Tizirian Empire

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Initial History

Government Form Absolute Monarchy
Head of State Regency Council over Emperor Tzeonoch II
Capital Moghes
Demographics Lizard and Kobold Majority, small minorities of other species
Official Language Sun Tongue, Draconic
Official Religion Sietyro Church

The Tizirian Empire started from their homeland, the dunes of Moghes. The planet was perfect for reptillian life, dotted with oases and savannahs for plant life to thrive in. Towards the northern and southern hemispheres existed more temperate forests, however these greenlands weren't suitable for long-term survival by the Early Tizirians due to their cold-blooded nature.

The planet orbited fairly close to its red sun, which was named "Aola". The sun would come to affect many of the lizards' religions thanks to its affect on their cold-blooded bodies. Eventually, however, a mutation would occur in a geneline of the Lizard allowing for their bodies to produce warm blood. This new mutation would quickly spread among many lizard populations that moved north and south respectively, and at the time many of these lizards would be considered blessed by Aola.