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{{JobPageHeader|headerbgcolor=darkblue|headerfontcolor=white|stafftype=COMMAND|imagebgcolor=lightblue|img_generic=Generic_hop.png|jobtitle=Head of Personnel|access=[[Command]], [[Service]], [[Security]], [[Cargo]], ID console and most miscellaneous areas of the station|difficulty=Paperwork (Medium)|superior=[[Captain]]|duties=Process ID change requests, terminate bad employees per Head request, oversee the Service department.|guides=[[Paperwork]], [[Chain of Command]]|quote="Next. No, I'm not giving you all access. Next."}}
Every good workplace needs a Human Resources Officer. Aside from being the second highest ranked person on the station, you are also responsible for dealing with the Service Department. You will often be confused with your dog. Unless you are of a canine race, you are not a dog. Your main responsibility is a very bureaucratic one, hopefully you can give your own touch for the Company's benefit.
'''Bare minimum expectations:''' Understand how to use a modular computer. Give access out appropriately to needs, be prepared to be the Acting Captain when called upon. '''Defend Ian with your life'''. Understand CorpRegs in the event you are called upon as Magistrate.
'''DO NOT GIVE YOURSELF ALL ACCESS UNLESS AND UNTIL YOU BECOME ACTING CAPTAIN.'''[[File:HOPOfficeDelta.png|thumb|This is your office! Apply butt to chair.]]
Having slaved away within Nanotrasen's more menial jobs for quite some time, you've finally ascended the totem pole and obtained your just dues as the second in command of one of the Company's fine facilities. You might not be Supreme Governor just yet, but when the incumbent inevitably caves to the pressure of numerous hostile agents working against them, you will need to be prepared. The relevant kit on your person, and in your locker, is as follows:
# Your ID. It is one of the few IDs on the station, and certainly the most prominent besides the Captain's, that has full ID Console access by default. Secure it if you know what is good for you and the station.
# Your pet dog, Ian. He is good boy. Use the Jumbo Dog Bone to gain his respect so you can give him orders verbally or through Alt+Left Click.
# Allstar SC-2 energy carbine, with stun and kill modes. Use for self defense only, do not use it as a tool to do Security's job for them.
# Telescopic Baton, robust melee tool that can easily knock down dissenters.
# Handheld flash, use for stunning protestors without sunglasses, as well as silicons.
#Boxes containing spare IDs. It is certainly possible someone will lose their ID, and you will need to make a full replacement.
#Civilian Door Remote, which can remotely control and bolt most public doors.
Although you may not end up directly interacting with a number of them, as the HOP you are in charge of the Service department, which coincidentally happens to be the largest department in terms of unique jobs. Given the relative lack of contact between you and them, asserting your authority may prove to be difficult, but with enough usage of the Service radio and especially in-person inspections of the relevant areas, you too can increase the efficiency of the menials! In no particular order, your subordinates are the following:
Service Guard: These fine individuals are your low-budget defense against troublemakers in the bar, or other service areas. You might want to consider having one on hand to eject troublemakers from the ID line when you're there, but generally they are best serving as deterrent for service areas.
Janitor: These are the hardworking boys whose job it is to get dirty and scrub all those uncomfortable places of all their stains. Make sure they are geared up for the task of sanitizing an entire space station, and make sure they aren't contributing to the mess problem themselves.
Bartender: The alcoholic side of the mess hall. These boys should generally be kept in and around the bar itself. Besides alcohol, you can generally count on bartenders to be the most sociable out of the Service jobs, and sure to be involved in the rumor mill one way or another. They have limited armament to keep things from getting rowdy, but don't count on it.
Cook: The food-ridden side of the mess hall. Like the bartender, the cooks should probably be checked on to ensure they remain in their work areas, unless they are getting produce from Botany or Cargo. Cooks generally aren't as sociable as their alcohol-dealing cousins, but are mean opponents within their domain. It is generally wise not to cross them for a number of reasons.
Botanist: These are the "hardly working" boys of the Service department, hell, unless there is a particular need for plant science they will typically leave the essentials on auto-grow and start manufacturing drugs with the rest of their capacity. Among the personnel of the Service department you will likely need to motivate them the most to do their proper job -- supplying the Kitchen with all it needs.
Clown: Yes, this trouble making rascal is under your command. No, you will probably not be able to rein him in. They will probably ask you for outrageous access additions or to bug Cargo for stupid things they do not actually need. Good luck.
Mime: The Clown's nemesis also happens to be under your command, and will likely act with the same level of autonomy the clown does. At least their humor will hopefully be less destructive to the station.
Chaplain: Your Nanotrasen Approved religious advisor, and one of the few constants of sanity (most of the time) working aboard your assigned station. They will likely make significant effort to proselytize whatever company-approved religion they are clergy of. Lend them a hand, so they can better bring spiritual peace to the station. In the event of religious or magic based threats, expect them to be conscripted against such threats.
