Head of Security

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Revision as of 11:06, 19 February 2024 by Conmann35 (talk | contribs)
Extremely Vital Role!

Hey! This role is highly scrutinized. Bans are in store if you don't know what you're doing!

File:Hos generic.png File:Hos action.png
Head of Security
Access: Brig, Command
Difficulty: Impossible (Harder than the Captain!)
Supervisors: Captain
Duties: Manage the onboard Security team: peacekeepers, officers, detectives, corrections officers and the Warden.
Guides: Space Law, Chain of Command, Rules
Quote: "You just crossed the thin blue line of Nanotrasen, asshole."

When there's no more room left in hell, you're the reason why. When Science is on fire, Medical is dying, and the station is ruptured from bow to stern--you will be there to see your corporation's enemies turned to little more than dust. Or, at the very least, clapped in irons and rotting for the benefit of the forces of good.

Bare minimum expectations: Be Robust. Have a good knowledge on Combat Indicator and escalation rules, good knowledge of Corporate Regulations, understand the Chain of Command, and not just be a better-equipped line officer.