizirian military was a hardened and hungry-for-revenge force. The NRI was also encroaching on some of the Empire's colonies, providing even more experience and justification for wartime measures.
The new Emperess, Skelta Yeklio, showed a lot of promise with rallying the people behind the common cause of rebirthing the Empire. There was a lot of work to do, however everything seemed far more promising than before. What came first was economic developments, which started many exports of traditional Tizirian items, particularily food, to other nations, primarily the Galactic Federation.
The second step was coming to terms with The Federation. They were here, they won, but that didn't need to be the end of their interactions. The Emperess approached The Federation herself and opened up friendly communications between their two nations, building the groundwork for future cooperation. The Federation was an advantageous ally to the Empire, they had the largest military, was economically prosperous, and most importantly, had the same enemies as the Tizirians.
After a few decades, the Tizirian Empire was born anew, it took quite a bit of time for them to restart and reboot the backwards nature of the post-revolution Empire, however the new Emperess stepped up to the plate and batted home-runs for the nation's development, bringing it back onto the world stage with a larger, hardened army, and constant industrial development to add, the Tizirian Empire was back.
However, Emperess Skelta would become gravely ill almost overnight. Her condition continued to plummet until she was completely incapable. A regency was instituted to rule in her place until she got better, however that time never came, and shortly after the regency was insituted, she passed away in her sleep. Skelta mothered many children, however the child she designated as the heir to the throne was her youngest son, Tzeonoch II, which has become the most recent controversy in the Empire.
== Government ==
The Government is headed by the Imperial throne with heavy delegation moving down the hierarchy. The Imperial Monarchy is a bit of an outlier to traditional monarchies, as the throne does have extensive control over the nation politically and can enact policies as they wish, however many civil issues are usually handled by courts rather than the monarchy itself, like a functionally constitutional monarchy but an absolute monarchy in theory.
The other major difference between traditional monarchies and the Tizirian monarchy is the complete lack of a regency unless the ruler is completely incapable of ruling, ie. in a coma. This is the center of a lot of internal debate as the current ruler, Tzeonoch II, is not the age of majority, and rules without a regency. The reason for the lack of regency was always centered around the right of kings, and that the Imperial ascendency was holy and its decisions should not be undermined unless the ruler is physicially unavailable.
Luckily for Tzeonoch II, the delegation of powers allows the nation to run efficiently without Imperial intervention, and has contributed to the defense of the current state, with many traditionalists calling the idea of a regency for the young Emperor blasphemous and unpatriotic to the wisdom of the blessed Imperial family. Though, that doesn't dissuade many skeptics from believing that a regency would allow for a more stable rule until the Emperor comes of age, who make up a considerable portion of the Imperial Court, though definitely not the majority.
From the crown, the Empire is split into many provinces in which a duke and their lineage rules over. These duchies may have a change in leadership from one dynasty to another if there is a vote to do so by the other Dukes with a 2 thirds vote, or the throne intervenes and replaces them directly. In each province, there are planets which are ruled by their own governor, called "Yn'mer", these Yn'mer can only be replaced by the Emperor, the Duke of the Province, or all cities vote with a 2/3 majority.
On every planet, and by extension orbital stations as well, they are usually ruled by a mayor or are ruled directly by the Church. In cities and stations ruled by a mayor, they are elected by the Sun-Kissed residents to govern the municipality, whereas in stations and cities ruled by the Church, governors and ministers are appointed directly to rule.
Despite the autocratic nature of the government, there are some good social policies in place provide a good safety net for the populace, especially for employment. Nearly all social services are provided by the Church, which includes limited healthcare coverage, relocation for the unemployed, maternity leave, and many different amenities related to the religion and the church, like festivals and social gatherings.
== Territory ==
[[File:Tizirian Empire Map.png|center|frameless|850x850px]]
The Tizirian Empire used to be far larger than it is in the current day and age, possessing much of the space in the galactic south of it now owned by the FLSR. During the revolution, the Tizirians lost massive amounts of territories and colonies which were either completely abandoned or taken over by smaller powers when the local defenses left to fight the revolutionaries. That isn't to say that the Tizirian Empire is small, however. The Empire currently controls a very large continuous central province with a few other small colonies surrounding it, which in of itself contains hundreds of planets.
=== '''Central Tiziria''' ===
The heart-space of the Tizirian Empire. Central Tiziria is used to refer to all of the central Tizirian space, the largest continuous territory owned by the Tizirians. It is home to the largest population centers in the Empire and houses the capital of the Empire, the eternal throne of Lizard-kind.
Central Tiziria is known for its constant patrols and military presence, with one of the lowest rates of piracy in the entire Known Galaxy. Central Tiziria makes up most of the population in the Tizirian Empire as many of the outer colonies have had declining populations for decades after the revolution, only recently have they started recovering. Central Tiziria has everything a massive Empire could ever want, a very strong industry, great space infrastructure, and excellent colony development.
Many of these advancements in the Central Tizirian region were made during the reign of Emperess Yeklio and her recovery. To quickly and efficiently bring back the Tizirian Empire to the galactic stage in the Known Galaxy, they needed to modernize and fast, and with her efforts they rapidly developed their industry in the core worlds and central Tiziria and promoted constant growth for the rest of her reign thanks to many economically stimulating public works and government reforms.
