Guide to Whitelisting

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Looking to whitelist? Lost on some of the questions? Look no further!

What does Bubberstation want in its players?

Well, first of all, for you to read the Rules.

But other than that? Bubberstation looks to have good, fleshed out characters, and kind, considerate players. You can see a lot of this in your whitelist application.

So how do you meet these requirements? Well, for your character, they should have at least one of the following to discuss:

  • A semi-defined background and home life in-character; can you describe your character's past and cultire?
  • At least two personality traits you can describe, and at least one flaw; can you describe your character's traits, and the things they struggle with?
  • An ideal or goal that they are (or were) working towards while working on-station; can you show that you have considerations for the long-term when roleplaying?

These are by no means rules requirements, but having these will help you handily pass the application. As for kind players, this is mostly something that is expressed through your whitelist responses and demeanor, and is understood by the staff who handle you. That said, some really simple guidelines can be followed to help you meet this requirement.

  • Refrain from joking or using vulgar terms or slurs in your whitelist. Some people can do it well, but we probably don't know you.
  • Make sure that when you whitelist, you aren't under the influence of any drugs and/or alcohol.
  • Once your whitelist is finished, or while you work on it, don't stress! Most people who try to pass the whitelist aren't rejected, and are passed by fairly quickly.

How do I answer the questions?

Most questions have a 150-character minimum, or about 3 sentences. Remember, we want you to succeed here!

Question 1: What is your BYOND username and Date of Birth?

This is fairly simple. Provide your ckey, visible to you on the BYOND pager, then your date of birth. Use "Month day, year" to avoid confusion. Ex: August 18th, 1973. April 3rd, 2002

Question 2: Describe the expectations for players here.

You read the Rules, didn't you? If not, here's where you try to pretend you did. You describe what the rules are, and what your impression of them is. Comments are welcome and encouraged! Have any questions or confusion? Throw those into the form, too, and we'll try to answer any questions you have. We want you to be able to follow the rules!

Question 3: Discuss a character you made!

Remember earlier when the guide discussed what we want to see in a character? This is the part where you actually make that happen. We want to hear your character's name here, as well. Get us hooked from the get-go!

Question 4: Who, or what, told you about Bubberstation?

This is pretty straightforward, we wanna know who to send thanks to, and what you think the server is like! We want to see if we'd be able to meet your expectations.

Question 5: Give an example emote /me. Make it grand!

You don't have to actually start with /me. No idea why people do, but if it helps you feel comfortable...

Dialogue is absolutely okay for your emote, it exists primarily to display your writing skills and show us how you express yourself or your characters.

Need an example scenario? Describe holding someone at gunpoint and robbing them.

What do I do after I'm whitelisted?


I'm having trouble finding interaction, what do I do?