Bubberstation LRP Server Rules
This page is meant to communicate what the rules, and rule exceptions, of an LRP server.
This is a WIP and these rules are bound to change based on testing.
This will require a seperate space law table if this is to become more permanent.
- This is meant to serve as a classic ss13 LRP experience. Think Terry from /tg/
OOC Conduct Rules
Core Rule 0: Discretion, Intervention, and "The Fun" Rule
- All rules are to be followed to the spirit, not the letter. Enforcement of these rules is at the discretion of admins. In-game administration rulings are final. Admins are accountable for any consequences if they use this rule. Admins are also allowed to intervene in rounds when it is in the best interest of the playerbase.
- Admins are allowed to intervene for the betterment of the round.
- Gameplay rules may be broken if they are Good Spirited and For The Enjoyment of the round. Citing this exception means you have violated this rule.
If you regularly come close to breaking the rules without actually breaking them, it will be treated as if the rules were broken.
Core Rule 2: Mutal Respect Rule
Don't be a dick. Show respect to everyone, regardless of their origin, beliefs, kinks or identity. We're all here to have fun, and this community is to be a positive space, so keep that atmosphere when playing here. Hate speech, harassment, or otherwise abusive/toxic behavior is not allowed. Going out of your way to seriously negatively impact or end the round for someone with little IC justification is against the rules.
- No slurs of any kind, regardless of intention, background, or reasoning.
- No prejudice based on the background of a person's sexuality, race, or religious beliefs.
- No fighting in OOC channels; not limited to, insulting, false accusations, active aggression.
If told to stop arguing by staff, you are expected to drop the topic. If both parties take it to private DMs, that is their choice--but continuation may result in bans/timeouts/mutes.
Core Rule 3: Mis/Metacommunications Rule
Avoid metagaming. This includes:
- utilizing information that your character wouldn't naturally possess within reasonable limits.
- assuming the intentions or goals of any antagonists or enemy players without witnessing them or being informed in-round.
- Actively communicating with others players OOC about the events of the round, whether on the server or on any other server, during that round. This does not include plans to join games together, or talk in-character, particularly if they do not have negative consequences.
This is one of the only rules on Bubberstation that enforces on actions in other servers, be careful.
Core Rule 4: OOC Forgiveness
This is a policy that extends across the rounds and is inherently integral to the life of round-to-round situations. It entails from harassing someone over OOC concerning their antagonist actions within the round to other failures. If a Doctor botches a surgery in one round and you refuse to be treated by them in another one, it isn't fair to that player to deny them the opportunity and hold something against them for the actions of a prior situation.
However, in the regards of antagonists, this means if an antagonist carries out actions against your character, you are not expected to remember this in future rounds. Such as the example of
- Antagonist Methods (An antagonist killed you with a trap, so in a future round, you see them setting up a similar trap so you immediately deduce from your out of character experience that they are an antagonist this round)
- Player Failures/Mistakes (Give fellow players the opportunity to correct themselves)
Special Rule 5: EORG
EORG (End of Round Grief) is essentially a deathmatch at the end of the round. There are no location restrictions
- EORG is only allowed when the round end screen pops up
Gameplay Rules
Gameplay rules are enforced to create a fun experience for everyone.
Note: These are the major diffrences between Bubber Main and Bubber LRP
Gameplay Rule 1: Antagonists
- Losing is part of the game.
- Even as an antagonist, do not purposely target the arrivals shuttle. Do not interfere with the interlink.
- Antagonists serve as the villian to the station. Lone antagonists are except from most gameplay rules.
- Team antagonists (Nukies, Cult, Rev) are expected to respect their team status.
- Murderbone, Station Integrity, Round Removal. They are allowed
- All antagonists are considered valid for the entirety of the crew.
- Abductors are not considered "full blown" antags. They are not to murderbone, set the release point to the supermatter, or brainwash people to do your murderboning for you. You can troll the crew in many chaotic ways, not serve as knockoff revolution.
- Do not put NSFW flavor text or headshots in SFW areas.
Gameplay Rule 2: Intent and Escalation
The core of gameplay escalation is Fuck around, Find out. Do not do upon someone you wouldn't want to do upon yourself.
- If you sign up for a vital job, a minimum effort is expected.
Heads of Staff and the AI. Either clock out or cryo if you're not willing to do your job.
- You may have IC conflicts with another player as long as it does not use justification from a previous round and it does not excessively interfere with their job. Escalation can lead to violence, but poor IC justification will lead to administration involvement
- Killing someone is a severe response. Critically wounded players must be transported to medbay where reasonable.
- If you're incapacitated in a fight and treated, the conflict requires further IC reasoning beyond a bruised ego.
Gameplay Rule 2: Belivable Characters and Self Antagonism
The following must be true about any character you play on this server:
- Is at least 18 years of age and physically and mentally mature
- Is not a copy or direct reference to an existing character in media or a real person.
- Is a species from, or written to fit, the setting (You may draw inspiration from an existing character, story or species as long as this is true)
- Does not use netspeak when speaking aloud (LOL, Lmao, :3, gyatt, etc. This is fine over PDA.) and properly uses OOC and IC channels.
If you are displeased with the reputation your character has built with another character, you are expected to communicate out of character and come to an understanding before involving admins.
- If you are not an antagonist, do not act like one. Self antagging allows the crew to treat you as if you're an antag.
ERP Rules
- The rounds are short, and certain mechanics are disabled. You might burn in a hellfire caused by the AI. Go to the main server.
- NSFW content is not getting disabled outside of the configuration. Things like NSFW headshots and FT still exist.