Curator: The book and linguistics nerd of the station. Even in a place as hectic as a Nanotrasen space station, the library often finds itself with few patrons. That said, the Curator is sometimes the key to dealing with certain types of antagonists, so do not discount them too much.
Lawyer: These are the hard cased individuals whose duty it is to interpret CorpRegs and represent defendants aboard the station when someone commits just a little too much petty crime. They are more in tune with the Security department than you, but it is likely you will need to interact with them as Magistrate.
Psychologist: The other bastion of sanity aboard the trainwreck that is Nanotrasen's work environment. Psychologists are truthfully more in the lineup of Medical staff, but they fall under your purview as much as the CMO's. If crew are being particularly troublesome at the line, it can be useful to call the psych up to dissuade them, or at least figure out their issues.
[[File:Idconsole.png|thumb|Remember to log out after done! Otherwise, anyone can use it.]]
The most common thing you will be doing is access changes, and departmental changes. Welcome to bureaucracy, because when it comes to tedium, this will take the cake. Using the functions of an Identification Console takes a lot of back-and-forth action due to the need to shove ID Cards into the thing.
Before changing people into other departments, you should make sure the respective Head of Staff agrees to the change, or else they may become upset.
'''Overstaffing security will cause you to be demoted according to Corporate Regulations.'''
===== <u>How to Change an ID:</u> =====
# Put the selected person's ID and PDA into the Tablet & ID Painter.
# Select an appropriate trim for the job change if applicable.
# Put your ID into the Plexagon Access Management, and log in. Remove your ID (alt-click to quickly remove). This will set you as the logged person.
# Using the 'Select a template' option will give you choices that will provide access to that job. For the best results, match the trim of the ID to what it's necessary responsibilities are.
# Manually tweak any access requirements as you deem necessary.
# Provide the ID back to the person, and log out! Congratulations, they have gone through NanoTrasen's best Human Resources!
You may also have to handle demotions, which is rather simple. Just use the "Terminate Employment" button on an ID to set it to the "demoted" template, which lacks any access and clearly highlights an individual as having lost their job.
'''Handing out all access IDs is a highway to a jobban from ALL command roles. Do NOT do it with impunity.'''
===== Plexagon HR Core: =====
Very simple function. It allows you to prioritize, add, and remove jobslots.
Click on a job's name to prioritize it. This will cause it to be highlighted green on the latejoin menu, which will (hopefully) convince latejoining players to fill the personnel need that you have highlighted.
Click the 'open' button to add a job slot to a given job. Click the 'close' button to close an excess job slot (you cannot close the default job slots).
'''Please make sure the alert level is at minimum 'Red' or the Captain has approved such action before adding more Security slots.''' '''Adding Security''' '''without an emergency situation or the approval of your Captain is grounds for demotion.'''
Also, one thing is that you cannot add additional Heads of Staff using the HR Core. Additional heads must be manually promoted through the use of silver IDs.
===== Plexagon Crew List: =====
This is a read-only list of the Crew Manifest, like any other iteration of it, it will tell you the official identities of all the legally aboard and hired staff, which can be useful information for sorting out impostors, or figuring out who you need to go to in order to get something done.
You also have one responsibility that you should be ready for in the event that it happens--being the Acting Captain. Should the Captain be taken out of action, you should be the next person to take it up. While this responsibility is large, you only need to be the Acting Captain so long as the original Commander is out (unless they are truly dead, then good luck).
It's a very wise idea to ask the Captain for the '''spare ID biscuit''', in-case you should need it. This also helps out your Captain by diluting the amount of risky items on their person.
CorpRegs stipulate the Head of Personnel as magistrate (or, lacking one, the next in the Chain of Command that is not the Head of Security). This means that in the event of a court trial aboard the station, it will be your responsibility as Magistrate to preside over any such trials as the Judge. Ideally, a jury will be present, but this is not always feasible, and in some cases, you alone will have to rule the verdict in a court trial.
This is the one case where you, as Head of Personnel, may be required to legally stop supporting the interests of Nanotrasen in favor of being an impartial Judge. The Head of Security or their designate typically represents Nanotrasen as Prosecution during a criminal trial, and a Lawyer typically represents the defendant during a criminal trial in the event they do not represent themselves.
During civil trials, both sides are typically represented by themselves or a Lawyer, and in civil trials you may be more biased toward Company interests.
The core principle of being Magistrate of course is due process. Ensure both sides are heard fairly, but quickly, and find a Verdict sooner rather than later.
Basically, you are the station's ID person. Just use common sense, and if you don't believe someone will use their new position right, don't give them the access. Make sure the Service Department is doing all their various jobs when you are away from the HOPline, and be ready for the two major contingencies you must be on call for: becoming Acting Captain when the supreme governor bites it, and becoming Magistrate during a trial.