In the modern day, Central Tiziria stands as one of the most industrial single provinces in the Known Galaxy, with a massive, sprawling population and large leaps in economic, scientific, and military advancements.
=== '''Tei'kikii''' ===
Tei'kikii is the second oldest Tizirian province in the Known Galaxy, having actually be apart of the Greater Tizirian Empire before the Unification War and Revolution. After many of the colonies were abandoned, only the largest population centers remained. Many of the Yn'mer in Tei'kikii formed an alliance when the province was abandoned by the Throne to retain the Tizirian culture and ideologies that the revolutionaries were trying to eradicate.
The alliance of Yn'mer in Tei'kikii pooled their resources and money and formed a coalition government for a brief period during the revolutionaries, conscripting their own military and fielding a very small navy. Their force was strong enough to defend against any Revolutionary attacks during the Civil War, and nearing the end were even assisted by the Imperial Tizirian forces, where they quickly rejoined their crown government.
Tei'kikii survived the civil war avoiding many of the horrific trajedies that many other places in the Tizirian Empire were not lucky enough to avoid. This leveraged a lot of economic power in the hands of the Tei'kikii during the recovery period in the Empire, with many grants and loans being taken from the pooled resources in Tei'kikii which kick-started the rebuilding of the Tizirian Industry and military.
The Tei'kikii's efforts never went unthanked, with a far larger deal of autonomy in the Tei'kikii governments from the Crown (not officially, just in practice). The Tei'kikii don't have a duke, for example, and still rely on the coalition government of Yn'mer
== Military ==
The Military of the Tizirian Empire is the nation's pride. For eons the Tizirian Empire has been known as a great power in terms of their army, conquering nations up until their bout with the Federation, which is to date one of the few, but greatest loss to the Tizirian Empire. This loss, however, has not made it any less terrifying when you witness the great fleets of the Tizirians encroaching on your homeworld.
The Tizirian ground forces have been seen as next to only the Federation in their capabilities during war. No other nation comes close to the brutality and bravery of the Tizirian soldier, with little remorse for carnage and chaos, they thrive in the heat of death and the fires of the battlefield. And in the modern age, the Tizirians have only stepped up their battlefield capabilities as they have started collaborating with Federation Generals and military theorists.
In terms of their navy, the Lizards are also not ones to be forgotten. The Imperial Navy was massively destroyed during the Unification War against the Federation and Sol, and has been many years since they were able to field a formidable navy. In the modern age, the Tizirians stand high once again with a new and far more advanced Navy. It is, however, far behind the size and power of the Soatii and Federation navies, and loses engagements against the NRI due to its focus on size and power and lack of mobility.
But don't be mistaken, all 3 of those nations are right to fear the power of the Tizirian Imperial Fleets, especially nations like the NRI, who know they could never defeat a head-on engagement with the Tizirian Navy, and simply opt to run circles around them and escape while dealing minimal losses to the Tizirians. The Tizirians regularly research advancements and counters to Soatii naval tech which has caused a small arms-race between the two nations in naval developments.
As for the Federation, they could still defeat the Tizirian Navy like they did in the past, but they'd do so at great loss to their own Navy. They're just happy that the Tizirians are on their side in these new years.
== Culture ==
Tizirians are very proud of their strong culture, which encompasses nearly every facet of day-to-day life in the Empire. This is only magnified by their aversion to other cultures, though that doesn't mean that subcultures don't develop in different parts of the Empire, with some in the modern age opening up to foreign cultures and taking some traditions, festivals, and foods into their own unique culture, which has mostly been seen with Federation cultures and the most recent addition of Christmas as a national Holiday in some Tizirian duchies.
The Kajiili Church is the central power in organizing belief within the Empire. Kajiilis are a sect of the Aolan Pantheon which have consolidated power within Tizirian culture and initially structured the government which would become the Imperial administration. They are also responsible for the "Imperial Consecration", which was the proclamation of the Emperor's lineage being divine and descendants of Aola herself.
Tizirian culture is a very vibrant culture, with aspects of their religion and identity as Tizirians impacting nearly every aspect of their life. National festivals are held nearly monthly, celebrating each and every god and goddess in the Aolan Pantheon, celebrating their role in Tizirian society and their role in the universe at large. These festivals have amenities such as parades, games, and traditional foods for all those that participate. Tizirian floats for their parades are often very elaborate, and a few festivals are carrying over into The Federation by Tizirian immigrants.
The first, and usually most visible difference between Tizirians non-Tizirians is their clothing. Specifically cold-blooded Tizirians tend to wear many insulating layers, even in the heat, wearing special fabrics all over their entire body typically called Sun-catchers. Sun-catchers are usually warm colors like red, orange, and yellow, and are wrapped around their head, leaving only the eyes and sometimes the rest of the face open, paired with a dress fashioned from the same fabric as the head-dress. Sun-Catchers are made from a fabric that is exceptionally good at holding heat, allowing Tizirians to warm themselves up in the sun for a day, then remain warm for multiple days afterwards in a cold environment.
One of Tiziria's main export is food, which is not suprisingly very different from typical foods consumed by non-Tizirians. It's very suited for reptillian diets, obviously, typically including meat, nuts, some vegetables, bugs, and mushrooms. Mushrooms are a favourite, especially for making tea, which has started to get a lot of popularity all across the Federation and the known galaxy. Thanks to Tizirian immigrants, and cultural extraordinares, Tizirian companies have started establishing restaurants and vending machines for Tizirian meals that are affordable, seeing a lot of popularity on Nanotrasen stations for their relatively high Lizard population and cheap importation costs.
