Policy for Antagonists

From Bubberstation Wiki
Revision as of 23:32, 27 May 2024 by ReturnToZender (talk | contribs) (Adds "teaming up as a solo antagonist" to the antagonist policy page)

Antagonist Policy

If you have caused mischief and then later on in round have security caught up to punish you, you have waived your rights to ERP/OOC Protections and using it as a shield to prevent receiving IC punishment and any attempt to use OOC ERP protection to skirt IC punishments can be met with a heavy admin jurisdiction.

As an Antagonist, your role is to drive the story of the round forward. You cannot explicitly assist Security as an antagonist without strong IC reasoning, such as defending your own life from a round-ending antagonist. (ascending heretic, blob, xenos, et cetera)

Teaming Up as a Solo Antagonist

Unless validated by your role flavor, or the presence of a clear and immediate threat (such as a station-ending threat), solo antagonists such as Heretics, Changelings, and Nightmares are not permitted to work together without good cause to do so. This is obviously less applicable if two players are the same antagonist type, or if the assistance is material (such as providing items to help another player).

This is generally enforced for egregious cases only, like two antag mains teaming up to murderbone. Less egregious cases of this are likely to result in lesser punishment, or a dropping of the case entirely.