Ash Walkers

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Ash Walker
Central Authority: The Necropolis
Quote: ""
Ash Walker
Basic Information
Homeworld: Indecipheres
Language: Ashtongue
System: C7
Average Height: X
Lifespan: X
Breathes: The current atmospheric composition of Indecipheres

Basic Description

Ashwalkers are a species of intelligent reptiles that roam the Ashen wastes of Indecipheres. They share many similarities to common Lizardmen, save for the fact that their biology is far more resistant to the hellish conditions of their home. The members of each tribe are spawned by the egg-producing Necropolis Tendril that is nestled in their camp, which has the power to reconstruct dead Ashwalkers that are brought to it.

Ashwalkers, much like many of the fauna of the Lava-planet, are considered to be products of the Necropolis, a place held very highly by the Ashwalkers, and a network of tunnels spanning across the entirety of Indecipheres. The location of the Necropolis is unknown to everyone as the tendrils network too deep to be reached without equipment melting immediately.

Fossil records dug up by NT seem to suggest the ashwalkers have existed on Indecipheres for approximately 4 million years as a product of the Necropolis. The species’ evolution has been a bit of a mystery as it is completely controlled by the Necropolis, and only 2 distinct changes have ever been recorded in Ashwalker history, those being: The change from quadrupedal to bipedal movement. Development of exterior bone growths.

While other changes are theoretically guaranteed, those 2 are the only ones recorded in any Ashwalker texts, markings, or spoken in stories. Each of these changes have also been completely done by the Necropolis.

It is difficult to say whether the Ashwalkers happen to be a completely original design of the Necropolis, or if they are in fact the assimilated descendants of an ancient Tiziran transplant. The latter theory is given particular credence in the unusual and unlikely similarity of the spoken word of the Ashwalkers to Tiziran Draconic. Given the Necropolis' continued insistence on defending its secrets, however, it is unlikely this mystery will be solved.