== Foreign Relations ==
The Tizirians have always been fairly isolationist and militaristic diplomatically, with the bulk of Tizirian diplomatic actions towards other nations being some form of warfare. However, in recent years, during the rule of Emperess Skelta, the Tizirians veered off their course of isolation and battle into a more meaningful position on the Galactic Stage. The necessity of foreign influences had simply become too great, and the Tizirians needed to make some friends if they were ever to hope to survive.
=== '''Galactic Federation''' ===
The Tizirian Empire and Federation had always been on two ends of a spectrum, two polar opposites of one another, even fighting a war that knocked the Tizirians off their high-horse and into disarray. It came as a suprise to many when they started warming up to the Federation. Under Skelta's guidance, Federation and Tizirian diplomats convened and began the works for a pact of friendship, trading multitudes of resources, manpower, currency, and even technology. To put into perspective of how bad the Tizirians wanted to build an alliance with the Federation, they renounced their claims on Kesa'aresz, and recognized it as a core state of the Federation.
Their growing friendship didn't come without its backlash in both GalFed and the Tizirian Empire, moreso the Empire, but it was essential for the survival of both nations as their enemies began to greatly outnumber their allies. The Tizirian Empire was starting to accumulate a large front against potential invasion that they couldn't hold off alone, especially with the founding of the FLSR. In recent years, the resentment of the loss of Kesa'aresz has greatly died down in the Empire, with the percentage of those welcoming the Federation's friendship growing with every passing year.
With tensions between each of the powers in the known galaxy steadily rising, the Tizirians are moving closer to their Federation allies as their enemies move closer to eachother. Recently, reports of Tizirian and Federation naval vessels passing over into eachothers' space has been seen by citizens of both nations, with even a few joint operations against pirate activity.
=== '''Free Lizards' Socialist Republic (FLSR)''' ===
Contrasted to the relations with the Galactic Federation, Tiziria and the FLSR do not get along. The FLSR's origins being in a revolution against the Tizirians has pit the two in an eternal rivalry, only ended when the other ceases to be. The Tizirian Empire and the FLSR have engaged in zero diplomatic events that have benefited both nations, with the least destructful diplomatic action between both nations being the signing of the peace treaty, ending the revolution and allowing both nations to rebuild (until their inevitable rematch).
The cold war that has enveloped the two nations has been the cause of a few civil wars in other minor nations, with the FLSR providing equipment, funding, and ideological determination to underground Communist revolutionaries whereas the Tizirian Empire provides equipment and manpower to the present government, usually leaving it as an Imperial Puppet government if they succeed in the civil war. At the present time, the two nations are fighting for influence over Odosha, a small nation enflamed in a civil war between the presiding Libertarian government and a Socialist uprising.
=== '''New Russian Imperium (NRI)''' ===
When it came to the Russians and the Tizirians, they never got along. At this point in time, neither of the two knows who actually laid the first punch and have been grinding against eachother ever since. In particular, the two nations have been skirmishing over the Slax'lheeli Nebula (Sloskovia Nebula in Russian) that the Tizirians had claimed a long time ago. It's primarily owned by the Tizirians, however there are enclaves of Russians, especially Russian pirates that lurk on suppliers to smaller colonies.
The Tizirian Empire has a fairly large portion of their military and navy stationed in the Slax'lheeli Nebula, though not nearly the largest portion, which is on high-alert of FLSR attacks. Though the need to split their fronts has caused some Russian attacks to go unanswered, especially with their hit-and-run tactics which is able to run circles around the Tizirian Imperial Navy. Despite this, Tizirian ships routinely decimate any Russian forces they catch, as any caught in the wrath of the Tizirian war machine, never make it out the same, if at all.
There have been some peaceful diplomatic treaties between the Russians and the Tizirians, especially in the terms of the Soatii. Historically when the Soatii arrived and the Tizirians were neutral of the Russians, Tizirian expedetionaries travelled across NRI space to engage with Soatii skirmishers. These expedetionary incursions have since ceased when the Russians claimed Slax'lheeli, though there are occasional mutual arms shipments sent over empty space to the Russians when news of the Soatii's advances reaches the Throne of the Empire.
=== '''Soato Holy Dominions''' ===
Luckily for the Empire, the Soatii advances have come from the other side of the Known Galaxy to the Empire, which has left them safe for the time-being. However, the Empire has been one of the most vocal antagonists to the Soatii, openly calling for incursions against the invaders during large meetings of nations in the Known Galaxy. Neither Soato or the Tizirians have ever reached out to offer any diplomatic agreement in trade, research, or even to establish an embassy.
The appearance of the Soatii has been seen by many as a grace on Tizirian diplomacy with most other nations as the Soatii have been the single greatest unifying factor of the Tizirians and the rest of the galaxy, pushing the Tizirians to offer military, manpower, and even resource aid to other nations struggling against Soatii incursions. Currently, roughly 10% of the entire Tizirian Navy is stationed in other nations specifically for watching for any Soatii advances and fending off prod-skirmishes from the invaders.
The Tizirians are also under constant scrutiny from the Soatii for scavanging highly advanced Soatii tech and reverse-engineering it and engineering counters to it constantly, it is theorized that the Soatii have implemented measures of destroying their salvage and technology when their ships are disabled to specifically stop the Tizirians from learning the ins and outs of their own ship without ever even stepping foot on it.

