Tizirian Empire

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Initial History

Government Form Absolute Monarchy
Head of State Emperor Tzeonoch II
Capital Moghes
Demographics Lizard and Kobold Majority
Official Language Sun Tongue, Draconic
Official Religion Siet'yro Church

The Tizirian Empire started from their homeland, the dunes of Moghes. The planet was perfect for reptillian life, dotted with oases and savannahs for plant life to thrive in. Towards the northern and southern hemispheres existed more temperate forests, however these greenlands weren't suitable for long-term survival by the Early Tizirians due to their cold-blooded nature.

The planet orbited fairly close to its red sun, which was named "Aola". The sun would come to affect many of the lizards' religions thanks to its affect on their cold-blooded bodies. Eventually, however, a mutation would occur in a geneline of the Lizard allowing for their bodies to produce warm blood. This new mutation would quickly spread among many lizard populations that moved north and south respectively, and at the time many of these lizards would be considered blessed by Aola, or "Sun-Kissed".

Many eons would pass on the Tizirian sands and the planet would find itself united under the Imperial Tizirian Dynasty. The Monarchs would be those that were Sun-Kissed and descendants of the founding Emperors and Emperesses. Following this unity, the Tizirians would experience rapid leaps in technology and as soon as they had raised the United Tizirian Banner, they were landing on their moons.

The Tizirian Empire rapidly expanded, finding many uninhabited planets in their reach and planting the Green, Gold and Red banner in their new colonies. It was only until the Tizirians had grown to a comparitvely large size to their neighbours did they discover that they weren't alone in the Universe. The new contact kickstarted an effort to industrialize their military industry as they prepared to test the mettle of Tizirian tech on their new acquaintances. The resulting war of subjugation displayed the indomitable might of the Tizirian Empire.

War and Revolution

The Tizirian Empire had bounced from solar system to solar system, colonizing to manifest their destiny in the Known Galaxy. They had grown to a considerable size when they encountered the nations of Theasperri, SolFed, and The Federation. As one, The Tizirian easily outsized the three nations, though together they sized up the Empire, but the Tizirians didn't expect them to fight as one.

The state of Kesa'aresz was established as a base of operations for the Tizirians against Sol, Theasperri and The Federation. Industrial efforts had begun in Kesa'aresz to prepare the state for the invasion of Theasperri, the first of the 3 targets, and as an ion cloud had passed through Theasperri borders from Kesa'aresz, so did Tizirian warships. The invasion, initially, was very successful, Theasperri fleets were routed from multiple key systems (thanks to communication outages from multiple ionic cloud movements), though they would soon be halted when they encountered 2 new holo-banners waving in the far distance.

The Empire was now on the back-heel as a combined force of The Federation, Sol, and Theasperri launched a massive counterattack, liberating the Theasperri planets and holding a continuous front against the Tizirians. The war was now one of attrition, with the alliance having a strong upperhand thanks to its close distance to the warzone. The Empire had the disadvantage of needing to prepare fleets in its home-territory then navigate to Kesa'aresz as much of its industrial infrastructure had been damaged from raids.

The line would eventually be broken and many Tizirian fleets would retreat to other vantage points, leaving Kesa'aresz to fall into enemy hands. Alliance ships entered into Kesa'aresz and started launching land-invasions, soon occupying the entire state with little to no pushback from the Tizirians. Many alliance strategists theorized that they'd never get further into Tiziria, and many Tizirian generals were now stumped trying to figure a way to crack the developing allied defenses.

The war would soon to come to an end as the Tizirian, Federation, Solarian, and Theasperri governments would come together and discuss peace terms. The Tizirians would cede the territory of Kesa'aresz permanently to the newly formed Galactic Federation, to the displeasure of many Tizirians and Areszians patriotic to their motherland. The period after the war was one of strife riddled with instability and economic depression for the Empire, which would only come to an end after the Reds rose up and kicked the nation's economy back into the gear.

