Chief Medical Officer

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Chief Medical Officer
Access: Medbay, Chemistry, CMO's Office, Virology,
Difficulty: Underappreciated
Supervisors: Captain
Duties: Ensure that the crew are living and well, dispatch Paramedics, get Medical Doctors working, encourage Chemistry to stock the fridge, approve Virology's viruses.
Guides: Chain of Command, Policy for Command, Policy for Medical
Quote: "Okay so--after we fixed what was essentially your broken corpse, we've finally managed to get you in working condition. No, don't worry about your liver."

Bare minimum expectations: Get Medbay up and running, do Chemistry if there is a lack of Chemists, coordinate your team by dispatching Paramedics and assigning Medical Doctors.

Bonus skills: Ability to Discern Jobs by Examining Livers.

Doctor House, MD

Welcome to the Medical Department, CMO! In this fine place, there's all sorts of nasty hazards. From more dastardly crewmembers to invasive species of space carp--the threats the greater crew at large face can be many and dangerous. So to are their wounds, and all sorts of booboo's they may have. Genetic mutations, missing limbs, bleeding orifices, compulsion to touch the Supermatter shard, the possibilities are really endless. So too, does your toolbox for these issues need to be aswell.

Some of the many fun things in your loadout may include:

  1. Survival box with included necessities to help survive hostile environments.
  2. A laser pointer used for marking things (that annoy you).
  3. A telescopic baton that can discretely fit within any pocket, and can be quickly deployed to immediately stun any threat to your person.
  4. A compact defibrillator that fits easily on the belt or inside of a backpack.
  5. A rescue MODsuit with a preinstalled injector, advanced quick carry, and health analyzer module.
  6. A deluxe hypospray mk.2 capable of higher injection rates and larger vial sizes.
  7. A VeyMed medigun with brute, burn, and toxin cells (included manual).
  8. A MediHUD autosurgeon capable of seemlessly implanting one with a MediHUD.
  9. A flash device used for dealing with active dissidents or malfunctioning robots.
  10. A departmental card linked to the Medical Budget for purchasing. Limited acceptable areas, beware!
  11. A door remote that controls all of Medical's doors; with ability to lock bolts, enable emergency access, or remotely open.

Medbay: The Battlefield

The very first thing one walks into in Medbay tends to be the treatment center. Flanked on the other sides, could be Virology, Chemistry, and maybe even a tunnel access point to the Science Department (they are vulnerable to dying a lot!). Although intimidating, the many compartmental functions of the Medical Department blend together to form a nice mix of work. There are various specialist functions, but also a lot of generalist functions too.

Doctors and Paramedics make up the bread and butter of your workforce, and will tend to be in the Treatment Center, Lobby, and/or other areas nearby. Paramedics are essential for being on-demand corpserunners that retrieve dying or dead crew, and getting them back to Medbay for the Doctors to patch up. Doctors make up your surgeons (something THEY all can do, regardless of fancy title) and general practice advisors. Doctors should be able to tend to someone from the worst, to most meager conditions--but don't be afraid to console your colleagues if they need more training, that's why you're the Chief.

Chemists make an important part of the Department, supplying it with many useful chemicals that can turn a long trip on the surgical bed to an easy one-and-done visit at the public chemfridge with no further need for help from a professional. They also sometimes work on a Factory; which essentially does the mechanics of their job without the supervision of an actual worker to make it go by. From synthflesh, blood cloners, SalGlu tubs--everything, galore. The applications of this job is limitless. Not only can they do this, but they may have some military applications in the form of grenades should Security or the crew need it (weedkillers for Kudzu).

Next up, the Virologists; a niche job for certain, but woefully underappreciated. Virology can procure not just deadly viruses, but also beneficial ones. Beneficial viruses can alter the biology of a crewmember, reducing or eliminating the need to breathe, slowly mending flesh back to normal in the event of injury, and more. The applications really only depend on what the Virologist is lucky to mutate their virus into. Furthermore, your Virologists are containment specialists, and should be one of the first people heading into viral outbreaks to distribute a vaccine.

Morticians are a more rare commodity, and mostly deal with overseeing the dead, performing autopsies, and sometimes helping with the Doctors in the event of mass casualty incidents. They aren't as much of a vital detail, and are more-so a watchful Doctor by any real standards.

All of your various sub-departments work together to achieve one goal--keeping the crew alive. It's not an easy job, and it won't go easy on you either. If you ever need to, make sure to take a deep breath and say, "I got this!"

Further Notes

Policy for Medical

Policy for Command

Space Law

Guide to Medicine
