Standard Operating Procedure: Engineering

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Engineering Policy

Supermatter Engine

  • The Chief Engineer and all Engineers (excluding juniors) should have an intimate understanding on deploying, starting, and maintaining the Supermatter Engine. If you are unsure of what to do, don't touch anything without consulting a senior member.
  • The Chief Engineer has final say on the composition, upgrades, and inclusions of the Supermatter Engine. They may approve or deny any changes to the gas composition or structural layout.
  • Engineering should check on the crystal through remote or direct methods, ensuring that the crystal is still within parameters. The crystal takes priority over all other tasks.


  • The Chief Engineer may decide what projects are allowed within their department.
  • Projects must be agreed to if the spec of the project overlays someone else's department/work area.
  • Upgrades may not be consulted, but doing so should have strong consideration of the implications (incase one is upgrading a secure area).


  • Distro and Waste should be functioning at all times. Downtime should be announced, and the gas composition must remain in survivable specs for the rest of the crew.
  • Usage of the Turbine should be made known to the rest of the crew should it pose a reasonable radiation risk.
  • Technicians should prioritize refilling, and reheating the station over all other tasks.
  • The Hyper-Torus Fusion Reactor should only be utilized by familiar Technicians. The Chief Engineer should be made known if the HFR is activated, and when it is shutting down due to the high explosive hazard it presents.

Sensitive Items

Engineering staff should avoid distributing contraband to the rest of the crew. Some crewmembers have Engineering access (Paramedic, Blueshield) and should be welcome to acquire such items.

Sensitive items are:

  • Insulated gloves from Engineering (hard to prove).
  • Jaws of Life.
  • Rapid Construction Devices.
  • Prybars.