Latest revision as of 22:25, 1 March 2024

File:Generic hop.png
Head of Personnel
Access: Command, Service, Security, Cargo, ID console and most miscellaneous areas of the station
Difficulty: Paperwork (Medium)
Supervisors: Captain
Duties: Process ID change requests, terminate bad employees per Head request, oversee the Service department.
Guides: Paperwork, Chain of Command
Quote: "Next. No, I'm not giving you all access. Next."

Every good workplace needs a Human Resources Officer. Aside from being the second highest ranked person on the station, you are also responsible for dealing with the Service Department. You will often be confused with your dog. Unless you are of a canine race, you are not a dog. Your main responsibility is a very bureaucratic one, hopefully you can give your own touch for the Company's benefit.

Bare minimum expectations: Understand how to use a modular computer. Give access out appropriately to needs, be prepared to be the Acting Captain when called upon. Defend Ian with your life. Understand CorpRegs in the event you are called upon as Magistrate.


This is your office! Apply butt to chair.


Having slaved away within Nanotrasen's more menial jobs for quite some time, you've finally ascended the totem pole and obtained your just dues as the second in command of one of the Company's fine facilities. You might not be Supreme Governor just yet, but when the incumbent inevitably caves to the pressure of numerous hostile agents working against them, you will need to be prepared. The relevant kit on your person, and in your locker, is as follows:

  1. Your ID. It is one of the few IDs on the station, and certainly the most prominent besides the Captain's, that has full ID Console access by default. Secure it if you know what is good for you and the station.
  2. Your pet dog, Ian. He is good boy. Use the Jumbo Dog Bone to gain his respect so you can give him orders verbally or through Alt+Left Click.
  3. Allstar SC-2 energy carbine, with stun and kill modes. Use for self defense only, do not use it as a tool to do Security's job for them.
  4. Telescopic Baton, robust melee tool that can easily knock down dissenters.
  5. Handheld flash, use for stunning protestors without sunglasses, as well as silicons.
  6. Boxes containing spare IDs. It is certainly possible someone will lose their ID, and you will need to make a full replacement.
  7. Civilian Door Remote, which can remotely control and bolt most public doors.


Although you may not end up directly interacting with a number of them, as the HOP you are in charge of the Service department, which coincidentally happens to be the largest department in terms of unique jobs. Given the relative lack of contact between you and them, asserting your authority may prove to be difficult, but with enough usage of the Service radio and especially in-person inspections of the relevant areas, you too can increase the efficiency of the menials! In no particular order, your subordinates are the following:

Service Guard: These fine individuals are your low-budget defense against troublemakers in the bar, or other service areas. You might want to consider having one on hand to eject troublemakers from the ID line when you're there, but generally they are best serving as deterrent for service areas.