The planet orbited fairly close to its red sun, which was named "Aola". The sun would come to affect many of the lizards' religions thanks to its affect on their cold-blooded bodies. Eventually, however, a mutation would occur in a geneline of the Lizard allowing for their bodies to produce warm blood. This new mutation would quickly spread among many lizard populations that moved north and south respectively, and at the time many of these lizards would be considered blessed by Aola.
== Credits ==
Tizirian was written by Mef with significant indirect assistance from the rest of the Lore Team.

Latest revision as of 19:53, 20 June 2024

"Aola burns warm with love for her Emperor, and we burn warm with the love of our Empire." -Tizirian National Motto


Government Form Absolute Monarchy
Head of State Emperor Tzeonoch II
Capital Draeon'Eikajil
Demographics Lizard and Kobold Majority
Official Language Sun Tongue, Draconic
Official Religion Kajiili Church

The Tizirian Empire is one of the few Great Powers populating the Known Galaxy, finding itself in frequent contest with its neighbours and rivals. The Empire is a greatly traditional, religious, and militaristic society, valueing war and the fight for one's own nation.

The Tizirians used to be a far more agressive society, forming a hegemony of smaller unconquered nations, though this was dissolved after its great loss in the Unification War, a war between the Federal Council and Sol against the Tizirians, a war that they did not win.

Since their humiliating loss, they have been regaining the control they once held in the past, and strengthing their armies and navies for the impending war that looms constantly in the future. Tizirians are guided by their love of war, their Empire, and their Goddess to their glory, and their deaths.

Initial History

The Tizirian Empire started from their homeland, the dunes of Draeon'Eikajil. The planet was perfect for reptillian life, dotted with oases and savannahs for plant life to thrive in. Towards the northern and southern hemispheres existed more temperate forests, however these greenlands weren't suitable for long-term survival by the Early Tizirians due to their cold-blooded nature.

The planet orbited fairly close to its red sun, which was named "Aola". The sun would come to affect many of the lizards' religions thanks to its affect on their cold-blooded bodies. Eventually, however, a mutation would occur in a geneline of the Lizard allowing for their bodies to produce warm blood. This new mutation would quickly spread among many lizard populations that moved north and south respectively, and at the time many of these lizards would be considered blessed by Aola, or "Sun-Kissed".

Many eons would pass on the Tizirian sands and the planet would find itself united under the Imperial Tizirian Dynasty. The Monarchs would be those that were Sun-Kissed and descendants of the founding Emperors and Emperesses. Following this unity, the Tizirians would experience rapid leaps in technology and as soon as they had raised the United Tizirian Banner, they were landing on their moons.

The Tizirian Empire rapidly expanded, finding many uninhabited planets in their reach and planting the Green, Gold and Red banner in their new colonies. It was only until the Tizirians had grown to a comparitvely large size to their neighbours did they discover that they weren't alone in the Universe. The new contact kickstarted an effort to industrialize their military industry as they prepared to test the mettle of Tizirian tech on their new acquaintances. The resulting war of subjugation displayed the indomitable might of the Tizirian Empire.

War and Revolution

The Tizirian Empire had bounced from solar system to solar system, colonizing to manifest their destiny in the Known Galaxy. They had grown to a considerable size when they encountered the nations of Theasperri, SolFed, and The Federation. As one, The Tizirian easily outsized the three nations, though together they sized up the Empire, but the Tizirians didn't expect them to fight as one.