For a long time leading up to the war many have speculated that an internal struggle of some sort was on the horizon, many Tizirians supporting a reformation of the government had started organizing protests and riots across the nation's planets. The instability of the nation's political hemisphere was one of the many reasons why the Tizirians fell so hard during the war, and they were about to fall even harder. Late into the night in the Capital on Moghes, firebombs would rain upon government buildings.

The revolution had begun, but luckily for the Imperial forces, they could end it swiftly. The revolution was very short and resulted in a lot of under-guarded and under-developed territories ceding from the Empire. The revolutionaries knew they couldn't take over the entirety of the Empire, it was impossible, especially with a veteran military they were now up against, but they could end it swiftly with a single hard blow to the Empire's heart, the Emperor, and during the Shining Sun's parade, they had their chance.

Revolutionaries all equipped with IEDs blended into the massive crowds gazing upon the Emperor's float as it moved along the street, and at the perfect moment, hundreds of explosives would be thrown at the float, bringing it down as the crowd dispersed with screams of terror, and a firefight ensued. The revolutionaries were quickly gunned down by Imperial protection agents, however the Emperor was already confirmed dead, and his heir would have to take the throne.

The Tizirian Empire abandoned much of its un-used territory and organized a formal ceasefire virtually, ceding the territory to the newly formed Republic which had its own issues to deal with. The Empire was left in a state of disrepair, as well as a new and inexperienced Emperess on the throne. Everything truely seemed like the end of the Empire's supremacy in Galactic Politics.

Modern History

After the revolution, however, things really started to improve for the Tizirians. The wartime economy had kept chugging and allowed for the nation to continue developments in infrastructure and resource extraction, and the 2 massive losses brought many Tizirians together to support the rebuilding of their nation, not only that, what was left of the Tizirian military was a hardened and hungry-for-revenge force. The NRI was also encroaching on some of the Empire's colonies, providing even more experience and justification for wartime measures.

The new Emperess, Skelta Yeklio, showed a lot of promise with rallying the people behind the common cause of rebirthing the Empire. There was a lot of work to do, however everything seemed far more promising than before. What came first was economic developments, which started many exports of traditional Tizirian items, particularily food, to other nations, primarily the Galactic Federation.

The second step was coming to terms with The Federation. They were here, they won, but that didn't need to be the end of their interactions. The Emperess approached The Federation herself and opened up friendly communications between their two nations, building the groundwork for future cooperation. The Federation was an advantageous ally to the Empire, they had the largest military, was economically prosperous, and most importantly, had the same enemies as the Tizirians.

After a few decades, the Tizirian Empire was born anew, it took quite a bit of time for them to restart and reboot the backwards nature of the post-revolution Empire, however the new Emperess stepped up to the plate and batted home-runs for the nation's development, bringing it back onto the world stage with a larger, hardened army, and constant industrial development to add, the Tizirian Empire was back.

However, Emperess Skelta would become gravely ill almost overnight. Her condition continued to plummet until she was completely incapable. A regency was instituted to rule in her place until she got better, however that time never came, and shortly after the regency was insituted, she passed away in her sleep. Skelta mothered many children, however the child she designated as the heir to the throne was her youngest son, Tzeonoch II, which has become the most recent controversy in the Empire.


The Government is headed by the Imperial throne with heavy delegation moving down the hierarchy. The Imperial Monarchy is a bit of an outlier to traditional monarchies, as the throne does have extensive control over the nation politically and can enact policies as they wish, however many civil issues are usually handled by courts rather than the monarchy itself, like a functionally constitutional monarchy but an absolute monarchy in theory.

The other major difference between traditional monarchies and the Tizirian monarchy is the complete lack of a regency unless the ruler is completely incapable of ruling, ie. in a coma. This is the center of a lot of internal debate as the current ruler, Tzeonoch II, is not the age of majority, and rules without a regency. The reason for the lack of regency was always centered around the right of kings, and that the Imperial ascendency was holy and its decisions should not be undermined unless the ruler is physicially unavailable.

Luckily for Tzeonoch II, the delegation of powers allows the nation to run efficiently without Imperial intervention, and has contributed to the defense of the current state, with many traditionalists calling the idea of a regency for the young Emperor blasphemous and unpatriotic to the wisdom of the blessed Imperial family.