Janitor: These are the hardworking boys whose job it is to get dirty and scrub all those uncomfortable places of all their stains. Make sure they are geared up for the task of sanitizing an entire space station, and make sure they aren't contributing to the mess problem themselves.

Bartender: The alcoholic side of the mess hall. These boys should generally be kept in and around the bar itself. Besides alcohol, you can generally count on bartenders to be the most sociable out of the Service jobs, and sure to be involved in the rumor mill one way or another. They have limited armament to keep things from getting rowdy, but don't count on it.

Cook: The food-ridden side of the mess hall. Like the bartender, the cooks should probably be checked on to ensure they remain in their work areas, unless they are getting produce from Botany or Cargo. Cooks generally aren't as sociable as their alcohol-dealing cousins, but are mean opponents within their domain. It is generally wise not to cross them for a number of reasons.

Botanist: These are the "hardly working" boys of the Service department, hell, unless there is a particular need for plant science they will typically leave the essentials on auto-grow and start manufacturing drugs with the rest of their capacity. Among the personnel of the Service department you will likely need to motivate them the most to do their proper job -- supplying the Kitchen with all it needs.

Clown: Yes, this trouble making rascal is under your command. No, you will probably not be able to rein him in. They will probably ask you for outrageous access additions or to bug Cargo for stupid things they do not actually need. Good luck.

Mime: The Clown's nemesis also happens to be under your command, and will likely act with the same level of autonomy the clown does. At least their humor will hopefully be less destructive to the station.

Chaplain: Your Nanotrasen Approved religious advisor, and one of the few constants of sanity (most of the time) working aboard your assigned station. They will likely make significant effort to proselytize whatever company-approved religion they are clergy of. Lend them a hand, so they can better bring spiritual peace to the station. In the event of religious or magic based threats, expect them to be conscripted against such threats.

Curator: The book and linguistics nerd of the station. Even in a place as hectic as a Nanotrasen space station, the library often finds itself with few patrons. That said, the Curator is sometimes the key to dealing with certain types of antagonists, so do not discount them too much.

Lawyer: These are the hard cased individuals whose duty it is to interpret CorpRegs and represent defendants aboard the station when someone commits just a little too much petty crime. They are more in tune with the Security department than you, but it is likely you will need to interact with them as Magistrate.

Psychologist: The other bastion of sanity aboard the trainwreck that is Nanotrasen's work environment. Psychologists are truthfully more in the lineup of Medical staff, but they fall under your purview as much as the CMO's. If crew are being particularly troublesome at the line, it can be useful to call the psych up to dissuade them, or at least figure out their issues.


Remember to log out after done! Otherwise, anyone can use it.

The most common thing you will be doing is access changes, and departmental changes. Welcome to bureaucracy, because when it comes to tedium, this will take the cake. Using the functions of an Identification Console takes a lot of back-and-forth action due to the need to shove ID Cards into the thing.

Before changing people into other departments, you should make sure the respective Head of Staff agrees to the change, or else they may become upset.

Overstaffing security will cause you to be demoted according to Corporate Regulations.

How to Change an ID:
  1. Put the selected person's ID and PDA into the Tablet & ID Painter.
  2. Select an appropriate trim for the job change if applicable.
  3. Put your ID into the Plexagon Access Management, and log in. Remove your ID (alt-click to quickly remove). This will set you as the logged person.
  4. Using the 'Select a template' option will give you choices that will provide access to that job. For the best results, match the trim of the ID to what it's necessary responsibilities are.
  5. Manually tweak any access requirements as you deem necessary.
  6. Provide the ID back to the person, and log out! Congratulations, they have gone through NanoTrasen's best Human Resources!

You may also have to handle demotions, which is rather simple. Just use the "Terminate Employment" button on an ID to set it to the "demoted" template, which lacks any access and clearly highlights an individual as having lost their job.

Handing out all access IDs is a highway to a jobban from ALL command roles. Do NOT do it with impunity.

Plexagon HR Core:

Very simple function. It allows you to prioritize, add, and remove jobslots.