The state of Kesa'aresz was established as a base of operations for the Tizirians against Sol, Theasperri and The Federation. Industrial efforts had begun in Kesa'aresz to prepare the state for the invasion of Theasperri, the first of the 3 targets, and as an ion cloud had passed through Theasperri borders from Kesa'aresz, so did Tizirian warships. The invasion, initially, was very successful, Theasperri fleets were routed from multiple key systems (thanks to communication outages from multiple ionic cloud movements), though they would soon be halted when they encountered 2 new holo-banners waving in the far distance.

The Empire was now on the back-heel as a combined force of The Federation, Sol, and Theasperri launched a massive counterattack, liberating the Theasperri planets and holding a continuous front against the Tizirians. The war was now one of attrition, with the alliance having a strong upperhand thanks to its close distance to the warzone. The Empire had the disadvantage of needing to prepare fleets in its home-territory then navigate to Kesa'aresz as much of its industrial infrastructure had been damaged from raids.

The line would eventually be broken and many Tizirian fleets would retreat to other vantage points, leaving Kesa'aresz to fall into enemy hands. Alliance ships entered into Kesa'aresz and started launching land-invasions, soon occupying the entire state with little to no pushback from the Tizirians. Many alliance strategists theorized that they'd never get further into Tiziria, and many Tizirian generals were now stumped trying to figure a way to crack the developing allied defenses.

The war would soon to come to an end as the Tizirian, Federation, Solarian, and Theasperri governments would come together and discuss peace terms. The Tizirians would cede the territory of Kesa'aresz permanently to the newly formed Galactic Federation, to the displeasure of many Tizirians and Areszians patriotic to their motherland. The period after the war was one of strife riddled with instability and economic depression for the Empire, which would only come to an end after the Reds rose up and kicked the nation's economy back into the gear.

For a long time leading up to the war many have speculated that an internal struggle of some sort was on the horizon, many Tizirians supporting a reformation of the government had started organizing protests and riots across the nation's planets. The instability of the nation's political hemisphere was one of the many reasons why the Tizirians fell so hard during the war, and they were about to fall even harder. Late into the night in the Capital on Draeon'Eikajil, firebombs would rain upon government buildings.

The revolution had begun, but luckily for the Imperial forces, they could end it swiftly. The revolution was very short and resulted in a lot of under-guarded and under-developed territories ceding from the Empire. The revolutionaries knew they couldn't take over the entirety of the Empire, it was impossible, especially with a veteran military they were now up against, but they could end it swiftly with a single hard blow to the Empire's heart, the Emperor, and during the Shining Sun's parade, they had their chance.

Revolutionaries all equipped with IEDs blended into the massive crowds gazing upon the Emperor's float as it moved along the street, and at the perfect moment, hundreds of explosives would be thrown at the float, bringing it down as the crowd dispersed with screams of terror, and a firefight ensued. The revolutionaries were quickly gunned down by Imperial protection agents, however the Emperor was already confirmed dead, and his heir would have to take the throne.

The Tizirian Empire abandoned much of its un-used territory and organized a formal ceasefire virtually, ceding the territory to the newly formed Republic which had its own issues to deal with. The Empire was left in a state of disrepair, as well as a new and inexperienced Emperess on the throne. Everything truely seemed like the end of the Empire's supremacy in Galactic Politics.

Modern History

After the revolution, however, things really started to improve for the Tizirians. The wartime economy had kept chugging and allowed for the nation to continue developments in infrastructure and resource extraction, and the 2 massive losses brought many Tizirians together to support the rebuilding of their nation, not only that, what was left of the Tizirian military was a hardened and hungry-for-revenge force. The NRI was also encroaching on some of the Empire's colonies, providing even more experience and justification for wartime measures.

The new Emperess, Skelta Yeklio, showed a lot of promise with rallying the people behind the common cause of rebirthing the Empire. There was a lot of work to do, however everything seemed far more promising than before. What came first was economic developments, which started many exports of traditional Tizirian items, particularily food, to other nations, primarily the Galactic Federation.

The second step was coming to terms with The Federation. They were here, they won, but that didn't need to be the end of their interactions. The Emperess approached The Federation herself and opened up friendly communications between their two nations, building the groundwork for future cooperation. The Federation was an advantageous ally to the Empire, they had the largest military, was economically prosperous, and most importantly, had the same enemies as the Tizirians.

After a few decades, the Tizirian Empire was born anew, it took quite a bit of time for them to restart and reboot the backwards nature of the post-revolution Empire, however the new Emperess stepped up to the plate and batted home-runs for the nation's development, bringing it back onto the world stage with a larger, hardened army, and constant industrial development to add, the Tizirian Empire was back.

However, Emperess Skelta would become gravely ill almost overnight. Her condition continued to plummet until she was completely incapable. A regency was instituted to rule in her place until she got better, however that time never came, and shortly after the regency was insituted, she passed away in her sleep. Skelta mothered many children, however the child she designated as the heir to the throne was her youngest son, Tzeonoch II, which has become the most recent controversy in the Empire.


The Government is headed by the Imperial throne with heavy delegation moving down the hierarchy. The Imperial Monarchy is a bit of an outlier to traditional monarchies, as the throne does have extensive control over the nation politically and can enact policies as they wish, however many civil issues are usually handled by courts rather than the monarchy itself, like a functionally constitutional monarchy but an absolute monarchy in theory.

The other major difference between traditional monarchies and the Tizirian monarchy is the complete lack of a regency unless the ruler is completely incapable of ruling, ie. in a coma. This is the center of a lot of internal debate as the current ruler, Tzeonoch II, is not the age of majority, and rules without a regency. The reason for the lack of regency was always centered around the right of kings, and that the Imperial ascendency was holy and its decisions should not be undermined unless the ruler is physicially unavailable.

Luckily for Tzeonoch II, the delegation of powers allows the nation to run efficiently without Imperial intervention, and has contributed to the defense of the current state, with many traditionalists calling the idea of a regency for the young Emperor blasphemous and unpatriotic to the wisdom of the blessed Imperial family. Though, that doesn't dissuade many skeptics from believing that a regency would allow for a more stable rule until the Emperor comes of age, who make up a considerable portion of the Imperial Court, though definitely not the majority.

From the crown, the Empire is split into many provinces in which a duke and their lineage rules over. These duchies may have a change in leadership from one dynasty to another if there is a vote to do so by the other Dukes with a 2 thirds vote, or the throne intervenes and replaces them directly. In each province, there are planets which are ruled by their own governor, called "Yn'mer", these Yn'mer can only be replaced by the Emperor, the Duke of the Province, or all cities vote with a 2/3 majority.

On every planet, and by extension orbital stations as well, they are usually ruled by a mayor or are ruled directly by the Church. In cities and stations ruled by a mayor, they are elected by the Sun-Kissed residents to govern the municipality, whereas in stations and cities ruled by the Church, governors and ministers are appointed directly to rule.

Despite the autocratic nature of the government, there are some good social policies in place provide a good safety net for the populace, especially for employment. Nearly all social services are provided by the Church, which includes limited healthcare coverage, relocation for the unemployed, maternity leave, and many different amenities related to the religion and the church, like festivals and social gatherings.


The Tizirian Empire used to be far larger than it is in the current day and age, possessing much of the space in the galactic south of it now owned by the FLSR. During the revolution, the Tizirians lost massive amounts of territories and colonies which were either completely abandoned or taken over by smaller powers when the local defenses left to fight the revolutionaries. That isn't to say that the Tizirian Empire is small, however. The Empire currently controls a very large continuous central province with a few other small colonies surrounding it, which in of itself contains hundreds of planets.

Central Tiziria

The heart-space of the Tizirian Empire. Central Tiziria is used to refer to all of the central Tizirian space, the largest continuous territory owned by the Tizirians. It is home to the largest population centers in the Empire and houses the capital of the Empire, the eternal throne of Lizard-kind.

Central Tiziria is known for its constant patrols and military presence, with one of the lowest rates of piracy in the entire Known Galaxy. Central Tiziria makes up most of the population in the Tizirian Empire as many of the outer colonies have had declining populations for decades after the revolution, only recently have they started recovering. Central Tiziria has everything a massive Empire could ever want, a very strong industry, great space infrastructure, and excellent colony development.

Many of these advancements in the Central Tizirian region were made during the reign of Emperess Yeklio and her recovery. To quickly and efficiently bring back the Tizirian Empire to the galactic stage in the Known Galaxy, they needed to modernize and fast, and with her efforts they rapidly developed their industry in the core worlds and central Tiziria and promoted constant growth for the rest of her reign thanks to many economically stimulating public works and government reforms.

In the modern day, Central Tiziria stands as one of the most industrial single provinces in the Known Galaxy, with a massive, sprawling population and large leaps in economic, scientific, and military advancements.


Tei'kikii is the second oldest Tizirian province in the Known Galaxy, having actually be apart of the Greater Tizirian Empire before the Unification War and Revolution. After many of the colonies were abandoned, only the largest population centers remained. Many of the Yn'mer in Tei'kikii formed an alliance when the province was abandoned by the Throne to retain the Tizirian culture and ideologies that the revolutionaries were trying to eradicate.

The alliance of Yn'mer in Tei'kikii pooled their resources and money and formed a coalition government for a brief period during the revolutionaries, conscripting their own military and fielding a very small navy. Their force was strong enough to defend against any Revolutionary attacks during the Civil War, and nearing the end were even assisted by the Imperial Tizirian forces, where they quickly rejoined their crown government.