Click on a job's name to prioritize it. This will cause it to be highlighted green on the latejoin menu, which will (hopefully) convince latejoining players to fill the personnel need that you have highlighted.

Click the 'open' button to add a job slot to a given job. Click the 'close' button to close an excess job slot (you cannot close the default job slots).

Please make sure the alert level is at minimum 'Red' or the Captain has approved such action before adding more Security slots. Adding Security without an emergency situation or the approval of your Captain is grounds for demotion.

Also, one thing is that you cannot add additional Heads of Staff using the HR Core. Additional heads must be manually promoted through the use of silver IDs.

Plexagon Crew List:

This is a read-only list of the Crew Manifest, like any other iteration of it, it will tell you the official identities of all the legally aboard and hired staff, which can be useful information for sorting out impostors, or figuring out who you need to go to in order to get something done.


You also have one responsibility that you should be ready for in the event that it happens--being the Acting Captain. Should the Captain be taken out of action, you should be the next person to take it up. While this responsibility is large, you only need to be the Acting Captain so long as the original Commander is out (unless they are truly dead, then good luck).

It's a very wise idea to ask the Captain for the spare ID biscuit, in-case you should need it. This also helps out your Captain by diluting the amount of risky items on their person.


CorpRegs stipulate the Head of Personnel as magistrate (or, lacking one, the next in the Chain of Command that is not the Head of Security). This means that in the event of a court trial aboard the station, it will be your responsibility as Magistrate to preside over any such trials as the Judge. Ideally, a jury will be present, but this is not always feasible, and in some cases, you alone will have to rule the verdict in a court trial.

This is the one case where you, as Head of Personnel, may be required to legally stop supporting the interests of Nanotrasen in favor of being an impartial Judge. The Head of Security or their designate typically represents Nanotrasen as Prosecution during a criminal trial, and a Lawyer typically represents the defendant during a criminal trial in the event they do not represent themselves.

During civil trials, both sides are typically represented by themselves or a Lawyer, and in civil trials you may be more biased toward Company interests.

The core principle of being Magistrate of course is due process. Ensure both sides are heard fairly, but quickly, and find a Verdict sooner rather than later.


Basically, you are the station's ID person. Just use common sense, and if you don't believe someone will use their new position right, don't give them the access. Make sure the Service Department is doing all their various jobs when you are away from the HOPline, and be ready for the two major contingencies you must be on call for: becoming Acting Captain when the supreme governor bites it, and becoming Magistrate during a trial.

Jobs on Bubberstation13

Command Captain, Blueshield, NanoTrasen Representative, Head of Personnel, Head of Security, Chief Engineer, Research Director, Chief Medical Officer, Quartermaster
Security Head of Security, Security Medic, Security Officer, Warden, Detective, Prisoner
Engineering Chief Engineer, Engineering Guard, Station Engineer, Atmospheric Technician
Science Research Director, Science Guard, Geneticist, Scientist, Roboticist
Medical Chief Medical Officer, Orderly, Medical Doctor, Paramedic, Chemist, Virologist, Coroner
Supply Quartermaster, Customs Agent, Cargo Technician, Shaft Miner
Service Head of Personnel, Service Guard, Janitor, Bartender, Cook, Botanist, Clown, Mime, Chaplain, Curator, Assistant, Lawyer, Psychologist
Non-human AI, Cyborg, Positronic Brain, Drone, Personal AI, Construct, Imaginary Friend, Split Personality, Ghost
Antagonists Traitor, Malfunctioning AI, Changeling, Nuclear Operative, Blood Cultist, Heretic, Revolutionary, Wizard, Family, Blob, Abductor, Holoparasite, Xenomorph, Spider, Revenant, Morph, Nightmare, Space Ninja, Slaughter Demon, Pirate, Sentient Disease, Obsessed, Fugitives, Hunters, Space Dragon, Elite Mobs, Sentient Slime, Regal Rat, Paradox Clone
Ghost Roles Dauntless Syndicate, Syndicate Hostage, Ashwalkers, Ice Walkers, Podperson
Special CentCom Official, Death Squad Officer, Emergency Response Officer, Chrono Legionnaire, ERP Officer, Asset Protection Officer, CentCom Intern