Tei'kikii survived the civil war avoiding many of the horrific trajedies that many other places in the Tizirian Empire were not lucky enough to avoid. This leveraged a lot of economic power in the hands of the Tei'kikii during the recovery period in the Empire, with many grants and loans being taken from the pooled resources in Tei'kikii which kick-started the rebuilding of the Tizirian Industry and military.

The Tei'kikii's efforts never went unthanked, with a far larger deal of autonomy in the Tei'kikii governments from the Crown (not officially, just in practice). The Tei'kikii don't have a duke, for example, and still rely on the coalition government of Yn'mer


The Military of the Tizirian Empire is the nation's pride. For eons the Tizirian Empire has been known as a great power in terms of their army, conquering nations up until their bout with the Federation, which is to date one of the few, but greatest loss to the Tizirian Empire. This loss, however, has not made it any less terrifying when you witness the great fleets of the Tizirians encroaching on your homeworld.

The Tizirian ground forces have been seen as next to only the Federation in their capabilities during war. No other nation comes close to the brutality and bravery of the Tizirian soldier, with little remorse for carnage and chaos, they thrive in the heat of death and the fires of the battlefield. And in the modern age, the Tizirians have only stepped up their battlefield capabilities as they have started collaborating with Federation Generals and military theorists.

In terms of their navy, the Lizards are also not ones to be forgotten. The Imperial Navy was massively destroyed during the Unification War against the Federation and Sol, and has been many years since they were able to field a formidable navy. In the modern age, the Tizirians stand high once again with a new and far more advanced Navy. It is, however, far behind the size and power of the Soatii and Federation navies, and loses engagements against the NRI due to its focus on size and power and lack of mobility.

But don't be mistaken, all 3 of those nations are right to fear the power of the Tizirian Imperial Fleets, especially nations like the NRI, who know they could never defeat a head-on engagement with the Tizirian Navy, and simply opt to run circles around them and escape while dealing minimal losses to the Tizirians. The Tizirians regularly research advancements and counters to Soatii naval tech which has caused a small arms-race between the two nations in naval developments.

As for the Federation, they could still defeat the Tizirian Navy like they did in the past, but they'd do so at great loss to their own Navy. They're just happy that the Tizirians are on their side in these new years.


Tizirians are very proud of their strong culture, which encompasses nearly every facet of day-to-day life in the Empire. This is only magnified by their aversion to other cultures, though that doesn't mean that subcultures don't develop in different parts of the Empire, with some in the modern age opening up to foreign cultures and taking some traditions, festivals, and foods into their own unique culture, which has mostly been seen with Federation cultures and the most recent addition of Christmas as a national Holiday in some Tizirian duchies.

The Kajiili Church is the central power in organizing belief within the Empire. Kajiilis are a sect of the Aolan Pantheon which have consolidated power within Tizirian culture and initially structured the government which would become the Imperial administration. They are also responsible for the "Imperial Consecration", which was the proclamation of the Emperor's lineage being divine and descendants of Aola herself.

Tizirian culture is a very vibrant culture, with aspects of their religion and identity as Tizirians impacting nearly every aspect of their life. National festivals are held nearly monthly, celebrating each and every god and goddess in the Aolan Pantheon, celebrating their role in Tizirian society and their role in the universe at large. These festivals have amenities such as parades, games, and traditional foods for all those that participate. Tizirian floats for their parades are often very elaborate, and a few festivals are carrying over into The Federation by Tizirian immigrants.

The first, and usually most visible difference between Tizirians non-Tizirians is their clothing. Specifically cold-blooded Tizirians tend to wear many insulating layers, even in the heat, wearing special fabrics all over their entire body typically called Sun-catchers. Sun-catchers are usually warm colors like red, orange, and yellow, and are wrapped around their head, leaving only the eyes and sometimes the rest of the face open, paired with a dress fashioned from the same fabric as the head-dress. Sun-Catchers are made from a fabric that is exceptionally good at holding heat, allowing Tizirians to warm themselves up in the sun for a day, then remain warm for multiple days afterwards in a cold environment.

One of Tiziria's main export is food, which is not suprisingly very different from typical foods consumed by non-Tizirians. It's very suited for reptillian diets, obviously, typically including meat, nuts, some vegetables, bugs, and mushrooms. Mushrooms are a favourite, especially for making tea, which has started to get a lot of popularity all across the Federation and the known galaxy. Thanks to Tizirian immigrants, and cultural extraordinares, Tizirian companies have started establishing restaurants and vending machines for Tizirian meals that are affordable, seeing a lot of popularity on Nanotrasen stations for their relatively high Lizard population and cheap importation costs.

Foreign Relations

The Tizirians have always been fairly isolationist and militaristic diplomatically, with the bulk of Tizirian diplomatic actions towards other nations being some form of warfare. However, in recent years, during the rule of Emperess Skelta, the Tizirians veered off their course of isolation and battle into a more meaningful position on the Galactic Stage. The necessity of foreign influences had simply become too great, and the Tizirians needed to make some friends if they were ever to hope to survive.

Galactic Federation

The Tizirian Empire and Federation had always been on two ends of a spectrum, two polar opposites of one another, even fighting a war that knocked the Tizirians off their high-horse and into disarray. It came as a suprise to many when they started warming up to the Federation. Under Skelta's guidance, Federation and Tizirian diplomats convened and began the works for a pact of friendship, trading multitudes of resources, manpower, currency, and even technology. To put into perspective of how bad the Tizirians wanted to build an alliance with the Federation, they renounced their claims on Kesa'aresz, and recognized it as a core state of the Federation.

Their growing friendship didn't come without its backlash in both GalFed and the Tizirian Empire, moreso the Empire, but it was essential for the survival of both nations as their enemies began to greatly outnumber their allies. The Tizirian Empire was starting to accumulate a large front against potential invasion that they couldn't hold off alone, especially with the founding of the FLSR. In recent years, the resentment of the loss of Kesa'aresz has greatly died down in the Empire, with the percentage of those welcoming the Federation's friendship growing with every passing year.

With tensions between each of the powers in the known galaxy steadily rising, the Tizirians are moving closer to their Federation allies as their enemies move closer to eachother. Recently, reports of Tizirian and Federation naval vessels passing over into eachothers' space has been seen by citizens of both nations, with even a few joint operations against pirate activity.

Free Lizards' Socialist Republic (FLSR)

Contrasted to the relations with the Galactic Federation, Tiziria and the FLSR do not get along. The FLSR's origins being in a revolution against the Tizirians has pit the two in an eternal rivalry, only ended when the other ceases to be. The Tizirian Empire and the FLSR have engaged in zero diplomatic events that have benefited both nations, with the least destructful diplomatic action between both nations being the signing of the peace treaty, ending the revolution and allowing both nations to rebuild (until their inevitable rematch).

The cold war that has enveloped the two nations has been the cause of a few civil wars in other minor nations, with the FLSR providing equipment, funding, and ideological determination to underground Communist revolutionaries whereas the Tizirian Empire provides equipment and manpower to the present government, usually leaving it as an Imperial Puppet government if they succeed in the civil war. At the present time, the two nations are fighting for influence over Odosha, a small nation enflamed in a civil war between the presiding Libertarian government and a Socialist uprising.

New Russian Imperium (NRI)

When it came to the Russians and the Tizirians, they never got along. At this point in time, neither of the two knows who actually laid the first punch and have been grinding against eachother ever since. In particular, the two nations have been skirmishing over the Slax'lheeli Nebula (Sloskovia Nebula in Russian) that the Tizirians had claimed a long time ago. It's primarily owned by the Tizirians, however there are enclaves of Russians, especially Russian pirates that lurk on suppliers to smaller colonies.

The Tizirian Empire has a fairly large portion of their military and navy stationed in the Slax'lheeli Nebula, though not nearly the largest portion, which is on high-alert of FLSR attacks. Though the need to split their fronts has caused some Russian attacks to go unanswered, especially with their hit-and-run tactics which is able to run circles around the Tizirian Imperial Navy. Despite this, Tizirian ships routinely decimate any Russian forces they catch, as any caught in the wrath of the Tizirian war machine, never make it out the same, if at all.

There have been some peaceful diplomatic treaties between the Russians and the Tizirians, especially in the terms of the Soatii. Historically when the Soatii arrived and the Tizirians were neutral of the Russians, Tizirian expedetionaries travelled across NRI space to engage with Soatii skirmishers. These expedetionary incursions have since ceased when the Russians claimed Slax'lheeli, though there are occasional mutual arms shipments sent over empty space to the Russians when news of the Soatii's advances reaches the Throne of the Empire.

Soato Holy Dominions

Luckily for the Empire, the Soatii advances have come from the other side of the Known Galaxy to the Empire, which has left them safe for the time-being. However, the Empire has been one of the most vocal antagonists to the Soatii, openly calling for incursions against the invaders during large meetings of nations in the Known Galaxy. Neither Soato or the Tizirians have ever reached out to offer any diplomatic agreement in trade, research, or even to establish an embassy.

The appearance of the Soatii has been seen by many as a grace on Tizirian diplomacy with most other nations as the Soatii have been the single greatest unifying factor of the Tizirians and the rest of the galaxy, pushing the Tizirians to offer military, manpower, and even resource aid to other nations struggling against Soatii incursions. Currently, roughly 10% of the entire Tizirian Navy is stationed in other nations specifically for watching for any Soatii advances and fending off prod-skirmishes from the invaders.

The Tizirians are also under constant scrutiny from the Soatii for scavanging highly advanced Soatii tech and reverse-engineering it and engineering counters to it constantly, it is theorized that the Soatii have implemented measures of destroying their salvage and technology when their ships are disabled to specifically stop the Tizirians from learning the ins and outs of their own ship without ever even stepping foot on it.


Tizirian was written by Mef with significant indirect assistance from the rest of the Lore Team.